09. Resolution 4788 - Preliminary Plat - Ashley Meadowse,, Tri-City Planning Office 17 Second Street East — Suite 211 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 758-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 tricity@centurytel.net www.tricitypianning-mt.com REPORT TO: Kalispell Mayor and City Council FROM: Narda A. Wilson, Senior Planner Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT Ashley Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat MEETING DATE: May 19, 2003 BACKGROUND: This is a request by Tim Knoll for preliminary plat approval of a 13- lot residential subdivision on approximately 4.4 acres located near the northeast corner of Bluestone and Denver Avenue in southwest Kalispell. A petition for annexation and an initial zoning assignment of R-4, Two Family Residential, has been filed concurrently with the preliminary plat application. The Kalispell Planning Board held a public hearing on April 29, 2003 at a special meeting and considered this proposal. Two variances are being sought in conjunction with this subdivision: one that would allow a variance to the required 125 foot roadway offset for the extension of Bismark Street and another that would allow a variance to the three to one length to width lot ratio. The applicant's house lies in the path of the roadway that would potentially be extended and would result in a loss if the house were to be attempted to be relocated. The proposed offset is approximately 1-00 feet rather than 125 feet. The other variance was based on the topography of the property and the shape of the parcel. The staff recommended approval of the variances and the preliminary plat for the subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. At the public hearing the applicants spoke in favor of the proposal and explained that they intended to continue to live on the property and make some lots available to other family members. The said they agreed with the conditions recommended by the staff. Two property owners from Stratford Subdivision to the south opposed the subdivision stating that they were concerned about traffic, density and safety if the subdivision were to be approved. After the public hearing the board discussed the proposal, and talked about other similar development that had taken place in the area recently. They noted that this project complies with the Kalispell Growth Policy recently drafted by the planning board and adopted by the Kalispell City Council. They also agreed that there were legitimate reasons for the variances being requested. Providing Community Planning Assistance To: • City of Kalispell • City of Whitefish • City of Columbia Falls • Ashley Meadows Preliminary Plat May 12, 2003 Page 2 The planning board is unanimously recommending that the request for the variances be granted and that the preliminary plat be approved subject to the recommended conditions. RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve the requested variances and the preliminary plat subject to the recommended conditions would be in order. FISCAL EFFECTS: ALTERNATIVES: Respectfully submitted, Narda A. ilson Senior Planner Minor positive impacts once fully developed. As suggested by the city council. Report compiled: May 12, 2003 c: Theresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Chris A. Kukulski City Manager Attachments: Transmittal letter and conditions of approval Staff report KPP-03-3 and application materials Draft minutes from 4/29/03 planning board meeting TRANSMIT\KALISPEL\2003 \KPP3-3.MEMO RESOLUTION NO.4788 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF ASHLEY MEADOWS SUBDIVISION, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A", IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, Tim Knoll, the owner of certain real property described above, has petitioned for approval of the Subdivision Plat of said property, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on April 29, 2003, on the proposal and reviewed Subdivision Report #KPP-03-3 issued by the Tri-City Planning Office, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat of Ashley Meadows Subdivision, subject to certain conditions and recommendations, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell at its regular Council Meeting of May 19, 2003, reviewed the Tri-City Planning Office Report #KPP-03-3, reviewed the recommendations of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission, and found from the Preliminary Plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the Findings of Fact contained in Tri-City Planning Office Report #KPP-03-3 are hereby adopted as the Findings of Fact of the City Council. SECTION II. That the application of Tim Knoll for approval of the Preliminary Plat of Ashley Meadows Subdivision, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: I . Development of the subdivision shall be platted in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat which governs the location of lots and roadways within the subdivision. 2. That all of the necessary infrastructure for this subdivision shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department for compliance with the Kalispell Design and Construction Standards and a letter Kalispell Public Works Department approving the plans and specifications for water, sewer and drainage facilities for the subdivision shall be submitted with the final plat. 3. A letter from an engineer licensed in the State of Montana certifying that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications shall be submitted at the time of final plat approval along with a letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the required improvements have been inspected and comply with the City standards. 4. Development of the landscape boulevard with location of street trees shall be placed in accordance with a plan approved by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation director. 5. The road within the subdivision shall be named and signed in accordance with the policies of the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual and be subject to review and approval of the Kalispell Fire Department. 6. The developer shall provide a letter from the U.S. Postal Service approving the plan for mail service. 7. That the parkland dedication requirements shall be met by paying cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of one ninth of the area devoted to lots or 0.38 acres, based on a value of $10,000 per acre in the amount of $3,887. 8. Street lighting shall be located within the subdivision and shall be shielded so that it does not intrude unnecessarily onto adjoining properties. 9. That the lots within the subdivision be reconfigured so that all lots meet the minimum 50-foot lot width requirements of the R-4 zoning district. 10. The 100-year floodplain be indicated on the final plat. 11. Lots 4 and 5 shall have a minimum 40 by 40 foot building pad indicated on the plat that comply with the zoning setbacks of the R-4 zone are not on slopes in excess of 25 percent. 12. The remainder parcel shall be annexed into the city of Kalispell concurrent with or prior to final plat approval of any phase of this subdivision. 13. That consideration be given to the relocation of the existing house to allow for the alignment and extension of Bismark Street which would necessarily result in the reconfiguration of the subdivision but not an additional formal preliminary plat review. 14. That a minimum of two-thirds of the necessary infrastructure for each phase of the subdivision shall be completed prior to final plat submittal. With the filing of the final plat for each phase, an additional three-year extension shall be automatically granted for subsequent phases. 15. All areas disturbed during development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed - free mix immediately after development. 16. That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. SECTION III. Upon proper review and filing of the Final Plat of said subdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNC D SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 19TH DAY OF AY, 2 03. FO ATTEST: Mayor Theresa White City Clerk A tract of land, situated, lying, and being in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.,M., Flathead County, Montana, and more particularly described as follows to wit: ence a sou e Thence along said R/W S88021'24"W 167.33 feet to the Easterly RM of a 60 foot city road known as Denver Avenue; Thence along said R/W N00023'05" W 60.01 feet: Thence leaving said R/W N88121'24" E 167.39 feet; Thence N0001758"W 250.73 feet; Thence N88009'33"E 54.99 feet; Thence N00016'17"W 221.23 feet to the approximate thread of Ashley Creek; Thence along said thread the following six courses: S40037'34�'E 118.58 feet: S310 19'10"E 64.96 feet; S0605738E 23.72 feet; S49112'59E 63.20 feet; S420582aE 160.68 feet; S33034'59"E 17.24 feet; Thence leaving said thread S0001810E 383.01 feet to the point of beginning and containing 4.415 acres. Together with a 60 foot road and utility easement as shown hereon: Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. Tri-City Planning Office 17 Second Street East — Suite 211 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 751-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 tricitygcenturytel.net May 12, 2003 Chris Kukulski, City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Re: Ashley Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat Dear Chris: The Kalispell City Planning Board met on April 29, 2003 and held a public hearing to consider a request by Tim Knoll for preliminary plat approval of a 13-lot residential subdivision on approximately 4.4 acres located near the northeast corner of Bluestone and Denver Avenue in southwest Kalispell. A petition for annexation and an initial zoning assignment of R-4, Two Family Residential, has been filed concurrently with the preliminary plat application. Narda Wilson, of the Tri-City Planning Office, presented staff report KPP-03-3 evaluating the proposal. She noted that two variances were being sought with this subdivision; one that would allow a variance to the required roadway offset of 125 feet to 100 feet for the extension of Bismark Street and one to the three to one length to width lot ratio. Wilson explained that the applicants house lies in the path of the roadway that would potentially be extended and would result in a loss if it were to be attempted to be relocated. The other variance was based on the topography of the property and the shape of the parcel. The staff recommended approval of the variances and the preliminary plat for the subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. At the public hearing the applicants spoke in favor of the proposal and explained that they intended to continue to live on the property and make some lots available to other family members. The said they agreed with the conditions recommended by the staff. Two property owners from Stratford Subdivision to the south opposed the subdivision stating that they were concerned about traffic, density and safety. After the public hearing the board discussed the proposal, and recognized other similar development that had taken place in the area recently. They also noted that this project complies with the Kalispell Growth Policy recently drafted by the planning board and adopted by the Kalispell City Council. They agreed that there were legitimate reasons for the variances being requested. Providing Community Planning Assistance To: • City of Kalispell • City of Columbia Falls • City of Whitefish • Ashley Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat May 12, 2003 Page 2 A motion was made to approve the preliminary plat subject to the recommended conditions as amended which passed unanimously. Please schedule consideration of this preliminary plat for the Kalispell City County meeting of May 19, 2003. You may contact this board or Narda Wilson at the Tri-City Planning Office if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely KalisCity Planning Board Ron Van Natta President RVN/NW Attachments: Attachment A - Recommended Conditions of Approval Staff report KPP-03-3 and application materials Draft minutes 4/29/03 planning board meeting c w/ Att: Theresa White, Kalispell City Clerk c w/o Att: Tim Knoll, 880 Sunnnyside Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901 Sands Surveying, 2 Village Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901 H: \FRDO \TRANSMIT\KALISPEL\2003 \KPP-03-3.DOC Ashley Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat May 12, 2003 Page 3 ATTACHMENT A ASHLEY MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS RECOMMENDED BY THE KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD APRIL 29, 2003 The Kalispell City Planning Board is recommending the following conditions to the Kalispell City Council for the above referenced preliminary plat. A public hearing was held on this matter at the April 29, 2003 planning board meeting: Development of the subdivision shall be platted in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat which governs the location of lots and roadways within the subdivision. 2. That all of the necessary infrastructure for this subdivision shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department for compliance with the Kalispell Design and Construction Standards and a letter Kalispell Public Works Department approving the plans and specifications for water, sewer and drainage facilities for the subdivision shall be submitted with the final plat. 3. A letter from an engineer licensed in the State of Montana certifying that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications shall be submitted at the time of final plat approval along with a letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the required improvements have been inspected and comply with the City standards. 4. Development of the landscape boulevard with location of street trees shall be placed in accordance with a plan approved by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation director. 5. The road within the subdivision shall be named "Defy e-- r'^ and signed in accordance with the policies of the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual and be subject to review and approval of the Kalispell Fire Department. 6. The developer shall provide a letter from the U.S. Postal Service approving the plan for mail service. 7. That the parkland dedication requirements shall be met by paying cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of one ninth of the area devoted to lots or 0.38 acres, based on a value of $10,000 per acre in the amount of $3,887. 8. Street lighting shall be located within the subdivision and shall be shielded so that it does not intrude unnecessarily onto adjoining properties. 9. That the lots within the subdivision be reconfigured so that all lots meet the minimum 50-foot lot width requirements of the R-4 zoning district. 0 0 Ashley Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Plat May 12, 2003 Page 4 10. The 100-year floodplain be indicated on the final plat. 11. Lots 4 and 5 shall have a minimum 40 by 40 foot building pad indicated on the plat that comply with the zoning setbacks of the R-4 zone are not on slopes in excess of 25 percent. 12. The remainder parcel shall be annexed into the city of Kalispell concurrent with or prior to final plat approval of any phase of this subdivision. 13. That consideration be given to the relocation of the existing house to allow for the alignment and extension of Bismark Street which would necessarily result in the reconfiguration of the subdivision but not an additional formal preliminary plat review. 14. That a minimum of two-thirds of the necessary infrastructure for each phase of the subdivision shall be completed prior to final plat submittal. With the filing of the final plat for each phase, an addition three-year extension shall be automatically granted for subsequent phases. 15. All areas disturbed during development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. 16. That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. AOL RECPTVED 1827 Bluestone 3 Kalispell MT 59901 APR 2 ✓ � April 28, 2003 TRI-CITY PL4� I;!% OFFIr Tri-City Planning Board Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning commission Narda A. Wilson, Senior Planner 17 2nd Street East Suite 211 Kalispell MT 59901 Re: Ashley Meadows Hearing, Tuesday, April 29, 2003 Dear Narda: This letter identifies my strong objections to the proposed preliminary plat of Ashley Meadows. I am a homeowner on the southern boundary of the Ashley Meadows preliminary plat. There are two reasons for writing this letter. (1) I strongly object to the rezoning of the land from RI (single residential) to R4 (multifamily unit). I used to live in the Greatview area of Ashley Park and moved out of the multifamily unit area for peace and quiet and a true "neighborhood" of families invested in their homes. a. If this area is rezoned as proposed, according to the preliminary plat provided by the Notice of Hearing on this matter, lots 9-13 could be developed as multi -family units. This means that apartment houses and duplexes would be built next to my property, creating a situation very similar to the one from which I moved just one year ago. b. According to the implementation strategy of the City Growth Policy, pages 60-61 section 13.1(g), inside the city of Kalispell, zoning should be based upon the land use designation of the growth policy map. It is my understanding that this map indicates that the zoning for this area is currently RI. I believe that the planning commission should honor their own guidelines. Nothing compels the city to change the R1 property to R4 except proximity to property already classified as R4. I recognize that the area in which I live is zoned R4. However, I have objections to the high density being created in the Ashley Park and surrounding subdivisions. I moved to my house because it was sold to me as single-family housing. The entire block is single-family housing. The land next to my property should remain zoned for single-family housing. (2) I strongly urge the planning council to reconsider the design of the proposed preliminary plat for Ashley Meadows for the following reasons: a. According to section 13.2 (e)(c) of the Kalispell Growth Policy, the subdivision road designs should be based primarily on a grid street system 3 � � with a provision for anticipated future roadway extension that should be indicated as a future roadway on the final plat. The proposal before the Commission in this matter does not conform to this guideline. The proposal creates a cul-de-sac with only one exit that neither aligns with the existing street grid nor provides for traffic control. It could not ever align to the designed South Meadows Drive road access across Ashley Creek as the city maps indicate. b. If 13 homes were built on the 13 lots, each with two cars, the traffic each day would be at least 26 vehicles. Increasing that to duplexes, the traffic would increase to 52 vehicles per day at the one intersection. This does not account for any other type of vehicular traffic including visitors, mail, delivery vans, etc. My neighbors on the corner of Denver and Bluestone have already noticed the extensive increase of traffic from the Ashley Park IV and other subdivisions. I am sure that the people on the corner of this proposed subdivision would soon tire of the noise from stop/go traffic and want to move out. The beautiful mornings of hearing the pheasants, ducks, meadowlarks will be gone. c. Section 13.2 (f) states that subdivision design should strive to maintain the quality and integrity of the natural environment in sensitive areas should be integrated rather than eliminated. This proposal does not address concerns with regard to building houses on the very banks of the Ashley Creek. This area has water problems. I believe underground springs may exist. I have water in my crawl space. Part of the proposed property is within the 100-year floodplain. If subdivision were inevitable, it would be far more appropriate to create a subdivision that enhances the surrounding neighborhood. It should be designed to minimize the amount of asphalt for roads (cul-de-sac turn -around) and maximize the natural contour of the land. It should follow already established policies. It should protect the creek banks and ensure that all residents of the area have access to the beauty, peace and quiet that surrounds them. Defining the quality of life for all Kalispell residents means ensuring that neighborhoods reflect the values of the people. This is why I am protesting the proposed preliminary plat for Ashley Meadows. I am sure that the people in this neighborhood want well built, nicely designed homes that encourage a diverse population to live in symmetry with the land. Keeping this area R1 zoned will be a start in the right direction. Making changes to the preliminary plat is essential to a well -planned Kalispell. Sincerely, J uulso� Tri-City Planning Board Kalispell City Planning Boards and Zoning Commission Narda A. Wilson, Senior Planner 17 2nd Street East, Suite 201 Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: Ashley Meadows Subdivision and Hearing Dear Narda and Board Members, .0EC-EJ8;ED APR 2 � 2003 My wife and I strenuously and violently object to the proposed "Ashley Meadows" subdivision. We are homeowners on the southern border of this development (Stratford Village Lot #9). People are moving in droves into Kalispell and the Flathead Valley and will continue to do so for years. Additional well -planned and thought-out development is necessary in order to accommodate these people and preserve and improve the character of this city and valley. "Ashley Meadows" fails to meet these requirements. General Objections: Development of the City of Kalispell should be well thought-out ahead of time. This requires incorporation and development of new areas as blends of green space, neighborhood parks, and single family as well as multifamily housing units fitting into a pre-existing city plan. "Ashley Meadows" has only the housing units. It partly extends on to Ashley creek and its' 100-year-flood-plain. Lots 2-6 seriously risk damaging the southern bank of the creek and its' stream bed. Developing these lots will undoubtedly damage, degrade, and diminish the "green" space that exists about the creek and within view of our neighborhood. There is no plan for a neighborhood park. This exacerbates the existing problem in our burgeoning community. This can only worsen as the last phases of Stratford Village are completed along with the housing units to be built west and north of "Lonepine View Estates." The alleged "park" in the Ashley creek flood plain along Begg Park Road is simply too far, too undeveloped, and too dangerous for young children in our community to use. The baseball fields are always locked (except for league games) and unavailable for community use. My children and our neighbors' children currently play in the street (when outside). Although the speed limit is 25MPH, vehicles routinely go by much faster even when children are easily observed playing in and next to the roadway. This potential danger will increase as the number of cars in and passing through the neighborhood streets increases. A truly local community park/playground would solve much of these problems (this will be much cheaper than a trip to the Emergency Room or a Forensic Autopsy). There is no attempt to incorporate this crowded aggregate of units into the city grid system or blend it into the community comprised of the existing homes which border it and the planned homes which will be built in the already approved subdivisions nearby. It is a cul-de-sac and accessible only from Denver Avenue. It will be impossible (as currently configured) to ever link these drivers directly to the proposed South Meadows Drive extension on its east side. r Personal Objections The "Ashley Meadows" lots closest to our property are large enough to permit the construction of duplexes or multifamily townhouses. This would abrogate the "community" of single -family -owned residences in which we live, replacing it with a more mobile, temporary community. View -obstructing barriers and fences are NOT permitted (by covenant) in Stratford Village. This would be rendered moot by multifamily unit construction in the land immediately North of us. Furthermore, we purchased our home with the desire of establishing long-term relationships with our neighbors. This would be completely sacrificed with the construction of multifamily dwellings, which by their very nature encourage "transitional residents," and the weakening of the type of community with which we grew up and now desire for our family. We urgently request the Planning Council to revise the "Ashley Meadows" subdivision as it is currently proposed. We urge the incorporation of this development into the existing city road grid, preservation of green space and the Ashley creek environment, and zoning to maintain consistency (visual and temporal) with the adjacent neighborhood. However, if this whole cockamamie "get rich and trash the area cause I'm leaving with my bucks and moving where its' beautiful" scheme can be scuttled, it would be the best solution for the future of the neighborhood and city. At least until a long-term, well thought-out vision for the expansion of Kalispell (and surrounding county) can be accomplished. The current piecemeal, unplanned urban sprawl, "lets' repeat others' mistakes" version of city engorgement/enlargement must be curtailed. Sincerely, David Smirnow, MD _ i ASHLEY MEADOWS SUBDIVISION TRI-CITY PLANNING OFFICE STAFF REPORT #KPP-03-3 APRIL 22, 2003 A report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for preliminary plat approval of a 13-lot residential subdivision. A public hearing on this proposal has been scheduled before the planning board for April 29, 2003 in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The planning board will forward a recommendation to the city council for final action. BACKGROUND- A request for annexation and an initial zoning designation of City R-4, Two Family Residential, has been filed concurrently with the preliminary plat application. Petitioner and Owners: Tim Knoll 880 Sunnyside Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 755-8627 Technical Assistance: Sands Surveying, Inc. 2 Village Loop Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 755-6481 1. Location and Legal Description of Property: The property proposed for annexation lies east of Lone Pine View Estates, south of Sunnyside Drive and north of Stratford Subdivision Phase 1. The property proposed for annexation and initial zoning can be described as a portion of Assessor's Tract 7AACAA and Assessor's Tract 7ABA located in Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 2. Nature of Application: This is a request for preliminary plat approval of a 13-lot residential subdivision on approximately 4.415 acres in the southwest part of Kalispell. A request for annexation into the city and assignment of an initial zoning designation of R-4, a Two -Family Residential zone that is intended primarily for single-family and duplex homes has been filed concurrently with the application for preliminary plat approval. A remainder parcel of approximately one acre where the property owner has his home is not part of this subdivision and is not proposed for annexation to the city. This property where is house is located is zoned County R-1, Suburban Residential which requires a minimum of a one acre lot. A new internal subdivision road will be constructed off of Denver Avenue to the east that will provide access to the newly created lots. This road will be constructed to City standards. City water and sewer are located in the Denver Avenue right of way and will be extended to the east within the new internal roadway. Because of the relatively small size of the subdivision the developer is proposing to pay cash in lieu of parkland dedication. I The new internal subdivision road does not align with Bismark Street because the property owner's house is squarely in the middle of where the right of way should be. A 125-foot separation between the roadways is required in the subdivision regulations. This offset will require that a variance be granted to the roadway alignment requirements of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations or would require that the house be relocated. 3. Size: Total Area: 4.415 acres Total Lot Area in Lots: 3.534 acres Area in Roads: 0.881 acres Minimum Lot Size: 6,752 square feet (0.155 acres) Maximum Lot Size: 32,497 square feet (0.746 acres) 4. Existing Land Use: This property is currently in grasslands and is otherwise undeveloped. 5. Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: The area is characterized by single-family and townhouse residential development in the area to the south and east and larger lots to the west. North: Rural residential and single-family homes, County R-1 zoning East: Rural residential development, County R-1 zoning South: Stratford Subdivision; City R-4 zoning. West: Urban residential and single-family homes, City R-3 zoning 6. General Land Use Character: The general land use character of the area is developed at an urban density to the east and south where City services are available and is rural residential in character further to the west. There are some large parcels in the area that have good development potential once City services are extended to the area and this is one of them 7. Zoning: This property is proposed for annexation and a zoning designation of R-4, a Two Family Residential, which allows single-family and duplex housing as permitted uses. The minimum lot size requirement in the district is 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 50 feet with setbacks of 15 feet in the front and on side corners, five feet on the side yards and 10 feet in the rear. S. Utilities: This subdivision would receive full City services. Water: City of Kalispell Sewer: City of Kalispell Solid Waste: City of Kalispell Gas: Montana Power Company Electricity: Flathead Electric Coop (underground) Telephone: CenturyTel (underground) Fire: City of Kalispell Schools: School District #5, Kalispell Police: City of Kalispell 2 �1 This matter came before the site development review committee and there was support for the subdivision. However, the committee agreed that the developer should be encouraged to reconsider the relocation of the house so that the roadways align thereby resulting in a better subdivision design, additional lots and no requirement for the variance. The committee also agreed that this would be a recommendation to the developer and not a requirement. Additionally the committee agreed that the developer should be required to annex the remainder parcel of property rather than keep a wholly surrounded piece of property within the city limits. Another issue that relates to the creation of the remainder tract and leaving it in the County with an R-1 designation it that it does not appear to meet the minimum lot size requirement of the R-1 zoning district of one acre. There may also be some health department issues relating to the use of an on -site sewage treatment system on a newly created parcel with a lot size of less than one acre. This application is reviewed as a major subdivision in accordance with statutory criteria and the Kalispell City Subdivision Regulations. A. Effects on Health and Safety: Eire: This subdivision would be in the service area of the Kalispell Fire Department. The property can be considered to be a low risk of fire because the subdivision and homes within the subdivision would be constructed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and have access which meets City standards. All of the lots will abut a street that has been constructed to City standards. The property does not have steep slopes or woody fuels. Hydrants will be required to be placed in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and the approved by the fire chief. The fire access and suppression system should be installed and approved by the fire department prior to final plat approval because of potential problems with combustible construction taking place prior to adequate fire access to the site being developed. Flooding: According to FIRM Panel #1815 dated 9/30/92 the site has a floodplain area that lies along the northern boundary of Ashley Creek. The lots have been designed in such a way as to avoid any filling or development within the 100-year floodplain. Ashley Creek provides an amenity to this subdivision and does not pose any significant development constraints or pose any threat of flooding to the newly developed lots. Access: Access to the subdivision would be from a new internal roadway that will be developed off of Denver Avenue to the east that will provide access to all of the newly created lots. As previously mentioned the property owner's house lies directly in the line of the extension of Bismark Street and would have to be relocated in order to align the roadways. The Kalispell Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.09(K)(3) requires that roadways be offset a minimum of 125 feet from the center line for local roads. The newly developed subdivision road will be offset from centerline to centerline from Bismark Street approximately 100 feet. The roadway offset will require a variance to the subdivision regulations which will be evaluated later in this report. The new internal subdivision road would be 3 constructed to City standards and will provide good access to the lots. Roads that are part of the fire access and suppression system within the subdivision should be completed prior to final plat submittal so that the fire department can have access to the homes under construction within the subdivision. B. Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat: This property is generally level with a gentle slope and was used for agricultural purposes. There may be some migratory birds and occasional deer may visit the site, however, this area does not provide significant habitat for wildlife. Lone Pine Game Preserve is in this area and is situated southwest of Kalispell and is bounded by Foys Lake Road and 18th Street on the north, Airport Road on the east, and Foys Canyon Road on the south and west. The Preserves were created by the Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Commission in the 1960's for the purpose of protecting wildlife within these areas. The rules generally prohibit the carrying or discharging of firearms, creating disturbances tending to frighten or drive away game animals or birds, or chasing wildlife by dogs. Trapping of forbearing animals during permitted seasons is allowed. This property may provide some limited wildlife habitat but cannot be considered to be important wildlife habitat and does not provide habitat for endangered species. C. Effects on the Natural Environment: Surface and groundwater: This subdivision will be served by public water and sewer thereby minimizing any potential impacts to the groundwater. Ashley Creek creates a northern boundary on the parcel to the east. Some impacts to the creek could be created from the development of lawn areas along the creek side and the creation of impervious surfaces which can generate the stormwater runoff. Drainage: This site is relatively level and does not pose any unusual challenges to site drainage. Curbs and gutters will be installed and a storm drain management plan will have to be developed to address the runoff from the site. There is no City storm drain system in the immediate area and storm water will have to be managed using on -site retention methods as part of the stormwater management plan. A stormwater retention area is indicated on the plat near the northern portion of the site near Ashley Creek. This may be a viable option, but will be required to be developed in accordance with state and local standards. D. Effects on Local Services: Water: Water service to the subdivision would be provided by the City of Kalispell and extended from a water main that lies to the west of this subdivision in the Denver Avenue right of way. The water extension would be done solely at the developer's expense. The water main extension will provide water service to the homes in the subdivision as well as the fire flows needed to meet the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code. The water system for the subdivision will be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Kalispell Fire Department as part of the development of the subdivision and it phases. El Sewer: Sewer service will be provided by the City of Kalispell with the extension of existing sewer mains from the west at the developer's expense. The sewer is currently located in the Denver Avenue right-of-way and will be extended to the east within the new right-of-way. Design and construction of the main will be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department and will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City of Kalispell's Design and Construction Standards. Roads: Traffic projections for this subdivision are estimated to be approximately 130 additional vehicle trips per day based on the estimate of 10 vehicle trips per residence per day in the area. The subdivision roads will be constructed to City standards and would include curb, gutter, sidewalks and landscape boulevards within the subdivision. The internal subdivision road will access onto Denver Avenue. The grid system established in the area and existing network of roads will be insignificantly impacted by this development, and the impacts would not be beyond the capacity of the roads in the area nor would they be beyond that which would be anticipated as a result of continued growth and urban expansion in the area. Once the roads have been constructed and accepted by the City of Kalispell, they will be dedicated to the City and maintained. Once constructed the roadway would be turned over to the City of Kalispell for ownership and maintenance. Schools: This development is within the boundaries of School District 5, Kalispell. The school district superintendent has consistently responded to these new subdivisions by stating that the district has no objections to the subdivision and will accommodate any new students into the district. It can be anticipated that approximately five to seven additional school age children may be generated from this subdivision at full build out. This would have an insignificant impact on the district. Parks and Open_ Space: The state and local subdivision regulations have parkland / open space requirements for major subdivisions in the amount of 11 percent or one -ninth of the area proposed for the development. The environmental assessment states that cash -in -lieu of parkland is being proposed. With 3.534 acres in lots the parkland requirement would be the unimproved value of 0.39 acres of land. The environmental assessment values the land at $10,000 per acre which seems plausible considering the location of the property and the value recently assigned to property that lies to the west in Sunnyside Subdivision and property that lies to the south in Stratford Subdivision. For the purposes of calculating parkland dedication, the fair market value is the value of the undivided, unimproved land. Based on this formula the developer would be required to pay $3,887 for cash in lieu of parkland dedication. Police: This subdivision would be in the jurisdiction of the City of Kalispell Police Department. The department can adequately provide service to this subdivision, however the cumulative impacts of growth within the city further strains the department's ability to continue to provide the high level of service the department is committed to. Fire Protection: Fire protection services will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department, and the subdivision will need to meet the requirements of the 5 Uniform Fire Code. The fire department will review and approve the number and location of hydrants within the subdivision as well as fire flows and access. Although fire risk is low because of good access and fairly level terrain, the fire department is recommending that access to the subdivision and the hydrants be in place prior to final plat approval and / or use of combustible materials in construction. Solid Was Solid waste will be handled by the City of Kalispell and taken to the Flathead County Landfill. There is sufficient capacity within the landfill to accommodate this additional solid waste generated from this subdivision. Medical Services: Ambulance service is available from the fire department and ALERT helicopter service. Kalispell Regional Hospital is close, less than two miles from the site. E. Effects on Agriculture and agricultural water user facilities: The site has been traditionally used for very limited agricultural purposes primarily grassland. The land is more efficiently and effectively used for urban residential development. Its location within the planning jurisdiction and its proximity to urban services makes this property prime for the type of development being proposed. There will be relatively little impact on agricultural uses within the Valley and no impact on agricultural water user facilities since this property will be served by a public water system. F. Relation to the Kalispell Growth Policy: This property is in the Kalispell Growth Policy potential utility service area and is anticipated to develop as an Urban Residential area. This land use designation anticipates a density of four to 12 dwelling unit per acre. Since this property is zoned R-4, a single-family and duplex residential district, it can be calculated that this subdivision has a density of approximately three to eight dwelling units per gross acres. Areas designated as Urban Residential are anticipated to be served by community water and sewer and have good access to services and public facilities. The proposed development is in compliance with the anticipated uses and development of the growth policy. G. Compliance with Zoning: This property has been zoned R-4, a Two -Residential district that is intended for single-family and duplex residential development and has a minimum lot size requirement of 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 50 feet. Lots 3, 4 and 5 do not appear to meet the minimum lot width requirements of 50 feet, but could be reconfigured in such a way that they do comply with minimum lot width standards. H. Compliance with the Subdivision Regulations: The proposed subdivision does not comply with the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations and the applicants are requesting two variances to the subdivision regulations as follows: Variance : Section 3.06(G), Lots "No lot shall have a depth greater than three times its average width unless the average lot width is greater than 200 feet.". 1. The developer is requesting a variance to this requirement for lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which exceed the three to one length to width ratio. Co Variance e Section 09(K)(3), Streets and Road Design c+a,.,a.,rds "Two streets meeting a third street from opposite sides shall meet at the same point, or their centerlines shall be offset at least 125 feet for local roads and 300 feet for arterials or collectors. 2. The developer is requesting a variance to this requirement to allow the offset of the new internal subdivision road with Bismark Street to be 100 feet rather than 125 feet. EvalLation of the Marianne R qm--Qts The Kalispell Subdivision Regulations provide for the granting of variances subject to the adoption of findings outlined under Section 7.01(A) and findings made that the following criteria are met, each of which is discussed below. Varian 7 • Section 06(G), ot'S "No lot shall have a depth greater than three times its average width unless the average lot width is greater than 200 feet.". The developer is requesting a variance to this requirement for lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which exceed the three to one length to width ratio. 1. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties. A portion of the area included within these lots is part of the slope down to Ashley Creek, the floodplain area and Ashley Creek. This would not pose a detriment to the property owners or the public. 2. The conditions on which the variance is based are unique to the property on which the variance is sought and are not applicable generally to other property. The configuration of this lots is necessitated by the configuration of the parent tract and it odd shape. There are no satisfactory alternative designs that could be used to comply with the length to width ratio for this property. 3. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property, a particular hardship would result as distinguished by a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were enforced. There are constraints associated with the physical, topographical and shape of this property that tend to dictate a configuration of the lots so they are not evenly and lineally platted. It would be nearly impossible to redesign the subdivision to comply with this standard since a portion of the lots would be on a slope area or within the 100-year floodplain. 4. The variance will not cause a substantial increase in public costs. There can be no foreseen costs that would be passed on to the public as a result of granting this variance. 7 5. The variance will not, in any manner, vary the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or growth policy. This variance request does not vary the provisions of the zoning ordinance nor does it compromise the goals and policies of the Kalispell Growth Policy 2020. Variance Section 3 09(K)(3), Str ets and Road Design Standards "Two streets meeting a third street from opposite sides shall meet at the same point, or their centerlines shall be offset at least 125 feet for local roads and 300 feet for arterials or collectors. The developer is requesting a variance to this requirement to allow the offset of the new internal subdivision road with Bismark Street to be 100 feet rather than 125 feet. 1. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties. The requirement for the offset of the center line is to provide clear traffic control, maintain sight distance, to provide adequate turning room and minimize traffic conflicts. The offset requirement is being compromised by approximately 25 feet which should result in a relatively insignificant impact to the public safety and welfare of the residents of the area primarily because of the limited number of new residents that will be living in this subdivision thereby generating a limited amount of traffic onto Denver Avenue. 2. The conditions on which the variance is based are unique to the property on which the variance is sought and are not applicable generally to other property. This variance is being requested because the property owner's house is located within the area that would be required for a right-of-way extension of Bismark Street. If the house were not in its current location the variance would not be needed. This situation does not often arise and was not anticipated when developing the subdivision regulations. 3. Because of the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the speck property, a particular hardship would result as distinguished by a mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulations were enforced. There are physical constraints associated with the offset alignment of this roadway with the property owner's house in the middle of the required right-of- way. It does appear that the requirement to remove and relocate the house would result in a particular hardship rather than a mere inconvenience in order to align these two roads. 4. The variance will not cause a substantial increase in public costs. There can be no foreseen costs that would be passed on to the public as a result of granting this variance. 0 5. The variance will not, in any manner, vary the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or growth policy. This variance request does not vary the provisions of the zoning ordinance nor does it compromise the goals and policies of the Kalispell Growth Policy 2020. RECOMMENDATION FOR VARIANCES TO THE KALISEPLL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Based on the above findings the staff would make the following recommendations: Variance 1 • Section 06(G), Lots "No lot shall have a depth greater than three times its average width unless the average lot width is greater than 200 feet.". ❖ This variance be granted. Variance Section 3.0(K)(3), Streets and Road Design Standards, "TWO streets meeting a third street from opposite sides shall meet at the same point, or their centerlines shall be offset at least 125 feet for local roads and 300 feet for arterials or collectors. This variance be granted. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board adopt staff report #KPP-03-36 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Development of the subdivision shall be platted in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat which governs the location of lots and roadways within the subdivision. 2. That all of the necessary infrastructure for this subdivision shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department for compliance with the Kalispell Design and Construction Standards and a letter Kalispell Public Works Department approving the plans and specifications for water, sewer and drainage facilities for the subdivision shall be submitted with the final plat. 3. A letter from an engineer licensed in the State of Montana certifying that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications shall be submitted at the time of final plat approval along with a letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the required improvements have been inspected and comply with the City standards. 4. Development of the landscape boulevard with location of street trees shall be placed in accordance with a plan approved by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation director. 5. The road within the subdivision shall be named "Denver Court" and signed in accordance with the policies of the Kalispell Public Works Department and the Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual and be subject to review and approval of the Kalispell Fire Department. E 6. The developer shall provide a letter from the U.S. Postal Service approving the plan for mail service. 7. That the parkland dedication requirements shall be met by paying cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of one ninth of the area devoted to lots or 0.38 acres, based on a value of $10,000 per acre in the amount of $3,887. 8. Street lighting shall be located within the subdivision and shall be shielded so that it does not intrude unnecessarily onto adjoining properties. 9. That the lots within the subdivision be reconfigured so that all lots meet the minimum 50-foot lot width requirements of the R-4 zoning district. 10. The 100-year floodplain be indicated on the final plat. 11. Lots 4 and 5 shall have a minimum 40 by 40 foot building pad indicated on the plat that comply with the zoning setbacks of the R-4 zone are not on slopes in excess of 25 percent. 12. The remainder parcel shall be annexed into the city of Kalispell concurrent with or prior to final plat approval of any phase of this subdivision. 13. That consideration be given to the relocation of the existing house to allow for the alignment and extension of Bismark Street which would necessarily result in the reconfiguration of the subdivision but not an additional formal preliminary plat review. 14. That a minimum of two-thirds of the necessary infrastructure for each phase of the subdivision shall be completed prior to final plat submittal. With the fling of the final plat for each phase, an addition three-year extension shall be automatically granted for subsequent phases. 15. All areas disturbed during development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. 16. That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. 10 0 ASHLEY MEADOWS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This Environmental Assessment format shall be used by the applicant as a guide in compiling a thorough description of the potential impacts for the proposed subdivision. Each question pertinent to the proposal must be addressed in full (both maps and text), those questions not applicable shall be so stated. Incomplete Environmental Assessments will not be accepted. The sources of information for each section of the Assessment shall be identified. All Environmental Assessments shall contain the signature, date of signature and mailing address of the owner of the property and the person, or persons, preparing the report. GEOLOGY Locate on a copy of the preliminary plat: Any known hazards affecting the development which could result in property damage or personal injury due to: Falls, slides or slumps - soil, rock, mud, snow NONE KNOWN 2. Any rock outcropping NONE 2. Describe any proposed measures to prevent or reduce the danger of property damage or personal injury from any of these hazards. N/A II. SURFACE WATER Locate on a copy of the preliminary plat: Any natural water systems such as streams, rivers, intermittent streams, lakes or marshes (also indicate the name and sizes of each). ASHLEY CREEK RUNS THRU THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE PROPERTY. REFER TO PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CENTERLINE OF THE CREEK. 2. Any artificial water systems such as canals, ditches, aqueducts, reservoirs and irrigation systems (also indicate the names, sizes and present uses of each). NONE 2. Any Areas subject to flood hazard, or if available, 100-year flood plain maps (using best available information). AS PER FIRM MAP 300231815 D, ONLY THE EDGE OF THE CREEK AREAS ARE DESIGNATED AS FLOOD ZONE A. THE REMAINDER OF THE PARCEL IS DESIGNATED AS ZONE C- ARERS OF MINIMAL FLOODING. III. VEGETATION 1. Locate on a copy of the preliminary plat the major vegetation types within the subdivision (e.g., marsh, grassland, shrub and forest). THE PARCEL IS CURRENTLY VACANT. 2. Describe the amount of vegetation that is to be removed, or cleaned, from the site, and state the reasons for such removal. VEGETATION REMOVAL WILL BE WITHIN THE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND BUILDING SITES. 3. Describe any proposed measures to be taken to protect vegetative cover. WEED - FREE GRASS SEED WILL BE REPLANTED IN THE DISTURBED BUILDING AREAS AND LAWNS WILL BE ESTABLISHED. IV. WILDLIFE 1. What major species of fish and wildlife, if any, use the area to be affected by the proposed subdivision? DEER AND BIRDS FREQUENT THE AREA. 2. Locate on a copy of the preliminary plat any known important wildlife areas, such as big game winter range, waterfowl nesting areas, habitat for rare and endangered species and wetlands. NONE KNOWN 3. Describe any proposed measures to protect wildlife habitat or to minimize habitat degradation. NONE PROPOSED 22. AGRICULTURE AND TIMBER PRODUCTION 1. State the acreage, type and agricultural classifications of soils on the site. THE SITE IS PREDOMINATELY Sa SOILS, SALINE, ALKALI LAND. (INFORMATION FROM THE USDA SOIL SURVEY 1960). 2. State the history of production of this site by crop type and yield. THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN AVACANT LOT FOR MANY YEARS. 3. State the historical and current agricultural uses which occur adjacent to the site. CURRENTLY THE ADJOINING PARCELS ARE IN RESIDENTIAL. 4. Explain any steps which will be taken to avoid or limit development conflicts with adjacent agricultural uses. N/A t 5. If the site is timbered, state any timber management recommendations which may have been suggested or implemented by the U. S.D.A. Division of Forestry in the area of this proposal. N/A VI. HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR CULTURAL FEATURES 1. Locate on a copy of the preliminary plat any known or possible historic, archaeological or cultured sites which exist on or near the site. NONE KNOWN 2. Describe any known or possible sites delineated on the preliminary plat. N/A 3. Describe any measures that will be taken to protect such sites or properties. N/A VII. SEWAGE TREATMENT This information will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality at a later date. 1. Where individual sewage treatment systems are proposed for each parcel: 1. Indicate the distance to the nearest public or community sewage treatment system. 2. Provide as attachments: 1. Two (2) copies of the plat which show the proposed suitable location on each lot for a subsurface treatment system and a 100% replacement area for the subsurface treatment system. Show the location of neighboring wells and subsurface treatment systems and the distances to each. 2. The results of percolation tests performed in representative areas for drainfields in accordance with the most recent Department of Environmental Quality Bulletin. Each percolation test shall be keyed by a number on a copy of the plat with the information and results provided in the report. The number of preliminary percolation tests required shall be one-fourth (1 /4) of the total number of proposed lots and these tests shall be performed in the different soil types, or evenly spaced throughout the subdivision in the absence of soil variability. 3. A detailed soils description for the area shall be obtained from test holes at least seven (7) feet in depth. The number of test holes will depend upon the variability of the soils. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's "Soils Classification System" shall be sued in the descriptions. Information on the internal and surface drainage characteristics shall be included. Each test hole shall be keyed by a number on a copy of the plat with the information provided for in the report. 4. A description of the following physical conditions: (1) Depth to groundwater at time of year when water table is nearest the surface and how this information was obtained. (2) Minimum depth to bedrock or other impervious material, and how this information was obtained. 2. For a proposed public or community sewage treatment system: 1. Estimate the average number of gallons of sewage generated per day by the subdivision when fully developed. 350 GALLONS PER DAY/LOT X 13 LOTS = 4.550 GPD 2. Where an existing system is to be used: 1. Identify the system and the person, firm or agency responsible for its operation and maintenance. CITY OF KALISPELL SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT. 2. Indicate the system's capacity to handle additional use and its distance from the development. EXISTING 8" CONVENTIONAL GRAVITY SEWER MAIN IN DENVER AVENUE. Provide evidence that permission to connect has been granted. THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED WITHIN THE DEQ SUBMITTAL. Where a new system is proposed: N/A Attach a copy of the plat showing the location of all collection lines and the location and identification of the basic components of the treatment system. 2. If subsurface treatment of the effluent is proposed, give the results of the preliminary analysis and percolation tests in the area of the treatment site. 3. Provide a description of the following physical conditions: (1) Depth to groundwater at time of year when water table is nearest the surface and how this information was obtained. (2) Minimum depth to bedrock or other impervious material and how this information was obtained. 4. Indicate who will bear the costs of installation and who will own, operate and maintain the system. Also, indicate the anticipated date of completion. VIII. WATER SUPPLY — 1. Where an individual water supply system is proposed for each parcel: N/A If individually drilled wells are to be used, provide evidence as to adequate quantity and quality of the water supply. 2. If any other method of individual water supply is to be used: 1. Explain why the alternate form of water supply is proposed instead of drilled wells. 2. Identify the source of water supply and provide evidence that it is of sufficient quantity and quality to serve the development. 3. Attach two (2) copies of the plat showing the proposed location of each spring, well, cistern, or other water source and indicate the distance to existing or proposed sewage treatment systems. A. Where a public or community water system is proposed: (1) Estimate the number of gallons per day required by the development (including irrigation, if applicable). POTABLE DEMAND IS 350 GALLONS PER DAY PER LOT X 13 LOTS = 4,550 GPD. (2) Where an existing system is to be used: N/A 1. Identify the system and the person, firm or agency responsible for its operation and maintenance. 2. Indicate the systems capacity to handle additional use and its distance from the development. 3. Provide evidence that permission to connect has been granted. (3) Where a new system is to be used: 1. Provide evidence that the water supply is adequate in quantity, quality and dependability. THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE DEQ IN THE ENGINEER'S REPORT. 2. Indicate who will bear the costs of installation, when it will be completed and who will own, operate and maintain the system. THE DEVELOPER WILL INSTALL THE SERVICE LINES, AND THE CITY WILL OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. 3. Attach a copy of the plat showing the proposed location of the water source and all distribution lines. SEE ATTACHED PLAT IX. SOLID WASTE Describe the proposed method of collection and disposing of solid waste from the development. CONTRACT HAULER TO FLATHEAD COUNTY LANDFILL. 2. If central collection areas are proposed within the subdivision, show their location on a copy of the preliminary plat. N/A 3. If use of an existing collection system or disposal facility is proposed, indicate the name and location of the facility. FLATHEAD COUNTY LANDFILL 24. DRAINAGE 1. Streets and Roads: Describe any proposed measures for disposing of storm run-off from streets and roads. COLLECT USING CURB INLETS, PIPE TO FLAT AREA ALONG ASHLEY CREEK, SEDIMENTATION POND FOR TREATMENT, DISPOSAL BY INFILTRATION INTO GROUND OR DISCHARGE INTO CREEK. 2. Indicate the type of road surface proposed. ASPHALT 0 3. Describe any proposed facilities for stream or drainage crossing (i.e., culverts, bridges). NONE NECESSARY 2. Other areas: 1. Describe how surface run-off will be drained or channeled from lots or common areas. FRONT OF LOTS TO ROAD; BACK YARDS AWAY FROM HOUSES. 2. Indicate if storm run-off will be drained or channeled from lots or common areas. STORM RUN-OFF WILL BE CHANNELED FROM LOTS AND DRAINED TO AREAS APPROVED BY THE DRAINAGE PLAN. 3. Describe any proposed sedimentation and erosion controls to be utilized both during, and after, construction. RESEEDING, VEGETATION FOR RESTORATION AS WELL AS STANDARD APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES WELL BE OVERSEEN BY THE ENGINEER. 4. Attach a copy of the plat showing how drainage on lots, road and other areas will be handled (include sizes and dimension of ditches, culverts, etc.) A DRAINAGE PLAN WILL BE SUBMITTED TO DEQ. XI. ROADS 1. Estimate how much daily traffic the development, when fully developed, will generate on existing or proposed roads providing access to the development. 130 VEHICLE TRIPS PER DAY ARE EXPECTED AT FULL BUILDOUT. l . Discuss the capability of existing and proposed roads to safely accommodate this increased traffic (e.g., conditions of the road, surface and right-of-way widths, current traffic flows, etc.). THE INTERNAL SUBDIVISION ROADWAY, WHICH WILL BE PAVED, ACCESSES COUNTY AND CITY ROADWAYS, WHICH CAN EASILY ACCOMMODATE THE INCREASE IN THE TRAFFIC VOLUMES. 2. Describe any increased maintenance problems and costs that will be caused by this increase in volume. THESE ROADS ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING THIS VOLUME OF TRAFFIC, NO ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS ARE ANTICIPATED BY THEIR USE BY THIS DEVELOPMENT. 2. Indicate who will pay the cost of installing and maintaining dedicated and/or private roadway. THE PRIVATE ROAD WILL BE BUILT BY THE DEVELOPER AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS THROUGH A ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. 3. Describe the soil characteristics, on site, as they relate to road and building construction and measures to be taken to control erosion of ditches, banks and cuts as a result of proposed construction. THE SITE IS GENERALLY LEVEL, THEREFORE MINIMAL CUTS WILL BE NEEDED TO BUILD THE ROAD. SUITABLE SOIL TYPES EXIST FOR A GOOD ROAD BASE. 4. Explain why access was not provided by means of a road within the subdivision if access to any of the individual lots is directly from City, County, State or Federal roads or highways. ALL LOTS ACCESS THE INTERIOR ROAD SYSTEM. NO LOTS DIRECTLY ACCESS CITY, COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL ROADS. 5. Is year-round access by conventional automobile over legal rights -of -way available to the subdivision and to all lots and common facilities within the subdivision? YES 6. Identify the owners of any private property over which access to the subdivision will be provided. N/A XII. EMERGENCY SERVICES I . Describe the emergency services available to the residents of the proposed subdivision including the number of personnel and number of vehicles and/or type of facilities for: I. Fire Protection: I . Is the proposed subdivision in an urban or rural fire district? If not, will one be formed or extended? THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION WILL BE SERVICED BY THE KALISEPLL FIRE DEPARTMENT. 2. In absence of a fire district, what fire protection procedures are planned? N/A 3. Indicate the type, size and location of any proposed recharge facilities. NEW HYDRANT LOCATIONS ARE NOTED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. THESE WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE KALISPELL FIRE CHIEF FOR APPROVAL. 4. If fire hydrants are proposed, indicate water pressure capabilities and the locations of hydrants. WATER PRESSURE CAPABILITIES WILL MEET STATE REQUIREMENTS. LOCATION OF HYDRANTS ARE NOTED ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. 2. Police Protection. KALISPELL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT 3. Ambulance Service. KALISPELL AMBULANCE 4. Medical Services. KALISPELL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 2. Can the needs of the proposed subdivision for each of the above services be met by present personnel and facilities? YES If not, what additional expense would be necessary to make these services adequate? N/A 2. At whose expense would the necessary improvements be made? N/A XIII. SCHOOLS l . Describe the educational facilities which would serve the subdivision (school facilities, school personnel, bus routes and capabilities, etc.). SCHOOL DISTRICT#5 (KALISPELL) — GRADES 1-8, KALISPELL HIGH SCHOOL — GRADES 9- 12, FVCC — GRADES 13,14 2. Estimate the number of school children that will be added by the proposed subdivision, and how they will affect existing facilities. APPROXIMATELY 19.5 SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN ARE EXPECTED TO RESIDE WITHIN THIS DEVELOPMENT. XIV. ECONOMIC BENEFITS 1. Provide the present assessment classifications and range of the total assessed valuation of all land and structures. THE ESTIMATE OF THE MARKET VALUE OF THE ACERAGE BEFORE IMPROVEMENTS IS $10,000/ACRE. 2. Provide the anticipated assessment classification and range of the total assessed valuation of all structures (at 25% and 90% occupancy - also give estimated year of said occupancy). A SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION WILL BE VALUED FOR TAX PURPOSES AT APPROXIMATELY $150-190,000 WITH A HOME AND LOT. 25% - $617,500 AND AT 90% - $2,223,000 .IN 2006. 3. Provide anticipated revenue increases, per unit, from water, sewer and solid waste fees. WATER AND SEWER SERVICES WILL BE APPROXIMATELY $45 PER MONTH/PER HOUSEHOLD. THIS SUBDIVISION HAS THE POTENTIAL TO GENERATE $540 PER YEAR X 13 HOMES, $7,020 ANNUALLY. XV. LAND USE 1. Describe the existing historical use of the site. THIS SITE HAS VACANT LAND. 2. Describe any comprehensive plan recommendations and other land use regulations on and adjacent to the site. Is zoning proposed? If located near an incorporated city or town, is annexation proposed? THE CITY OF KALISPELL MASTER PLAN DESIGNATES THIS LAND AS SURBURBAN RESIDENTIAL, ALLOWING HIGH DENSITY SUBDIVISIONS. A PETITION TO ANNEX AND A ZONE CHANGE AMENDMENT APPLICATION IS INCLUDED WITHIN THIS PACKAGE. 3. Describe the present uses of lands adjacent to or near the proposed development. LANDS ADJOINING THIS PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH AND TO THE WEST ARE ZONED R 4 AND HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED TO THAT STANDARD. PROPERTIES TO THE NORTH AND TO THE EAST ARE ZONED COUNTY R-1, AND ARE TYPICAL LARGE LOT RESIDENCES. 4. Describe how the subdivision will affect access to any adjoining land and/or what measures are proposed to provide access. THIS SUBDIVISION IS COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER PROJECTS IN THE VICINITY. CURRENTLY, THERE ARE NO OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVIDE ADJACENT LANDS WITH THOROUGH -FARE ACCESS. 5. Describe any health or safety hazards on or near the subdivision (mining activity, high voltage lines, gas lines, agricultural and farm activities, etc.) Any such conditions should be accurately described and their origin and location identified. N/A 6. Describe any on -site uses creating a nuisance (unpleasant odor, unusual noises, dust, smoke, etc.) Any such conditions should be accurately described and their origin and location identified. NONE KNOWN. XVI. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 1. Describe park and recreation facilities to be provided within the proposed subdivision and other recreational facilities which will serve the subdivision. THE DEVELOPER IS PROPOSING TO DONATE CASH -IN -LIEU OF PARKLAND AS THE CITY IS CURRENTLY NEGOTIATING A SATISIFACTORY PARK DIRECTLY TO THE NORTH OF THE 4D PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 2. List other parks and recreation facilities or sites in the area and their approximate distance from the site. BEGG FIELD IS NEARBY. 3. If cash -in -lieu of parkland is proposed, state the purchase price per acre or current market value (values stated must be no more than 12 months old). PROPERTY WAS PURCHASED AT APPROXIMATELY 10K PER ACRE. XVII. UTILITIES 1. Indicate the utility companies involved in providing electrical power, natural gas, or telephone service. To what extent will these utilities be placed underground? CENTURYTEL TELEPHONE, NORTHWESTERN ENERGY AND FLATHEAD ELECTRIC CO-OP. ALL NEW UTILITIES WILL BE PLACED UNDERGROUND. 2. Has the preliminary plat been submitted to affected utilities for review? NO 3. Estimate the completion date of each utility installation. SUMMER 2003 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL This application shall be submitted, along with all information required by the applicable Subdivision Regulations and the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, and the appropriate fee to: Tri-City Planning Office, 17 Second St East, Suite 211 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406)751-1850 Fax: (406)751-1858 FEE SCHEDULE: 7�VED Major Subdivision (6 or more lots) �003 $600 + $20/lot Condominiums (6 or more units) $600 + $20/unit Mobile Home Parks & Campgrounds (6 o$600 + 20 s ace Amended Preliminary Plat L 1NG UP $200 Subdivision Variance $100 (per variance) Commercial and Industrial Subdivision Add $200 to base preliminary plat fee Pre -Application Meeting (Major and Commercial) $ 50 SUBDIVISION NAME: _Ashley Meadows OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Name Tim Knoll Phone 755-8627 Mailing Address _880 Sunnyside City _Kalispell State _MT_ Zip 69901 TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS (Surveyor/Designer/Engineer, etc): Name & Address Sands Surveying, Inc. 2 Village Loop Kalispell, MT Name & Address Carver Engineering, 1995 3rd Avenue East, Kalispell, MT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. City/ County Currently this is within the County iurisdiction An annexation and zone change request accompanies this preliminary plat Street Address Assessor's Tract No(s) 7ABA Lot No(s) 1/4 Sec _NE1/4 NW 1/4 Section 19 Township 28 Range 21 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION: This is a 13 lot subdivision for single family residential use Number of Lots or Rental Spaces 13 Total Acreage in Lots 3.534 Total Acreage in Subdivision 4.415 Minimum Size of Lots or Spaces _0.155 Total Acreage in Streets or Roads 0.881 Maximum Size of Lots or Spaces 0.746 Total Acreage in Parks, Open Spaces and/or Common Areas N/A PROPOSED USE(S) AND NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED LOTS/SPACES: Single Family XX Townhouse Duplex Commercial Condominium Apartment Industrial Multi -Family Mobile Home Park Recreational Vehicle Park Planned Unit Development Other APPLICABLE ZONING DESIGNATION & DISTRICT Currently this is County R-1 (Lower Side). We are petitioning to change to Kalispell R-4. ESTIMATE OF MARKET VALUE BEFORE IMPROVEMENTS_$45K IMPROVEMENTS TO BE PROVIDED: Roads: Gravel XX Paved XX Curb XX Gutter _XX Sidewalks Alleys Water System: Individual Multiple User Neighborhood —XX—Public Sewer System: Individual Multiple User Neighborhood _ XX—Public Other Utilities: —XX—Cable TV _XX Telephone _XX Electric -XX—Gas Solid Waste: Home Pick Up Central Storage -XX-Contract Hauler Owner Haul Mail Delivery: Central _XX Individual School District: KALISPELL Fire Protection: XX Hydrants Tanker Recharge Fire District: KALISPELL Drainage System: _CURB INLETS. PIPE TO FLAT AREA ALONG ASHLEY CREEK SEDIMENTATION POND FOR TREATMENT. DISPOSAL BY INFILTRATION INTO GROUND OR DISCHAGE TO CREEK. PROPOSED EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: AS NEEDED. VARIANCES: ARE ANY VARIANCES REQUESTED? YES -TWO VARIENCES REQUESTED_ (yes/no) If yes, please complete the information below: SECTION/REGULATION OF REGULATIONS CREATING HARDSHIP: SECTION 3.06(G) OF CITY OF KALISPELL'S SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS DO NOT ALLOW FOR A LOT TO HAVE AN AVERAGE DEPTH GREATER THAN THREE TIMES ITS AVERAGE WIDTH UNLESS THE AVERAGE LOT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 200 FEET. (AFFECTED LOTS 1,2 AND 3) SECTION 3.09(K)3 TWO STREETS MEETING A THIRD STREET FROM OPPOSITE SIDES SHALL MEET AT THE SAME POINT, OR THEIR CENTERLINES SHALL BE 2 Flk OFFSET AT LEAST 125 FEET FOR LOCAL ROADS AND 300 FEET FOR ARTERIALS OR COLLECTORS. EXPLAIN THE HARDSHIP THAT WOULD BE CREATED WITH STRICT COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS:_ Due to the long and narrow configuration of the parcel, the location of the access roadway and the location of an existing house on the adjoining tract, the proposed layout was the only option available to the developer. It is doubtful that any lots could be created on this parcel unless a variance is granted. Secondly, the roadway centerlines do not meet the 125' centerline to centerline standard as there is an existing home that obstructs the optimum road location. This home has been here for 12 years. To mitigate the situation, the developer has pushed the road location to the northernmost point on Tract 7AACAA to accommodate this regulation. Without a variance, this subdivision will not be possible. PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE(S) TO STRICT COMPLIANCES WITH ABOVE REGULATIONS: None are available or economically feasible. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE SPACES PROVIDED BELOW: 1. Will the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties? No, the three -to -one lot width is not detrimental to public health safety or general welfare. Furthermore, the 125' centerline to centerline requirement is not a threat to general welfare as Ridge View Court is not a thorough street, and only traffic from the Ashley Meadows Subdivision will be exiting at the Denver Avenue location. 2. Will the variance cause a substantial increase in public costs? No for both of the variance requests. 3 3. Will the variance affect, in any manner, the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or Master Plan? IX-7 4. Are there special circumstances related to the physical characteristics of the site (topography, shape, etc.) that create the hardship? The shape of the parcel dictates the layout of both the roadway and the lot design. An existing home on the adjoining parcel is also a significant contributor to the uniqueness of the lot. 5. What other conditions are unique to this property that create the need for a variance? one APPLICATION CONTENTS: The subdivider shall submit a complete application addressing items below to the Tri- City Planning Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which it will be heard. 1. Preliminary plat application. 2. 16 copies of the preliminary plat. 3. One reproducible set of supplemental information. (See Appendix A of Subdivision Regulations for the city where the subdivision is proposed. 4. One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed 11" x 17" in size. 5. Application fee 6. Adjoining Property Owners List (see example below): Assessor# Sec-Twn-Rng Lot/Tract No Property Owner & Mailing Address 21 APPLICATION CONTENTS: The subdivider shall submit a complete application addressing items below to the Tri- City Planning Office at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which it will be heard. Preliminary plat application. 2. 16 copies of the preliminary plat. 3. One reproducible set of supplemental information. (See Appendix A of Subdivision Regulations for the city where the subdivision is proposed. 4. One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed I I" x 17" in size. 5. Application fee 6. Adjoining Property Owners List (see example below): Assessor# Sec-Twn-Rna Lot/Tract No Property Owner & Mailing Address I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Tri-City Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and development rocess. z , --x? (Applicant) (Date) As approved by the TCPB on 12/ 19/01 Effective 1 / 1 / 02 11 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Tri-City Planning Office 17 Second Street East— Suite 211 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 751-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 tricitvr.centurvtel. net MEMORANDUM Kalispell City Staff and Other Interested Parties Narda A. Wilson, Senior Planner April 29, 3003 - Kalispell City Planning Board Regular Meeting April 9, 2003 Attached with this memo is information relating to items that will go before the planning board on the above referenced date. A request by Tim Knoll for an initial zoning designation of R-4, Two Family residential upon annexation to the city of Kalispell on approximately 4.415 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Bluestone and Denver Avenue. This zoning designation anticipates single family and duplex or townhouse dwellings. The property is currently in the County zoning jurisdiction and is zoned R-1, Residential. A preliminary plat for 13 lots as described below is being filed concurrently with the annexation and zoning request. The property proposed for annexation and zoning can be described as a portion of Assessor's Tract 7AACAA and Assessor's Tract 7ABA located in Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 2. A request by Tim Knoll for preliminary plat approval of Ashley Meadows, a 13 lot subdivision located on the northeast corner of Bluestone and Denver Avenue. This plat would create 13 lots intended for residential development on approximately 4.15 and a remainder parcel where an existing single family home will remain. All of the lots in the subdivision would be served by public sewer and water and would be developed in accordance with City of Kalispell standards. The preliminary plat is being submitted in conjunction with the annexation of the property and designation of initial zoning of R-4, Two Family Residential. The property can be described as a portion of Assessor's Tract 7AACAA and Assessor's Tract 7ABA located in Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 3. A reauest ''Dv Muron 'L�e�velobment for oreliminar-r plat approval of he amended Tot 3 of Daiev Fieid Subdivision. a :our lot ;:ommerciai subdivision an at rroximateiv �.11 acres _ocated :)n he -vest side 4 -lw<T a^ •across :rem=ieil�r Road. "he ots -.vouid '.)e ser red .:)v .an :nternai :ui-de-sac ana :,x� ubdc sewer ?-tw4iins! :- mmuniri ?"annin, .3ssisiance ::ry 4 '-�siisoeil ':i„ ,( .) umbia _i :als ' _. )( 'V_ate_isn Referrals KPB 4/29/03 mtg April 10, 2003 Page 32 and water in accordance with City of Kalispell standards. The property can be described as Lot 3 of Daley Field 1 located in Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.NLM., Flathead County, Montana. 4. A request by Dorthey Getz for an initial zoning designation of B-2, General Business upon annexation to the city of Kalispell on approximately 3.2 acres of property located on the south side of Appleway Drive and approximately 700 feet west of Meridian Road. The property is currently in the County zoning jurisdiction and is zoned R-1, Residential. The B-2 zoning designation anticipates commercial and multi -family development. No development proposal has been presented at this time. The property proposed for annexation and zoning can be described as a portion of Assessor's Tract 15 in Section 13, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 5. A request by Kalispell School District 5 for an initial zoning designation of P-1, Public, on approximately 8.44 acres upon annexation to the city of Kalispell. The property is currently in the County zoning jurisdiction is zoned RA-1, Low Density Residential Apartment. The property is the Edgerton School located at 1400 Whitefish Stage and can be described Assessor's Tracts lA in Section 31, and Assessor's Tract 5E in Section 32 of Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. These items will go before the Site Development Review Committee in the Kalispell Building Department on the following dates: • April 10, 2003 - Initial comments • April 17, 2003 - Review Comments Final Comments By: • April 21, 2003 so that they can be incorporated into the staff report. These matters will go before the Kalispell City Planning Board on April 29, 2003 for public hearing. Please bring your comments to the above referenced site review committee meeting(s) or submit your comments in writing or by phone, prior to April 21, 2003 so that they can be incorporated into the staff report to the planning board. You can reach me at 751-1852. If you need additional information regarding any of these items, please call me. Thank you for taking the time to review and comment on these items. Nt` Referrals KPB 4 / 29 / 03 mtg April 10, 2003 Page 32 c: w/attachments: Jim Stewart, Fire Dept. Mike Baker, Parks and Rec Chris Kukulski, City Manager PJ. Sorenson, Zoning Administrator Roger Kraus, Police Dept. Dick Amerman, City Engineer Frank Castle, Civil Engineer Jim Hansz, Director Public Works Sandy Wheeler, Community Redevelopment Susan Moyer, Community Development Director Craig Kerzman, Chief Building Inspector Charles Harball, City Attorney Steve Herzon, MDOT Charlie Johnson, Co. Rd. Superintendent Applicant / Owner H: \... \AGREF\KALISPELL\KPB429REF2.DOC SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SU1VLMARY Thursday, April 10, 2003 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Dick Amerman, Asst. City Engineer Craig Kerzman, Building Official Chris Kukulski, City Manager Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Wayne and Hubert Turner, Developers Erica Wirtala, Sands Surveying Bill Dubeau, Jackola Engineering OLD BUSINESS: Mike Baker, Parks & Rec. Director Roger Krauss, Assistant Police Chief Jim Stewart, Fire Marshal Narda Wilson, 3CPO Planner 6ch Avenue West Apartments — 5-plex — B-2 — Bill Dubeau checked fire flows and they are adequate. The van accessible parking space has been addressed. Matt Waati will be the contact person. Utilities will be installed by Russ Olsen. Drainage will be to the road. There will be two storm sewer collections at the corners of the intersection. Solid waste pickup will be in the alley. Landscaping should be done around the building. Building elevations and a landscaping plan will be need for the Architectural Review Committee. Sidewalks are already existing. The general contractor, Don Frownfelter, will control the roof drainage. Public Works is okay with this project. Mountain View Plaza — plans for Borders/Ross/TJ Maxx on large rear pad; Pier 1 on outparcel close to highway (first outparcel to develop) — Public Works has concerns regarding the infrastructure, retention facility isn't fenced and the fire hydrant is not accessible. There is no landscaping plan. Mike met with the consultant and contractor. Blair told P. J. the fire hydrant issue would be taken care of. The irrigation isn't complete, but the contractor is scheduled to get back in there. They could bond for the landscaping. Mike is okay with the list, but he needs the landscaping plan. The fire pad issues is still pending. Rawson Field — They have opted out of the zoning process by claiming the agency exemption. NEW BUSINESS: Lot 4. Ridaeview — tabled until next Thursday. Yttk���t Planning Board Agenda Turner's Subdivision in the Northeast corner of Three Mile Drive and Stillwater Road — between the Blue Heron Subdivision and the North View Subdivision. Water and sewer are coming from Sunset Court. The bypass goes through a corner of the lot, but is not part of the subdivision. This is not two subdivision development areas. There will be one access. The landowner to the north has access to the bypass. Have 1.78 acres of park land . Buffer zone all around and walkway/bike path. If both sides of the subdivision can't have access to the bypass, then the second part of the subdivision may not be built. They will contact Loren Fraser regarding the bypass. There are connections between this land and to the land to the North and to Northridge also. Ask for letter from DOT approving their access through there. Pushing for annexation and zoning to be part of the City sewer. Fire flows need to be determined and comply. Public Works and the engineer need to meet about the water issue. Discussion was held. An agreement would be made between the City and the parties on the water situation. Impacts to Three Mile and Stillwater would be based on a traffic study. The park in the front is less than an acre. The other park could be private or public. The subdivision will have duplexes around the outside and the rest would be single family homes. If the density is in agreement with the growth policy, there should not be a problem with the density. Concerns about the right-of-way for further road development was discussed. Mike will look at the Alternate Transportation Plan for Stillwater. This project will phase in with about 6 to 8 phases. Ashley Meadows Subdivision — Knoll wants to leave house out, call it a remainder, and leave it on a septic. He wants a variance to subdivisions standards that require the roads to line up. If the house was moved, there could be two additional lots added to his project. A condition of the subdivision is that this is a whole project, including the one house on one acre, and all must be annexed. We recommend approval of the variance for the offset. There will be cash in lieu of the park land. Resubdividing Daley Field — There is no frontage road. Public Works, Planning, and the City Attorney need to talk about the state collectors and arterials. Chris thinks we should take the right-of-way or make it a condition of approval but clarify who should take care of that area. Who carries the liability in this area. 4th .venue 'Nest — want to annex a corner and leave house as a remainder and create three lots. Extension of 4,h Avenue West. The easement needs to go. There will be a duplex and two townhouses with a cul-de-sac. Thev could move the cul-de-sac down. This was submitted for annexation and zoninsy. 0 Dorothy Getz — Request for annexation and zoning of three acres on the south side of Appleway. Lee's Meridian Business Park — Property owners have cooperated to produce a proposal that would build a street from the cul-de-sac on Meridian Court across Meridian Tracts and connect to Second Street West. OTHER DISCUSSION: New office building site plans near Meridian Road. Plans were distributed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. cc: Chris Police Bldg Fire 'CPO Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works i�TK 8T13 8I F-11 3 R - 1 - � � �� NN�YSI 2\S �. 2 8 oF, 3 MI R SUB D�`F� ABA 1 F 1 117 < LONE SANTE FE ST 7AAAA EST 7 261,252423 9E ST 18 L 716 15 14 13 E BISMARK ST `- — -- _ 718 9 10 11 12 =-- ; = 14C Q + 14C 14CAA 6L+ 1 '2 3 4 5 41 T p G 42 4 44 4 46 47 4950 51 52 5 54 BLUE 0 E w 39 491516¢171819�l20121c' ui 37 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 1 30,29 28 27 2625 24+23 22 R n7 — 0 36 'y AUSTIN ST 145 147 148 14 1 151 152 t 531154� 155 15615 6g, \ 31 32 33 `9 35 36 37 38 ci 69 34 — 146 DARLINGTON 11 33 \ 70 1 \ 32Como 168 S� 16 170 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 1 200 GTti 17 \ 6 L + 173 17 175 176 177 1 179 a ;v 201 172 \o �' �O GARDENWAY \ 196 p�S \ 6LA 30 195 28B & 194 204 203 Sc1 88 0 J��o208 89 90 91 Gil9 205 O 'n $ 2w 9 c -- II"vw I 8 93 VICINITY MAP TIM KNOLL PRELIMINARY PLAT — ASHLEY MEADOWS A 13 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON 4.413 ACRES IN CONJUNCTION WITH INITIAL ZONING UPON ANNEXATION I I ° 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN FILE # KP P — 0 3 — 3 SCALE 1" = 300' PLOT DATE: 4/4/03 H:\gi8\site\kppo3_3.dwg rg 1 3A 1-1 sss� GUARD DA ARMORY 8A+ � 1B D 1D 1 8A as 2 DALEY Subjec f T FIE ..: '> >: 2A ` p- 2D 2+ - 2 2w VICINITY MAP MURCON DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT - AMD LOT 3 OF DALEY FIELD A 4 LOT COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION ON 7.41 ACRES B-2, GENERAL BUSINESS USE CITY OF KALISPELL ZONING JURISDICTION FILE # KP P - 0 3 - 4 PLOT DATE: 4/4/03 SCALE 1 " = 3 0 0 ' H:\gis\site\kppO3_4.dwg