City Council Meeting Jun 15, 2020 Public Comment from Wendy FieldFrom:WENDY FIELD
To:Kalispell City Council; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] City Council Meeting Jun 15, 2020
Date:Monday, June 15, 2020 4:14:54 PM
Dear Kalispell City Council Members,
I am writing today to share my support for the Second Amendment and our law
enforcement officers. I strongly disagree with defunding our police departments or
any law enforcement agency. Our community has seen an increase in drug related
crimes and need the protection of law enforcement. Our community's law
enforcement is necessary to wage the war against drugs and criminals. Additionally, Idisagree with a ban on open carry during protests. I support the Second Amendment
and our law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their right to open carry in the
state of Montana. The United States Constitution and the Montana Constitution
protect those rights.
Wendy Field
Kalispell Native