05-20-20 Urban Renewal Agency Board Minutesdda City of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 -Kalispell, Montana 59903 ]K ALISPELL Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Meeting Summary URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BOARD MAY 20, 2020 — 4 P.M. CITY HALL — FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Marc Rold Brad Wright, member of the public David Girardot Krista Lammers, Community Development Coordinator Shannon Freix Jarod Nygren, Planning Director Bill Goodman Katharine King, Assist. Director Community Development Chairman Rold called the meeting to order and welcomed new member Bill Goodman. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY Meeting summaries from January, March and May 2020 will be reviewed and voted upon at the June meeting. TIF & TEDD UPDATES Sc TIGER/KALISPELL CORE Sc RAIL REDEVELOPMENT/BROWNFIELDS The South Kalispell Traffic Project contract was awarded by City Council to LHC. The award includes the base project and additional alternatives 1 thru 4 with additional alternative 5 withheld pending available funds as determined by the City Manager. LHC anticipates starting construction mid -June. Discussion of the draft parking policies distributed to the Committee included recommended modifications. David Girardot moved that the proposed changes be accepted, and Bill Goodman seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The revised parking polices will be shared with Kalispell Business Improvement District Board and Parking Commission in advance of going to City Council for vote. The TIGER Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) is under review at the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) who will summarize the comments and work toward issuing a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which will allow for the determination of a north/south street connector by City Council. City acquisition of the BNSF rail line right of way is nearing completion. City Staff will work with Kalispell Center Mall on an agreement regarding trail alignment and easements along their property. Old School Station Lot 4 sold on April 1, 2020, under terms similar to those of the 2019 Lot 6 sale. Remaining for sale are lots 3A, 8, 9 and 15. The City has released a Request for Qualifications for a real estate firm to market these lots for sale. Statements of Qualifications are due June 12, 2020. The BNSF ROW Phase I Environmental Site Assessment update was completed last week to meet the timelines of the expected property transfer expected in June. The former CHS Country Store petroleum phase II was conducted last week and included the removal of fuel pumps, canopy, three underground storage tanks and associated piping. The CHS Grain Elevator site and Agronomy Center site will be moving forward for a brownfields revolving loan fund clean-up loan with approval sought from the URA for use of brownfields grant funds and then will go to the RLF Committee for the loan approval. The former CHS Agronomy Center site is approved for petroleum phase II ESA and work is underway. Discussion of recent City Council action to reduce water and sewer impact fees for new development. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The Board next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 4 p.m. Meeting adjourned.