03-10-20 - regular meetingKALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 10, 2020 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were Chad Graham. Kurt Vomfell, Rory Young, Doug Kauffman. I Ronalee Skees, George Giavasis and Joshua Borgardt was absent. Jarod s Nygren represented the Kalispell Planning Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vomfell moved and Kauffman seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2020 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote of acclamation - HEAR THE PUBLIC None. i -. ,.-- File #KCU-20-01 - A request from Owl Corporation for a conditional ---'- -= - use permit to allow a multi -family development as a second phase of an existing multi -family development. The project would contain ten buildings with a total of 120 dwelling units. The property is located on "'.. the west end of Sawyer Lane/Owl View Subdivision near West View s Estates and is located in an RA-2 (Residential Apartment/Office) zone. STAFF REPORT ` Jared Nygren representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report # KCU-20-01. Nygren presented the project location. surrounding land uses, existing zoning, City services and Growth Policy. Nygren recommended to the board that they strike condition # 12. Nygren went on to explain the condition was based off the preliminary plat of Westview, completed back in 2003, Since that time Old Reserve was improved, so the additional 10-foot right-of-way is not needed now. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KCU-20-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the conditions (removing 12) listed in the staff report - BOARD DISCUSSION Graham asked if the impact fees go towards the placement of sewer and water utilities in this development. Nygren advised that any water and sewer extensions that are provided to this development will be paid for by the developer, roads included. PUBLIC HEARING Dan Steller - 228 Rosewood, speaking on behalf of his sister Cheryl Main who lives at 128 Ali Loop #96 - she is concerned with a 3-story building height_ increased traffic & congestion as well as pedestrian traffic increase on walking trail by her house. MOTION Vomfell moved and Giavasis seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission ado t Staff Report #KCU-20-01 Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of the meeting of M-1, 10. 2020 Page; 1 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the conditions in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Vomfell asked for clarification of recommendation to strike condition • 12. Nygren advised because the Right of Way had already been acquired with the earlier improvements of Old Reserve. Nygren also clarified the project boundary in relation to the public comment received. MOTION -STRIKE CONDITION#12 Skees moved and Vomfell seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission amend Staff Report #KCU-20- 01 by striking condition 412 from the conditions of approval listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION -AMENDED None. MOTION ROLL CALL -AMENDED MOTION Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD DISCUSSION - ORIGINAL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. MOTION ROLL CALL -ORIGINAL MOTION Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER SEATED Doug Kauffman recused himself from KCU-20-02 because he is a representative for the applicant. .,-- File #KCU-20-02 -A request from The Meridian Apartments. LLC for a conditional use permit to allow a multi -family development with four building and a clubhouse, with a total of 144 dwelling units. The property is located at 41 Meridian Court in a B-1 (Neighborhood Business) zone. STAFF REPORT darted Nygren representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report # KCU-20-02. Nygren noted the new site plan submitted after the original submittal. Nygren presented the project location, surrounding land uses, existing zoning, City services and Growth Policy. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KCU-20-02 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the it conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Graham asked for clarification on new vs, old site plan. Nygren advised that the new site plan gives the current homeowners to the south more space than the previous site plan. PUBLIC HEARING Doug Peppmeier -'I'll&H Engineering - representative for applicant - offered to answer any questions and noted that the driving force behind the new site plan design was from the public comments and concerns they have received. Kalispell City Punning Board Minutes of the an -tine of March 10, 2020 Page t 2 MOTION Vomfell moved and Skees seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KCU-20-02 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION None, ROLL CALL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER RE -SEATED Kauffman re -seated BOARD MEMBER SEATED Young recused himself from KPP-19-04 because he is a representative for the applicant : K P, . - & 4 File #KPP-19-04-A request from Eagle Valley Ranch Apartments, LLC and Stillwater Corporation for major subdivision approval of Kalispell North Town Center, Phases 3 and 4. The subdivision is located within . Kalispell North Town Center and is generally located east of Kalispell s Ford, east of the Kalispell Armory, west of Jefferson Boulevard and 1 north of Lincoln Street. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report," KPP-19-04. Nygren presented the project location, surrounding land uses. existing zoning, City services and Growth Policy. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KPP-19-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat Kalispell North Town Center - Phases 3 and 4 be approved, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION ;None. l PUBLIC HEARING I Rory Young- Jackola Engineering - representative for applicant - noted that he has spoken with staff regarding some concerns with condition #19 & #20 in the staff report and asked the board to consider changing some verbiage in them. MOTION - ORIGINAL Kauffman moved and Giavasis seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KPP-19-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat Kalispell North Town Center - Phases 3 and 4 be approved, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Discussed some minor language changes in conditions #19 & #20. MOTION -AMEND CONDITION#I9 Skees moved and Vomfell seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission amend Staff Report #KPP-19- 04 by amending condition #19 to state the trail crossings at Lincoln Street, Cascade Loop and Jefferson Boulevard are permitted as agreed upon by Public Works. Kalispell Citti Punning Board Minut s of the meeting of March 1d, 2020 Nge 13 BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. MOTION - AMEND CONDITION #20 Skees moved and Kauffman seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission, amend Staff Report #KPP-19- s 04 by amending condition #20 to state Lots S. 9, and 10 shall only gain access as approved by Public Works. BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD DISCUSSION -MAIN MOTION None. ROLL CALL -MAIN MOTION Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. BOARD MEMBER RE -SEATED'', Young re -seated. OLD BUSINESS', None. NEW BUSINESS The new Planner Il position has been filled; new hire will start April May be looking to do a work session in April on the pedestrian plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:02pm. NEXT MEETING ? The next meeting of [he Kalispell Planning Board will be on Tuesday. April 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. and is in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1" Ave East. ., f.. v _ Chad G am President APPROVED as submitted/amended:- - Kart Hernandez .-I� Recording Secretary Kulispclf City Punning Board Minutes cf €he meeting of March 10, 2020 Page 4