TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2020
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission will be held on Tuesday,
May 12, 2020 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue
East, Kalispell, Montana.
Due to the extraordinary circumstance of the COVID-19 Pandemic and related Phased Re-opening Order from
the Montana Governor, the Planning Board will hold a regularly scheduled public hearing. However, the
meeting will not be open to the public in order to maintain social distance guidelines. The meeting will be live
streamed on the City of Kalispell website at https://www.kalispell.com/480/Meeting-Videos . Persons wishing
to address the Board on any issue, whether or not on the agenda, are asked to provide comments via email to
planning@kalispell.com . These comments will be forwarded to the Board.
The Agenda for the meeting will be:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of March 10, 2020
C. Hear the Public – The public may comment on any matter on the agenda or not on the agenda. (Comments are
typically held to 3 minutes or less.)
D. Public Hearing:
The Planning Board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the agenda items listed below:
1. File #KA-19-02 – A request from Matthew Vander Ark to annex a 2.39-acre parcel into the city and
zone the land R-3 (Residential) upon annexation. The subject property is currently within the county and
zoned county SAG-10. The property is developed with a single-family residence and accessory
structure. Water and sanitary sewer service are in the vicinity of the property and upon annexation
extensions can be constructed to serve the property. The property is located at 155 Three Mile Drive.
2. File #KA-20-01 and #KGPA-20-01 – A request from Colton Lee Communities, LLC, to annex a 3.27-
acre parcel into the city with an initial zoning designation of B-2 (General Business) upon annexation.
The subject property is currently within the county and zoned county SAG-10. It is undeveloped at this
time, although city services are available. The request also includes a growth policy amendment for the
property. It is currently designated as Urban Residential and the proposed amendment would change the
designation to Commercial. The property is located at 216 Hutton Ranch Road.
3. File #KA-20-02 – A request from Connie Behe to annex an approximately 0.5-acre parcel into the city
with an initial zoning designation of R-2 (Residential) upon annexation. The subject property is currently
within the county and zoned county R-2. The property is developed with a single-family residence. The
annexation request is due to an existing septic field for the residence which is failing. City sanitary sewer
service is adjacent to the property as the Westside Interceptor sanitary sewer line was recently installed
within the Two-Mile Drive right-of-way. The property is located at 1100 Two Mile Drive.
E. Old Business
F. New Business
G. Adjournment
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 9, 2020