City Concrete Construction for Year Ending Dec. 31, 2020 Project Bid Results5/15/2020 QUESTCDN: Project Bid Results Previou............ .....s Next Close Window .......... ....I . . ........ Print Results Project Bid Results City Concrete Construction for the Year Ending Dec 31, 2020 (Quest project #6876010) Owner: Kalispell MT, City of 201 1 st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 ph: 406-758-7727 contact: Keith Haskins e-mail: khaskinsgkalispell.com Soliciting agent: Kalispell MT, City of Contact: Tom Tabler Phone: 406-758-7720 E-mail: ttablergkalispell. com Bid Date: 03/18/2020 03:00 PM MDT Owner Project Number: 20-0204 Award Date: Comments: Award Status: Bid Result/Award Information: Letting Bid Tabulation: Company/Contact sandon construction co inc greg sandon Knife River Corporation - Kalispell Kurtis Paulson Pending (no information presently available) view Phone/E-mail 406-752-4236 gregsandon@gmail.com 406-752-2755 kurtis.paulson@kniferiver.com Amount Awarded $91054.00 $19,731.55 https://www.questcdn.com/questcdn/projects/prj_view/project_view.html?&projbrowse=true&jobNo=6876010&rowld=6876010&projType=project 1/1