Zone of InfluencePati Heath
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 11:25 AM
To: 'Keith Robinson ('; 'Scott Richardson ('; 'Gib
Bissell ('; 'Art Thompson ('
Subject: Airport Zone of Influence
Page 1 of 1Message
Hi everyone!
I'm looking for some old records and hope that one of you might have them. Please let me know if you do.
At the last meeting we discussed that in the past there had been some work done on the Airport Zone of
Influence. I spoke with Mike Baker and PJ Sorensen and they are unable to come up with anything. Both of them
remember that about 4-5 years ago there was work done to begin looking at Airport Zoning. However, it required
work with the County and due to the poor working relationship between the County and City at that time nothing
was completed. It didn't even go before the City Council.
I'm wondering if any of you might have some of the documentation that was put together in your archived files.
Please don't spend a lot of time on this--but if you have it, it would be nice.
I'm planning to put together a meeting after Chris returns from vacation to begin the process anew. I'll include Tri-
City planning and Phil Porrini in the process.
Thanks for your help.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT