Towers AppraisalPati Heath From: Pati Heath [pheath@kalispell.com] Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 2:26 PM To: 'Charlie Harball (charball@kalispell.com)'; 'Chris Kukulski (ckukulski@kalispell.com)' Cc: 'Scott Richardson (scott@pagenw.com)' Subject: Towers Appraisal Page 1 of 1Message 1/26/2005 I just spoke with Phil Porrini regarding the list of appraisers for the towers. Phil indicated he sent out letters to 3 media appraisers for bids. He has received 2 back and the deadline date is Aug. 4. He indicated that the fees are coming in about $5000 so he believes that's a 30 day job. He will forward a recommendation to us as soon as they review the information after the 4th. (He mentioned that one of the appraisers contacted Stokes and recognizes this will not be an easy appraisal.) Phil said he talked to Debbie Alki (sp) from the aeronautics division and there has not been a deal finalized with Stokes. She indicated that Charlie should contact Tim Reardon as soon as possible to advise him what the city is doing. Specifically, lining up the appraiser and again express a desire to partner on this. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will be out of the office on the 28th & 29th. Pati Heath Assistant to the City Manager City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774