Tower Reclocation1
Pati Heath
From:Charlie Harball []
Sent:Monday, November 10, 2003 1:14 PM
To:'Pati Heath'
Subject:RE: Tower Relocation
Thanks for forwarding this. I just needed it to be able to let Stokes know that moving
this anywhere within the 135 acres will not take the towers, factually, out of the
penetration area.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 12:30 PM
To: Charlie Harball
Subject: FW: Tower Relocation
I didn't know if Phil sent you a copy. We may be hard pressed to agree to moving on the
135 acres, since we are in the process of disputing the possible erection of a cell tower
to the south & west of the existing radio site. The new tower request is only about 165
feet but penetrates the air space.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Porrini []
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: Tower Relocation
Patty & Charlie
I've looked at the possibility of moving the radio towers to the east
unless they can be moved more than two miles they will likely remain
penetrations into the HORIZONTAL SURFACE.
These towers, because they are 325 ft+ will be penetration anywhere
within two miles of the airport, unless there is a big vertical
in ground elevation.
With all that being said, it will still be the FAA's call as to whether
where relocation can work. It is the FAA that determines if a tower is a
"hazard." Any of us can do the math and determine in black and white
if a tower is a "penetration" into regulated airspace, but that alone,
we have recently learned, is not the final answer.
So if tower relocation within the 135 acres (owned by
Gardner/Anderson) is truly an option for Stokes and the City of
Kalispell, you should request a "hazard determination" from the FAA.
Philip P. Porrini @ Robert Peccia & Associates
P.O. Box 5653, 825 Custer Avenue
Helena, MT 59604
(406) 447-5000
(406) 447-5036 fax
(406) 439-8755 cell