Minutes commentPati Heath
From: Art & Diane Thompson [saildoc@digisys.net]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 12:14 PM
To: Pati Heath
Cc: Richardson, Scott; Bissell, Gib
Subject: Re: Airport Minutes
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Pati: I'm out of town till after the 22nd so won't be at meetings, but appreciate getting the info.
Good offer from Chuck Manning--his help could be very valuable. And I'd guess that Flathead Hanger of MPA
might be pushed to finally get tuned-up on helping the whole effort. If they are involved in car show/fly-in, there
might be a good opportunity--a lot is at stake for them. I never did understand why they were so
It might also be time to enlist help from AOPA. "ASN" (Airport Support Network) program manager is Mark
Lowdermilk www.aopa.org 800 872-2672. Scott is our rep. I believe; and there is a NW regional AOPA rep. but I
don't know who. --Art