Kal City CIP1 Pati Heath From:Chris Kukulski [ckukulski@kalispell.com] Sent:Thursday, January 09, 2003 4:32 PM To:pheath@kalispell.com; charball@kalispell.com Subject:FW: Kal City CIP Charlie can skip to the last paragraph which deals specifically with the radio towers. -----Original Message----- From: Gary.Gates@faa.gov [mailto:Gary.Gates@faa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9:43 AM To: torthmeyer@m-m.net; ckukulski@kalispell.com Subject: Kal City CIP Tim, received your fax today regarding the Kal City CIP. It is OK to show some of the costs for land in 2003, but as I explained to Chris yesterday, we would not reimburse for land until we know that all the land has been secured. In other words, we cannot issue a grant until we have assurance that we will have a complete useable unit following issuance of the grant. The CIP is only a planning document at this point, and as such we will have to re-evaluate funding scenarios and costs as the city gets closer to acquiring the land. Regarding the towers, you show $1.75M for tower removal. Chris indicated that the costs would be considerabley less than that. Looks like this should be a combination of land and tower removal? Chris, as you and I discussed, we (FAA) in the past have indicated that the city would need to take care of the land and the towers on their own and we would build the pavements. Since that time we have indicated that land acquisition and tower removal is an eligible expense subject to funding availability and an agreed amount of support from FAA considering costs of other site alternatives. Please also note that if we were to fund any of the tower removal it would most likely be limited to the structure removal and not relocation of the tower or business. Additionally we could not reimburse for structure removal after the fact. In other words we would have to issue a grant prior to the work being accomplished, this would be true for all development work funded under Airport Improvement Program, state apportionment funding (funding for General Aviation in Airports in MT). Land acquisition on the other hand can be reimbursed after it has been secured. Please let me know if you or Chris have any questions regarding the CIP. -Gary Gates