Grant Payment Requests End of Year Warning Porrini1
Pati Heath
From:Phil Porrini []
Sent:Thursday, August 28, 2003 2:40 PM
To:Pati Heath
Subject:Re: FW: Grant Payment Requests End-of-year Warning
The costs for the appraisal and review are eligible but can not be reimburesed by the
Feral Goverment until a grant isssued and this is not likely to happen until much later
when the radio station and/or land parcel have been acquired.
Philip P. Porrini @ Robert Peccia & Associates
P.O. Box 5653, 825 Custer Avenue
Helena, MT 59604
(406) 447-5000
(406) 447-5036 fax
(406) 439-8755 cell