Economic Impact StudyPati Heath
From: Swanson, Larry []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:29 AM
To: Pati Heath
Subject: RE: Economic Impact Study
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The guy's name at Cambridge Systematics is Daniel Hodges. Larry
-----Original Message-----
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:21 AM
To: Swanson, Larry
Subject: RE: Economic Impact Study
Thanks. I'll try that avenue.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT
-----Original Message-----
From: Swanson, Larry []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:16 AM
To: Pati Heath
Subject: RE: Economic Impact Study
Pati: I haven't been able to think of an "economist" with experience in this particular area .. "general
aviation airport economics" .. but what I might suggest is that you simply try to find someone who
has experience in evaluating the feasibility of airports of the size and nature of yours .. and most
likely they won't necessarily be trained in economics, per se. A firm that you may contact about this
is Cambridge Systematics in Cambridge, Mass. This is a consulting firm that specializes in
evaluating area transportation plans .. and they're currently involved in a very large study for the
State of Montana .. the Montana Highway Reconfiguration Study .. examining economic implications
of alternative highway infrastructure options in MT. Just call them and ask for anyone who is
working on this MT study .. someone with the first name "Daniel" is involved .. I can't remember the
rest of his name. But, they should know where to direct you on this type of thing and since their
working here in MT, they'll have a first hand understanding of your area. Larry
-----Original Message-----
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 8:21 AM
To: Swanson, Larry
Subject: RE: Economic Impact Study
I was wondering if you had any further thoughts on who could help us with this? I look
forward to hearing from you.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT
-----Original Message-----
From: Swanson, Larry []
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 3:00 PM
To: Pati Heath
Subject: RE: Economic Impact Study
Pati: I'm just briefly in my office today, but I'll give this some thought and get back to
you. Off the top of my head, I don't think I have any recommendation for you on this
particular type of thing, in terms of someone specifically having this type of expertise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:40 AM
To: Swanson, Larry
Subject: Economic Impact Study
Mr.. Swanson:
I recently heard you speak at the conference for cities and towns in
Billings. You had a great deal of information that I found interesting and
useful in thinking about some of the situations that are occurring in
Northwest Montana.
My position as Assistant to the City Manager includes providing support
and leadership to the Kalispell City Airport Advisory Board. We have
recently been recognized by the FAA with an opportunity for expansion
for our general aviation airport. Although it is the City's intent to move
forward with the project for several reasons, there has never been an
economic impact study completed indicating the value of the airport to
the city and surrounding area.
I was wondering if you could recommend an economist(s) that might be
willing to contract for such a project. An initial search has not turned up
a specialist in general aviation airport economics, but I thought you
might know of one or could recommend an alternative. With the
extensive growth in the Flathead Valley and the increased general
aviation interest, we feel the need to be able to effectively articulate the
value of our "jewel in the rough."
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. If you need more
information from me, please feel free to e-mail or call me at the locations
listed below. Thanks in advance for your help.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT
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