Economic Impact ReqPati Heath
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 3:45 PM
To: ''
Subject: Scope of Work and Estimate for the City of Kalispell Airport
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Sorry it has taken a few days for me to get back to you. I have reviewed the scope of work with the City Manager
and at this time we would like you to formalize the detail included in the document you have already sent. I would
appreciate a refined copy by October 3 if possible. The next Airport Advisory Board Meeting is October 8 and I
would like to take it to them at that time. If you would like to attend out meeting to explain the work or answer
questions, you are certainly welcome.
Please respond to this e-mail to let me know that you will be able to meet the October 3rd timeline and whether
you will be able to attend the meeting on October 8, at City Hall from 3-5 PM. We could put you at the beginning
of the meeting so that you don't need to stay for the entire meeting.
Thanks, Jim.
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT