East Side Access A1
Pati Heath
From:Phil Porrini [phil@rpa-hln.com]
Sent:Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:51 PM
To:Pati Heath
Subject:RE: East Side Access at Kalispell City Airport
Hope all is well for the new Grandma, Mom, and family.
Once there is a defined location for the "For Sale" parcels, it would be a good idea to
see if the City can obligate the funds to buy these properties (if required) now. If owned
by the City I believe they can be appraised later and the Fair Market Value established
after the purchase and that FMV will be used to determine the amount of federal
reimbursement (90%).
You can also get the appraisal now and make an offer based on that, but it's likely to
take more time and influence the sale price.
Let me know where the properties are.
My take on the Conference Call is that we still have a tough road to travel, when dealing
with the Radio Towers. It sounds very borderline for the same person to represent both
sides on a Defaulted Loan. If this matter were separated, it may clear a path that could
settle a lot of issues, both for MDT and the the City of Kalispell.
Philip P. Porrini @ Robert Peccia & Associates
P.O. Box 5653, 825 Custer Avenue
Helena, MT 59604
(406) 447-5000
(406) 447-5036 fax
(406) 439-8755 cell
email: phil@rpa-hln.com