Easement Info ReqPati Heath From: Pati Heath [pheath@kalispell.com] Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 2:43 PM To: 'James C. Hansz (jhansz@kalispell.com)' Subject: Easement Information Request Page 1 of 1Message 1/26/2005 Jim, Today I had a request for information from an attorney on behalf of his client. As I got into the discussion, I learned that there is a parcel of land for sale (the old Valley Victory Church) near the airport (7CF) that has an easement to the airport. I decided to drive out there since I was unaware of any entry in that area. Sure enough, there is a paved roadway from the property, going through what I believe to be parcel 7CB and then attaches to the airport taxiway. What is the process for determining who holds the easement and the terms of the easement? I anticipate that this is going to be a problem for us in the future since the client is interested in becoming a through the fence operation. We are currently defining what that means at this airport and we are not sure we will want more through the fence operations in the future--primarily due to homeland security recommendations. Once I find out the easement identification process, I will be working with Charlie on next steps. I will be out of the office on the 28th & 29th, but hope I can get started shortly thereafter. Thanks for your help. Pati Heath Assistant to the City Manager City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774