Council Workshop Cancellation APati Heath From: Heath, Pati Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 12:32 PM To: 'Art Thompson (saildoc@montanasky.us)' Subject: FW: City Council Workshop Page 1 of 1Message 1/26/2005 Art, Sorry you didn't get this notice. I got yours back and had intended to call you and let you know, but my daughter had her baby and had some trouble--everything else just left my mind. I've got you on the new list. If you have any questions about this, feel free to give me a call. Pati Heath Assistant to the City Manager City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774 -----Original Message----- From: Pati Heath [mailto:pheath@kalispell.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 9:37 AM To: Tom Webber (Tom@stonespirits.org); 'Chris Kukulski (ckukulski@kalispell.com)'; Chris Young (2484@sofast.net); 'Fred Leistiko (leistiko@digisys.net)'; Gib Bissell (gib@aeroinn.com); Glen Smith (glensmith@kljeng.com); Gregor Savesky (UPGS@MtSky.net); 'Keith Robinson (robroost@aboutmontana.net)'; 'P J Sorensen (psorensen@kalispell.com)'; Pete Gross (lonemtn@calweb.com); Roger Lincoln (rmbalinc@ttc- cmc.net); 'Scott Richardson (scott@pagenw.com)'; Shannon Nalty (nalty@centurytel.net); 'Theresa White (twhite@kalispell.com)' Subject: City Council Workshop The workshop session planned with the City Council on October 27 has been changed to December 8. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Pati Heath Assistant to the City Manager City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774