Business Plan OutlinePati Heath
From: Pati Heath []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 2:47 PM
To: 'Shannon Nalty ('; 'Scott Richardson ('
Subject: Airport Business Plan
Attachments: Bus Plan Outline.pdf
Page 1 of 1Message
I have developed an outline that touches on the types of things that should be reflected in the Airport Business
Plan. Please don't let it scare you -- because it is lengthy and hopefully complete. Some of the information we
already have in different formats that may just need to be updated and inserted. Other areas we'll need to
document our thoughts and in still others we'll need some research.
Much of the information is repetitive, but looked at from a different angle depending on its use as part of the
history, strategy or ongoing plans. I think there are several ways we can approach this and would like to set up a
meeting with the two of you to discuss it further. Perhaps we can talk for a few minutes after tomorrow's meeting.
Happy reading--see you tomorrow!
Pati Heath
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774