Business Plan Addition10/21/2003
City Airport Business Plan Outline
To: Patty
Fr: Shannon
Re: Input
2.3 Competition
The overall market in aviation is very sensitive to the economic trends of the nation. We are in
an era of low interest rates making aviation more affordable, but on the other hand, employment
and business expansion, other than retail, is slow in the Flathead Valley.
• Aviation in the Valley whether private, business, or commercial is destined to expand.
The key focus is the three categories of aviation, and the needs and services required by
each. The commercial needs will be met by Glacier Park International. Looking at
communities like Oakland or San Jose, CA, as the international airports expanded, the
smaller business and private aircraft were displaced to smaller airports. Those smaller
airports, like Hayward Executive, have become larger than many airports in the nation.
On a much smaller scale, our area should experience similar growth.
• One requirement of business aircraft, is to be able to land (expedite clearance) and
commute to their destination in a timely maimer. Business aircraft is generally smaller
and more maneuverable. The financial impact to the community is significant as many
companies will not relocate without logistical issues like this being in place.
• Private aircraft, due to restrictions and complexity of approach and departures, inherently
do not want to fly into busy international airports. The requirement for an alternate field
is imperative. At this point, it is important to differentiate a grass strip, like Whitefish or
Femdale, from an airport like the City airport. On a safety standpoint, many airplanes
cannot land on a grass strip due to weight, design of the airplane or weather conditions
(wet field).
In summation, competition with GPI and the grass fields will be minimal as the City Airport
would fill a niche for hangers, services for pilots and aircraft that will be need even more in the
future. The community will benefit as well as the State in increased tourism and revenue.
2.6 Macroenvironment
Expansion of the airport will bring in significantly more affluent businesses and private
travelers. The present condition of the airport does not lend itself to use by these users,
because the lack of fencing, security and overall appearance and condition deters many
travelers from excursions to our part of the state.
• Legal issues generally fall into liability from exposure if the field is not maintained, i.e.
fencing and management of the facility, that could allow dogs, people, cars and non-
related businesses/customers, to be in an aviation environment, that has significant risk to
not only the public, but also the flying commumty.
• Government factors will primarily be airport security and this will be even more stringent
in the ftiture. We need to be prepared and vigilant, as this not only affects the security of
this airport, but in the case of a national or local disaster, a 2’~ airport may become the
only operational airport to support the area/state.
An airport is an economic engine that in many ways is hard to put quantitative values on.
The City airport and GPI are like comparing an interstate highway with a regional highway,
as both feed off each other and also serve exclusive needs of the traveler or commerce. We
have a significant asset for transportation, the economy, and public safety and security.