Airport ManagerPati Heath From: Pati Heath [pheath@kalispell.com] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 4:03 PM To: 'Marti Hensley (mhensley@kalispell.com)' Subject: Airport Manager Page 1 of 1Message 1/27/2005 The Airport Advisory Board is considering hiring a contract employee as a part time airport manager. Chris has suggested that you can help us determine what kinds of things we might need to do from a human resource standpoint. Do we need to advertise the position? I'm assuming we would require some time of insurance coverage. Do we have a contract that we would use? Anything else you can think of? We will be discussing this issue at the next meeting on December 10. Hopefully, you will be able to get back to me by then. Thanks for your help. Pati Heath Assistant to the City Manager City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774