Airport InformationPati Heath From: Susan Moyer [smoyer@kalispell.com] Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 1:57 PM To: pheath@kalispell.com Subject: Airport Information Page 1 of 1 1/27/2005 During our meeting yesterday, I expressed grave concern over the City's need to sell a bond in the Airport TIF District this coming year in order to keep district alive. Chris mentioned it would be a good opportunity to cover the costs of the rental buildings the City is contemplating constructing as well as the runways (?) up to them. What I need to know is: 1. How many rental units is the Authority contemplating being built? 2. What is the cost for the construction of the buildings? 3. What is the infrastructure costs (sewer, water, paving, etc.) for the development? 4. What rental income will all this generate? 5. What sort of implementation schedule is identified? 6. What other needs might there be that the City would earn income from? I know you're gone from the 11th. I would appreciate your getting back to me as soon as you can. Susan