Airport Hangar - Kasilof FisheriesPati Heath From: Pati Heath [pheath@kalispell.com] Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 8:59 AM To: Scott Richardson (scott@pagenw.com) Cc: Chris Kukulski (ckukulski@kalispell.com) Subject: Airport Hanger Page 1 of 1Message 1/26/2005 Scott, This morning I talked to Chance Chacon of Kasilof Fisheries regarding the user fee. Last year he paid the fee but was very upset by it since he hadn't been told about it. He has his plane there for about a month for repairs only. He then got a letter telling him he had to pay up. His plane (N7094D) is usually in Alaska supporting the fishing industry. He ignored the first letter he got this year, but was responding to letter two. Since his plane has not been spotted here this year, I waived this years fee. As we talked, Chance made a recommendation that there be some kind of sign posted for folks to know there is a $50 fee if you land more than once or the plane is located there for a time. He was trying to be helpful since he was so annoyed by it last year. Also, we got into the airport upgrades we are trying to make and he was interested in them. He usually hangers his other planes at Glacier when there is a need. He questioned the timeline for having good hangers available at the City airport. I have given him your number and indicated you could speak with more clarity than I on the issue. Any questions, let me know. Pati Heath Administrative Coordinator City Manager's Office City of Kalispell, MT 406-758-7774