AM radio towers1 Pati Heath From:Chris Kukulski [ckukulski@kalispell.com] Sent:Tuesday, April 08, 2003 12:14 PM To:pheath@kalispell.com Cc:charball@kalispell.com Subject:FW: Kalispell City Airport, AM radio towers -----Original Message----- From: Gary.Gates@faa.gov [mailto:Gary.Gates@faa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 10:28 AM To: ckukulski@kalispell.com Cc: phil@rpa-hln.com; David.Field@faa.gov; James.Riley@faa.gov; Dave.Stelling@faa.gov; leistiko@digisys.net Subject: Kalispell City Airport, AM radio towers Chris- I had received a call from Fred Leistiko last week regarding the AM radio towers located south of the Kalispell City Airport. Fred advised that he had spoken to James Riley, an airspace specialist with our Air Traffic office in Renton, WA. He also said that the AM radio station owner had called James regarding the status of an FAA determination that was made with respect to the radio towers and adjacent airport airspace that we had issued to the City of Kalispell January 27, 2000. An airspace study was conducted by the FAA (Airports Division) as airspace case no. 99- HLN-0023-NRA. The study was initiated by the Helena Airports District Office in order to determine any potential issues with respect to the adjacent airspace as part of the Airport Master Plan study and Airport Layout Plan Update that was concluded in 1999 to study proposed development at the airport. The study was coordinated and comments were received from FAA Air Traffic Office, Flight Procedures and Flight Standards. Our determination, in summary, stated that we would object to any development funded under AIP unless the towers were removed or relocated. That is still a condition of our funding involvement with the city airport. In the past we have also discussed the possibility of the tower removal being funded in part under AIP. We would support funding through AIP of the physical removal or demolition of the structures that are an obstruction to the adjacent airport subject to availability of federal funding. Our understanding is that the city and MT State Highway Dept. are currently negotiating a means of disposition with the radio station, which may include removal or relocation of the entire radio facility including the adjacent building. Please keep us informed as to the status of the tower removal and development plans at the city airport so that we can discuss your funding needs and schedule of proposed development. -Gary Gates FAA, Helena Airports District Office.