02-19-20 Homeless Task Force MinutesHomeless Task Force Meeting Minutes from 2/19/2020 meeting
Rod Kuntz, Gary Hall, Tom Rygg, Pastor Miriam Mauritzen, Pastor Scott Thompson,
Jim Atkinson, Jarod Nygren
Call to Order:
Rod called the meeting to order at 1:01 PM, on Wednesday February 19, 2020 in the City
of Kalispell upper conference room.
New Business:
Introductions — Task force introductions
Goal? — Discussion about what the task force goal/scope is. What can we do better, how
big, what is being done, etc.? Need to come up with solutions unique/out of box to
Kalispell. Long discussion about needing real homeless #'s for Kalispell.
Guests — Discussion that the group needed to bring in guests to give is an understanding,
i.e. — Salvation Army, SD5 (Nicole Heyer), Chris Krager, Abby Shelter, Ray of Hope,
Flathead Warming Center, etc. Gary will reach out to Salvation Army to see if they can
attend next meeting.
Categories — Discussion about understanding the different categories of homelessness.
Homeless moms, homeless kids, homeless felons, etc. What are the resources for each
category, if any? Once we know the categories need to bring in the stakeholders that
serve the different populations. Rod to work on categories.
Questionnaire — Need to put together a questionnaire and send out to all of the
stakeholders. Have any other cities, League of Cities, MACO done research? Jarod to
research City questionnaires.
Hotels — How many homeless in hotels? Jim Atkinson will reach out to some of his hotel
Next meeting 3/4/2020. Meeting adjourned at 2 :20.