Resolution 4469 - Contract Change - Meridian Road Reconstruction Project1919
WHEREAS, the City on October 10, 1995 did enter into a
contract with Robert Peccia and Associates, Helena, MT for the
reconstruction of North Meridian Road and
WHEREAS, certain elements in the project required additional
work, as well as time to complete; and said additional work and
time requirements could not have been necessarily foreseeable when
the original construction contract was entered into, and said
changes are contained in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and are by
this reference made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, upon the advice and recommendation of Jim Hansz,
Public Works Director, it appears in the best interests of the City
to approve said changes and alterations.
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-5-
4308(1) MCA be it hereby resolved:
1. The alterations and modifications of the contract between
the City of Kalispell and Robert Peccia and Associates, dated March
24, 1999, as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto are hereby
approved, and
2. As soon as the alterations and
modifications are agreed to
in writing, signed by
the City Manager,
as hereby approved by the
Council, this approval
thereof shall be
in effect.
APRIL, 1999.
Theresa White
City Clerk
Wm. E. Boharski
PA an SW
Ksbft vaum sera
00 447-IM
FAX iN u7-M
March 24, 1999
Mr. Jim Hansz, P.E.
Director of Public Works / City Engineer
City of Kalispell
P.O. Sox 1997 -
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
Subject: STPU 6701(5)
North Meridian Road - Kalispell
C.N. 2950
Dear Jim:
This letter reiterates the items discussed in my December 17, 1998 letter, and
also provides the additional costs associated with combining the plans for
phases R and Ill of the subject project. Item No. 2 in my original letter, the
additional cost of proportioning the storm drain items, has been deleted.
However, we have added in several additional items based upon MDrs final
plan review comments.
The original contract between the City of Kalispell and Robert Peccia and
Associates (RPA) for work on the North Meridian Road project was signed on
October 10, 1995. The official Notice to Proceed was issued on October 19,
1995 with a scheduled project completion date of March 15, 1997. The total
contract amount was $370,149.20.
Since the original agreement was signed, five supplemental agreements have
been approved. They are as listed below:
Supplement No. i - $6770 for additional subsurface utility work.
Supplement No. 2 - $31,300 for splitting the project into three
Supplement No. 3 - To extend the contract completion_ date to
August 14,1998.
Supplement No. 4 - To remove the right-of-way appraisal and
acquisition work from the contract. This
supplement reduced the contract amount by
Supplement No. 5 - $43,750 for retaining walls, hydraulics report,
underdrain system, sanitary sewer and water
main stub -outs, and other miscellaneous Mork.
The current contract ceiling is $391,928.
Our work on this project is essentially complete as the final Utility Plans were
submitted on October 8, 1998, the final Right -of -Way plans on October 21,
1998, and final road plan check prints on November 9, 1998. We are currently
addressing comments from the final road plan review submittal.
As we previously discussed., RPA is approximately $76,000 over budget on
this project at this time. So, although we very much dislike having to request
additional funds, we would like to point out several areas where we think
additional work or work beyond the scope of the original agreement and/or
supplements was necessary. We do believe that some of the cost overrun is
our own fault, Mainly due to some staffing and scheduling situations, and are
not requesting funds to cover all of our overrun, but rather, only that which we
consider to be extra work or extenuating circumstances. I would also bike to
point out that RPA will complete this project to everyone's satisfaction
regardless of the outcome of this reouest.
there was not a clear-cut separation of the extra work from the other wodt.
However, using old time sheets and our cost aecotting systm we hit"
the best we can to fairly estimate the cost of the extra work. For the items
originally discussed in my December 17, 1998 letter, we are not asl*g for any
additional profit, but only for the actual cost of performing the wort 'lbe
additional cost associated with combining the plans for phases H and H does
include profit, as does the additional work based on MDT's final review
comments. The cost breakdown for each of the items is shown on the attached
The following list briefly describes the extra work and the associated cost
- 1. Signing and striping plans are usually on the same plan sheets.
However, due to the complex nature of this project, it became
necessary to separate the signing and striping into separate sets
of plans. This resulted in 6 additional plan sheets for Phase I
and 3 additional for Phase K If this had not been done, the
plan sheets would have been very cluttered and very difficult to
read and follow.
Cost = $1882.
2. Revisions to the striping plan south of Idaho Street per the
MDT Traffic Engineering Section required extension of the
project limits to the south. This necessitated preparing a new
roadway plan and profile sheet and recalculating quantities.
The new road plan sheet resulted in the treed for new R/W,
signing and pavement marking sheets.
Cost = $3407.
3. The cost of splitting the project into 3 separate sets of plans
was covered under Supplemental Agreement No. I However,
we did not anticipate the trickle down effect frc m one phase to
another when changes were required. For example, following
the plan -in -hand for Phase 1, we made the necessary changes
and thought we were done with that set of plans. However.
when we held the plan -in -hand for Phases II and III, changes
agreed to at that time resulted in having to go back and make
many of the same changes to the Phase One plans. In general,
when a change was made on one phase, it required changes in
the plans for other phases also.
Cost = $4941.
4. Supplemental Agreement No. 3 dated October 7. 1997,
removed the R/W appraisal and acquisition services fivm our
agreement. Subsequent to this, MDT apparently re-evaluated
their workload and came back to us with a request that are
submit a new proposal to handle the R/W work on'the project.
We initially contacted Mary Nelson, since he was our original
subconsultant for this work, to see if he would still be
interested in doing this work. Mary declined so we contacted
DuBray Land Services from Billings. They were interested and
developed a comprehensive and detailed proposal for the
work. After numerous discussions and meetings with MDT,
the decision was made that MDT would do the work with their
own in-&ouse personnel. I know that the City of Kalispell did
not request this and was not in favor of it, however, it did
amount to a considerable amount of time and work for me. We
had to submit plans, prepare a proposal for our portion of the
work, attend meetings, and generally coordinate preparation of
the new proposal. Again, I realize that this was requested by
MDT and not the City, so I am not sure how you might want to
handle this.
Cost = $4150.
5. Addition of a new approach for the UPS hiciliry required a
complete re -design of the Three Mile Intersection. The re.
design included roadway, signing, pavement markings, signal
and lighting plans. Re -drafting of all of these plans was also
necessary and included se -doing the geometric layout of the
Cost = $4764.
6. Some time was spent on the design and details for four right -in,
right -out approaches including the City Service approach.
Also, extra time was spent on design, coordination and
correspondence resolving the City Service approach issue.
Including these approaches resulted in additional work on
signing and pavement marking plans.
Cost = $1019.
7. An arch pipe was originally selected for the storm drain system
from Station 9+80 to 13+10 so there would be no
enanmhment into the base course. MDT later determined that
the encroachment was acceptable and requested that the plans
be changed accordingly. Ibis required additional drafting on
storm drain detail sheets , roadway cross -sections and some
additional cost analysis.
Cost = $707.
8. Some time was spent meeting with property owners adjacent to
the north end of the project to discuss their preference for
retaining walls or 6:1 slopes. These meetings resulted in the
addition of several short retaining walls to the plans.
Additional design and drafting was necessary to include these
in the plans.
Cost = $1091.
9. Contrary to past practices and not anticipated on this project,
MDT required a detailed geometric layout sheet for each major
intersection on the project. Six new plan sheets were needed
for Phase I for the intersections at US 2, Husky, Two Mile,
Wyoming, Liberty and Three Mile. Two new sheets were
needed for Phase II for the intersections at Parkway and US 93.
Cost = $5906.
10. The original contract was signed in October, 1995 with
completion expected in March, 1997. Because of the relatively
short time frame anticipated, we did not include any additional
funds for salary increases. In reality, we have had three pay
increases since that time; July, 1996, July, 1997 and July,
1998. Supplemental Agreements No. 2 and 5 did incorporate
some of these increases as they were based on salary rates in
effect at the time they were signed However, much of the
work on the project was accomplished at rates higher than
those used to develop our proposal. The impact of these
increased rates was determined based on work accomplished
after each year's increase was given taking into account
- - - - Supplements Two and Five.
Cost = $891 b.
11. At the February 22, 1999 meeting at the MDT Missoula
District office, it was derided to combine the plans for
Phase U & IIL
Cost = $3448.
12. Combine the plans for the FW&P storm drain items w419 2 3
North Meridian Rd. construction plans.
Cost = $216.
13. Add typical sections for the curbed ptw transitions on
intersecting streets, and revise the surfacing quantity frames
Cost = $773.
14. Revise the sidewalk frame to show quantities for intersecting ..
` streets on separate lines.
Cost = $227.
TOTAL COST = $41,347
We realize that we are asking for a significant adjustment in our fee fairly late
in the project development process and should have brought up some of these
issues earlier. However, we will certainly appreciate your consideration of our
request at this time. Our goal all ,tong has been to complete this project to the
City's and MDT's satisfaction and, as stated earlier, we will complete the
project regardless of the outcome of this request. We enjoy working for the
City of Kalispell and certainly do not want to jeopardize the tryst and working
relationship that has developed over the last few years.
Gordon L Larson, P.E.
Manager, Streets and Highways Division
cc: file
Item No. 1 - Eng. Designer
Item No. 2 = Proj. Engineer.
Proj. Engineer
16 his. x $15.00 = $240
401us. x:$12.57 = S495
$735 x 1.56 Overhead = 11147
Sub -Total $1882
161jrs. x-$19.35 =
24 hrs. x S 17.79 = _
48 hrs. x $12.57 =
3524 _
$1331 x 1.56 Overhead =
Sub -Total
1924 Item No. 3 - Prof. Engineer 16 hrs. x $19.35 = $310
Proj. Engineu 16 hrs. x $17.79 = $285
CADD 40 hm x S 12.37 = $495
Eng. Designer 48 hrs. x $17.50 =$qQ
$1930 x 1.56 Overhead = 53011
Sub -Total $4941
Item No. 4 - Proj. Manager 60 hrs. x $27.02 = S 162I
- $1621
$1621 x 1.56 Overhead = RQ
Sub -Total $4150
Item No. 5 - Proj. Engineer 16 hrs. x $17.79 = $285
CADD 60 hrs. x $12.37 = $736
Eng. Designer 48 hrs. x $17.50 = 20
$1861 x 1.56 Overhead =UM
- Sub -Total $4764
Item No. 6 - Proj. Engineer 8 hrs. x S 19.35 = $155
Proj. Engineer 8 hrs. x $17.79 = $142
CARD 8 hrs. x $12.57 = s l01
$398 x 1.56 Overhead = 5C21
Sub -Total $1019
Item No. 7 - Proj. Engineer 8 hrs. x $19.35 = $155
Proj. Engineer 4 hrs. x $17.79 = $71
CADD 4 hrs. x $1257 = _M
$276 x 1.56 Overhead = S43 i
Sub -Total $707
Item No. 8 - Proj. Engineer 6 hrs. x $17.79 = $107
CADD 8 hrs. x $12.37 = $101
Eng. Designer 8 hrs. x $14.42 = $115
Des. Engineer 6 hrs. x $17.16 =Q
$426 x 1.56 Overhead = _M
Sub -Total $1091
Item No. 9 - Proj. Engineer 16 hrs. x $19.35 = $310
CARD 80 hrs. x $12.37 = $1006
Eng. Designer 60 hrs. x $15.87 = 5952
$2268 x 1.56 Overhead = 53538
Sub -Total $5806
Item No. 10 - Costs billed between 7-1-96 and 7=1-98 = $86,486
.$86,486 x 0.05 (7-1-96 raise) _ $4324
Costs billed between 7-1-97 and 7-1-98; = $74,717
- - $74,717 - 28,802 (Supp.-No. 2) = $45,915
$45,915 x [0.05(7-1-96 raise) + 0.05(7-1-97 raise)]=$4592
Costs billed after 7-1-98 = $12,663
$12,663-$20818(Supp. No. 5) _ s
Sub -Total $8916
Item No. 11 - Proj. Engineer
10 hrs. x $18.80 =
$188 1
32 hrs x $1237 a
Eng. Designer
Sub -Total
$824 _
$824 x 12% Profit =
Sub -Total
Direct Job Costs
(32 hrs x $5.00)
Subconsultant Fee
Sub -Total
— Total (Item Na 11)
Item No. 12 - Pro}. Engineer
2 hrs. x $18.80 =
Sub -Total
$75 x 12% Profit ;
Sub -Total
Direct Job Costs
Computer time
Sub -Total
Total (Item No. 12)
Item No. 13 - Prof. Engineer
7 hrs. x $18.80 =
Sub -Total
$268 x 12% Profit =
Sub -Total
Direct Job Costs
Computer time
M hrs. 55.001
Sub -Total
Total (Item No. 13)
$773 j
Item No. 14 - Prof. Engineer
Direct Job Costs
3 hrs. x $18.80 =
2hrs. 512.37
x =
Sub -Total
$81. x 12% Profit =
Sub -Total
Computer time
Sub -Total
$14 -
Total (Item No. 14)
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How" Ymms sera
WO "7-soon
March 24, 1999
Mr. Jim Hansz, P.E.
Director of Public Works / City Engineer
City of Kalispell
P. O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
Subject: STPU 6701(5)
North Meridian Road - Kalispell
C.N. 2950
Dear run:
As discussed at our recent meeting in Missoula, we are sending you 2 copies
of our proposals to appraise and acquire the right -of --way for the North
Meridian Road project, We are actually submitting 3 separate proposals; one
to appraise and acquire the R/W for Phase i only, another to appraise and
acquire the R/W for Phase H only at a later date, and another to appraise and
acquire the R/W for the entire project.
The R/W subconsultant we are proposing to use for this work is called the
R/W Acquisition Group, headquartered in Bozeman. They have about 6
appraisers in the group scattered thoughout the state including Roger Jacobson
in Kalispell. We are presently using them as a subconsultant to perform the
R/W appraisal and acquisition on Columbia Heights - Hungry Horse and have
been very pleased with their performance.
Additional information about the R/W Acquisition Group is attached for your
If you have any questions or need any additional information please let me
Gordon L. Larson, P.E.
Manager, Streets and Highways Division
CC.* file
COMM" ""Mff - WV A."u AND AC"ffM - KWU f • ! • M PMIICEti
f001E O , SEMMU No COC: p#Opol t
MORrFImmm ADAO - I[MJfip L
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WAMWft LABaR MM MOM -Ti-exam U&S" a mom
u DMCT cars no t
oaeffa.ZENCM fat. fuffa.w
TOTAL mats
Rwmgpaft P►LAM fig
m fats
192 8 -
Aamudstratin Otllow
P.O. Box 1301
Boeamn, Mr 59772
Phone 406-597-5747
Fax 406-597-5203
March 20, 199P
Right -of -Way Acquisition Group, LLC
Appraisal, Appraisal Review, NegoUdoo. Acquisition. Relocation
Mr. Gordon L. Larson, P.E.
Robert Peccia dl: Associates
P.O. Box 5653
Helena, MT 59604
Re: North Meridian Road - Kalispell .
STPU 6701(6)
Dear Mr. Larson:
RA �, :.a, ■ R.wr •�
R.. Orr. f
MAR 22- 3 1999
Detmis C. Fbeger. MAL Mgt
WiUiam A Faro, MAI
Stevm A hall, MAI
Roger D. bmbrao, MAI
Robed D. Kambel, MAI
[Gail P. %Ceaena. MAI
The Right-Qf-Way Acquisition Group submits this proposal for the appraisal and acquisitim of
right of way on the North Meridian Road - Kalispell project -
It appears from the plans that a total of 64 parcels wifi require some form of an appraisal,
including determinations of value. We anticipate that all of the members of the Right -Of -Way
Acquisition Group, except Dennis C. Hoeger, may be involved in the appraisal of these parcels.
A complete axles catalog will be prepared for the project by Roger Jacobson. Based on the sales
in the catalog we will be able to prepare all of the reports needed on the project. We estimate
that it will take approximately 33 days to gather and confirm the required sales information The
cost of preparing this sales catalog is estimated at =500.
Parcels 1, 2, 13, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 57, 63, 65 and 66
wig probably be determinations of value. We estimate the cost of preparing these 23 valuations at
$350 per parcel, for a total cost of $9,050.
Parcels 3, 4, 52, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46,
50, 52, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 will probably require a RWA 155 report. We estimate the
cost of preparing these 34 valuations at $1,750 per parcel, for a total cost of $59,500.
Parcels 15, 21, 24 and 26 will also require a RWA 155, but these are appraisals with more
complex issues. We estimate the cost of preparing these 4 valuations at S2,400 per parcel, for a
total cost of $9,600.
Parcels 6, 40 and 64 will require an RWA 155 or a complete narrative appraisal report due to the
complex issues associated with these parcels. The estimated cost to prepare these reports is
$5,000 per parcel, for a total cost of S 15,000.
From an inspection of the project, it appears that a total of 11 signs will be impacted by the
project requiring cost estimates. The added cost to obtain estimated for these signs is $1,870.
Mr. Ron Olson will be primarily responsible for the negotiations on this project. He has provided
the following cost estimate.
Parcels 1 - 4, 5, 6, 9 - 18, 21 - 46, 48 - 51, 59, 60, 62, 64 and 65 are acquisition parcels at a cost
of $1,400 per parcel, for a total cost of $70,000 for the 50 parcels.
Parcels 7 and 8 are State/Federal parcels estimated to cost $1,000 per parcel, for a total cost of
Parcels 4, 19, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63 and' 66 have construction permits only at an
estimated cost of$600 per parcel, for a total cost of $7,200 for the 12 parcels.
Relocations will be negotiated for S1,500 per parcel; we estimate that parcels 6, 15 and 64 may
be involved in relocation, for a total cost of $4,500.
Mr. Olson's cost estimate includes the negotiations for signs.
We anticipate that Mr. Olson will prepare the deeds for the project and the cost will be $150 per
parcel, for a total cost of $9,600.
Dennis C. Hoeger will act as manager for the project. The management is expected to include
_ meetings with MDOT staff, Gordon Larson, and with some land owners. W. Hoeger will
coordinate, as needed, between MDOT, Gordon Larson, appraisers and negotiators. ffis time
will be billed at S85 per hour.
We anticipate as much as 5 hours per parcel for a total cost of $27,200.
Appraisal - Sales Catalog $22,500
DOV - 23 parcels 8,050
RWA 155 - 34 parcels 59,500
RWA 155 complex - 4 parcels 9,600
RWA 155 complex - 3 parcels 15,000
Signs L$IQ
Total S116,520
Negotiations - Acquisitions $70,000
State/Federal 2,000
Construction Permits 7,200
Total S 79,200
Relocation $ 4,500
Deed Preparation - S 9,600
Management $27,200
Grand Total $237,020
Please give me a call if you have any questions.
Dennis C. Hoeger