Utility Rates/Impact Fees Public Comment from John HincheyMy comments are in regard to the proposed Water and sewer rate increases. I
understand the need to increase water and sewer rates to keep up with inflation and
nsinq ccossts That par-t- of the. inuncierstarxi-
It appears with your new rate proposals, the Impact Fees are the only ones being
reduced. I'm sure you are aware, that over the past years, a great deal of time and
effort. has gone into lishing the Fees,_ to assure that- �.rav�►cth. for
growth. It appears that you are lowering these fees, subsidizing growth at the expense
of the current rate payers. I urge you to reconsider the reduction in the Impact Fees,
they TRLELY. mver_ the impact of grova�th.
Also, everything I've heard and read relates to cost increases. The meter replacement
fees are rising as the new digital read meters are more expensive. I assume there are
xj mar- cost. savir gs soniewhere., where and how much?
Thank you,
.1-Ohll. kiJl1C11Ey
534 4th Ave East
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