Utility Rates/Impact Fees Public Comment from Evergreen Water & Sewer District 1kiew DISTRICT 1 cr---) .Olson Dries MT raaoi 40 57-6M '7ax: 40 -756 L 6 -1588 Q I Email: info@evergreein�,,,,.- COM M E NTS OF FLATH EA D CO U NTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT #1 — EVERRG RE E N SUBMITTED MARCH 2,21020 Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the Kalispell City Council: Flathead County Water & Sewer District #1 — Evergreen ("'the District") submits these written comments in connection with -fte Council' s corrsiderat-lon of a proposed rate increase in wastewater treatment rates for the City's cust-oa-iers. The Distric- pr(ovides water and wastewater services in the community of Evergreen whiCh is aln ale a of T',athe--,ad Dis�-rict has a Sanitary Sewer 'or �A."as-,-ew Ph 2C reall-irvent Agreement with the City datled July 11 201-�� er--reaj-m-.P-ntan 0 e -!- Ca I[ -e T 4, i jM!it-t:0n,�, se ry h e Ag re, e m en f i e s t h. a t t h e C i t v rp. a Y r s e L! w i cc-:,,,-[- a i n n di -01 o � �I s a, n dl Iis The District has W been in discussions with the Public orks Depa-i-tryient and their rate consultant, HDR Engineering and has engaged its own consultant to review the City's rate analysis. The District is in the process of requesting additional information from HDR. Because the service is pro videdll t-o the Distirict by separate Agreement., the District does not plan to participate in the public processes per -tar il-ling to the Cites residents who will be affectC, e by the proposed increase- The District, hovjever, does want to advise the C'..ounc'! -hat the rate increase is of great concern -�-he se,,,&rer raes and, the Districts Board o` D i rerte-- rs and. will hfa-ve-- s'--nifica.nt imo.act[ on ILL L conseq,uently, on the District's cust-orners). Fu';,'t-hen."more, `Che Dist-r";ct- advises the Council thait-hei-en micay be issues with the City' s proposed rates and Chan es in fe,-,?s as vliel I as wit-h she rate methodo ':' Ogy. I "F(OSE concerns will be raised and addressed T., Conr).ect-loti with disCussions that ale ongolncF with thie-N Public Works Department. 7Res ully submitted, Cindw Munray, General Manager, la County Water &-S-e-'vier District #1 — Ivergreen 0--- �-