Utility rates Public Comment from Steven AllenFrom:steven allen
To:Kalispell City Council
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Utility rates
Date:Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:11:45 AM
I'm a Kalispell resident homeowner as well as a senior citizen on fixed pensions. I
sat on the original impact fee committee and our motto was always "growth pays
for growth." To hear that our rates will drastically increase and impact fees will
decrease is contrary to the growth policy of the Flathead Valley. For too long,
Kalispell has allowed developers to never ending growth without shouldering the
burden on the infrastructure growth. This practice must cease and developers
should pay the brunt of expansion. I urge all council members to reconsider
these decreases in an effort to offset the drastic utility rate increases that the
residents will face. Regards, S. Allen, Merganser Drive, Kalispell.