Utility Rates Public Comment from Linda RiffeI am responding to the recent letter I received from the City of Kalispell regarding the proposed rate
increases for sewer service. I hope you will reconsider the size of this rate increase. I am a widowed
person on social security and live in Village Greens in a townhome. I have been trying to keep my
expenses down as everything else keeps going up. This includes cutting my cable service as well as other
“non-essential” activities. Yet, I still can’t get ahead. The rate increases from pharmaceuticals, health
care, and utilities are far outstripping the Social Security increase at 2%. The rate increase you are
proposing to so far beyond that, I am not sure what else I can cut short of stopping living. Surely after
spending a lifetime of working, saving, and doing all the right things to plan for my retirement, I should
not have to worry about whether I can pay for all of these costs. (One of my prescription drugs—my
copay—is $1,700.) Little did I know that I was going to be diagnosed with a devastating illness. You
might say that there is help for people like me. I have tried and am told I don’t qualify. I am just over the
threshold for income—of course that doesn’t take into account my medical expenses. I know that rates
have to go up to cover costs, but how much is enough? Could this rate increase be implemented in
smaller, more manageable increments? I implore you to consider options other that the enormous
increase that is being proposed. It hurts a lot of people. Thank you for considering my comments.
Normally, I do not complain or talk about my health issues, but this warrants it. Respectfully, Linda Riffe