COVID-19 State of emergency Public Comment from Emily BakerFrom:Emily Baker
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] State of Emergency Declaration
Date:Monday, April 6, 2020 1:54:30 PM
Kalispell City Council:
There are 26 confirmed cases in all of the Flathead Valley. 26. In what way would this
require more drastic precautions than what has already been taken? Our economy andcommunity is already going to suffer tremendously from the precautions that have already
been put into place: putting into effect this "state of emergency" would only amplify that.
I am a college student going into the health field and DO NOT SUPPORT declaring a state of
emergency in Kalispell, especially in regards to preventing “ingress to or egress from
all or part of the city and to direct law enforcement to enforce quarantines
and curfews in all or parts of the City concurrent with or at the direction of
the County Board of Health Officer.”
This situation does NOT warrant stifling our citizen's individual liberties. I will be watchingthe live stream tonight and expect the voices in opposition to this to be heard and very
seriously considered.
Emily Baker