COVID-19 State of emergency Public Comment from Sharise ClostioFrom:shariseclostio
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Curfews, etc
Date:Monday, April 6, 2020 4:14:26 PM
Kalispell residents are caring, responsible adults. We have been following state shelter in
place orders and DO NOT NEED any more rules placed on us, or rights taken from us such aswhat you are proposing here. We are capable of following Governor Bullock's
recommendations and mandates and DO NOT REQUIRE the city to prohibit us any more thanwe already are.
Besides, this virus is showing a decrease in cases beginning this past weekend, and we have
Covid under control here. To prohibit Kalispell residents from travelling when we feel weneed to for essential things is to place on us an unwarranted restriction of our rights as
citizens. Especially without enough proof in current epidemiological models, and proof of justwhat is to be gained by such measures!
You simply don't have enough evidence to warrant infringing on our rights more than the state
already is.
Thank you,
~Sharise Clostio, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and RN Case Manager
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.