COVID-19 State of emergency Public Comment from Robert CampbellFrom:Rob Campbell
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Declaration of State of Local Disaster Emergency due to COVID-19
Date:Monday, April 6, 2020 2:32:22 PM
To the Members of the City Council.
While I suspect you want to declare a state of emergency for Kalispell so you can suckle at thestate/federal gov't financial teat, There is NO compelling evidence or reason to enact curfews,
restrict access in to or out of the city, enforce unconstitutional, draconian quarantine directivesetc...
Of the 26 'supposed' covid 19 cases in the county, (were they confirmed, how were they
confirmed?) none required hospitalization which means they were mild at best. What would bethe reason to declare a state of emergency and enact totalitarian, unconstitutional and unlawful
I strongly urge you to vote NO on this initiative. I also guarantee, come election season, I willvote against any incumbent city council member, (regardless who their opponent might be)
who votes for this measure..
-Robert Campbell