COVID-19 State of emergency Public Comment from ChrisFrom:Chris W.B.
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Declaring a State of Emergency
Date:Monday, April 6, 2020 4:12:18 PM
Hello and good evening members of the council. I am writing in to give my two cents on the
proposed notion to declare a state of emergency in Kalispell, MT. I am of the opinion that thiswould be an unwise decision. I simply am unable to see how this would assist in stopping the
spread of the CO-VID 19 virus more than the policies in place are already. By directing "lawenforcement to enforce quarantines and curfews in all or parts of the City", that is to me
saying that you do not trust the people of this city to take the necessary precautions in order tohalt the spreading of this disease on their own. People have already had their lives altered, for
many indefinitely, because of the disease and want to see it end just as much as anyone else.This also brings me to my next issue with this policy. From an economic perspective, this
policy will be disastrous for many of those who have been put out of work because of thevirus. Increasing sewer and water fees during such uncertain times is like pouring salt in the
wounds of those negatively impacted by previous policies. These changes, if implemented,will not so much stop the spreading CO-VID 19, but cause anger and discourse among the
citizens of Kalispell. Now please, do not mistake my concerns over this policy for lack ofcompassion for the victims of the coronavirus. My heart truly goes out to those affected as it
would anyone affected by such a dreadful disease. Not only that, but I do believe there arecertain precautions that should be taken to ensure that the elderly or those with a deathly weak
immune system are not infected with CO-VID 19. I want this virus to end as soon as possibleand I am sure that many of you have the best of intentions with declaring this state of
emergency, but I implore you to maintain the current policies in place, or at the very least, takea far less extreme course of action.