02-20-19 Urban Renewal Agency Board MinutesCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 -Kalispell, Montana 59903 Telephone: (406) 758-7701 Fax: (406) 758-7758 Meeting Summary URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY BOARD FEBRUARY 20, 2019 — 4 P.M. CITY HALL — FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Chairman Marc Rold Tom Jentz, Planning Director Matt Venturini Katharine King, Asst. Director Comm. & Econ. Dev. David Girardot Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Shannon Freix Krista Lammers, Comm. & Econ. Dev. Mike Brodie, WGM Group Chairman Rold called the meeting to order and welcomed Board, consultant and city staff. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. APPROVAL OF MEETING SUMMARY David motioned to accept the February meeting minutes, Matt 2nd, passed unanimously. BUSINESS None. TIGER/KALISPELL CORE Sc RAIL REDEVELOPMENT An overview of the City of Kalispell Trail & Complete Streets Concept Design Report was provided beginning at the Meridian Street crossing and moving east to the Hwy 2 underpass. This report is a vision document that shows alignment and amenities required by the TIGER grant and City match, amenities that can be paid for by the TIGER grant and City match if basic requirements are met and finally amenities that are possible and would be funded by community members and organizations. The Trail is divided into three districts: Grainery District, Downtown District and Park District. Consultant's preliminary cost estimates for TIGER grant requirements are within grant agreement budget, including a 30% contingency. Trail Crew will set priorities for amenities beyond grant requirements eligible under grant agreement. Discussion of a "friends of the trail" group to fund the amenities beyond TIGER grant eligible amenities. Ideas, comments and questions can be shared with the URA Board representative, David Girardot, to share with the Trial Crew. TIF & TEDD UPDATES • Downtown TIF has gone through 1st and 2nd reading at City Council. The URA Board will begin work to develop policies and procedures for this TIF. Jarod will provide information at next month's meeting to begin the Board process of referring to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, Downtown TIF plan, how other cities are handling downtown TIFs and possibly consulting to the Westside TIF policies for guidance. During March meeting the Board will hear a conceptual presentation of the bigger picture for the Downtown TIF followed by working on policy creation section by section for the next few months. • Mike Brodie, WGM Group, provided an overview of the South Kalispell Traffic Project details. City Council has asked the property acquisition included in the 18t" Street Realignment option be appraised. Project funding will likely allow for extension of sidewalk south to Rankin Elementary and north connecting to the sidewalk at 12t" Street. WGM will provide a quote for sidewalk location and boundary line surveys for sidewalk. Engineering will happen this summer in preparation for going to bid in January 2020 and beginning construction in spring 2020. Suggestion to additional/alternative project in case additional funds become available in the South Kalispell/Airport TIF, to be discussed at next month's meeting. • Council voted to accept counter offer for Old School Station Lot #6, 135 Schoolhouse Loop. The lot sale price is appraised value and the City will finance a portion of that price over 3 years at 5% with a balloon payment at the end of three years. If the buyer builds a structure within the next 18 months the sale price drops to $150,000. BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM UPDATES • Phase I complete on BNSF right of way. • Phase II report for CHS Country Store, structures only due to EPA funding restrictions. • Phase II for CHS Agronomy Center, structures only to begin in March with a report to follow in April. • Phase II on CHS Grain Elevators nearly finished and a report will be received in the coming weeks. • September 1, 2019 transfer of all three CHS properties to FCEDA. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING Postpone meeting date discussion to next month. The Board next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20t" at 4 p.m. Chairman Rold adjourned the meeting.