01-29-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 29, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Sean Conrad, Planner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Performance Bond Reminders: Johnson said Mike Fraser is on his way with a letter regarding the bond for Phase 1 of Fox Trotter Meadows. Johnson added they want to extend the bond out for 18 months and Conrad said it would be up to Public Works if they want to extend the bond that far out. They are still waiting for the maintenance bond for Diamond Ridge Estates. OLD BUSINESS: 227 1st Street West — Johnson reported that Susie Turner is still working with the developer of this project the parking lot drainage. WalMart: Burnham said Pac Land responded to the city's concerns but still hasn't resolved the concerns which include extensive stormwater issues. Public Works is putting together a letter to send to them. In addition there is the issue of moving the main through -road in their parking lot to the east to line up with the entrance road into the parking lot. Burnham also noted a major issue is MDT will have to approach Phil Harris or WalMart regarding the widening of Hutton Ranch Road and to obtain the additional 5 feet of R/W. Sorensen said they want to get started on the utilities and the widening of Hutton Ranch Road is not necessarily tied to the utilities. Site Review has previously decided that they could do the utility work without full site review approval provided that Public Works approves the utilities. Burnham said the changes they have to make do spill over into the utilities, depending on how they resolve their stormwater issues and how their islands are laid out. Johnson said Pac Land has indicated that they want to start the utility work in March. Sorensen asked if the issue of the need for additional R/W should be tied to their site review project or would that be separate and part of the overall Hutton Ranch Road widening. Johnson said he feels it should be tied to the site because of site drainage and other issues. Lengthy discussion was held on this issue. Burnham said when Hutton Ranch Road is widened the city's policy is to have a 5ft sidewalk and a 5ft boulevard and it is up to MDT to accomplish that. He added a letter was sent to MDT stating this policy last June. The committee discussed the affects the 5ft of R/W will have on WalMart's current site plans and parking. Until the plans show the R/W provision Burnham didn't think the project should pass site review. Further discussion was held. NEW BUSINESS: Montana Club —1301 South Main — Sorensen noted that the representative of the Montana Club, a new restaurant/casino to be located on the current Sawbuck's Casino site, is sick today and will be coming in next week. Sorensen added the building will be demolished and a new one constructed and they will also have to apply for a conditional use permit to operate the business in this location. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad reviewed plans for a multi -family complex off Meridian Road. Tim Calaway, the owner of the property did receive a zone change and conditional use permit in 2004 which has since expired and therefore he needs to reapply. The homeowners to the south of this project did not want a proposed connection to Underhill Court when the prior CUP was reviewed, and the Council added a condition for bollards to limit the access to emergency vehicles only and prevent the constant flow of traffic through the adjoining neighborhood. There was lengthy discussion regarding that condition; further development and connectivity, especially to the north;, public street v. private drive; direction of the traffic circle; improving the building locations and site layout; and the need for a traffic impact study. Conrad will review the comments with the developer and he added this is a preliminary site plan and the city can expect a formal application in the next few weeks. OTHER REPORTS: Sorensen noted the Pizza Factory in the Mountain View Plaza has been closed and it will be replaced with "5 Guys — Burgers & Fries. Burnham said they have requested an estimate on impact fees. The multi -family project on Appleway Drive that was discussed at the last site review meeting has been withdrawn. The applicant Steve Maw is now looking at property within the Three Mile Views subdivision. Johnson noted the city will request bike path repair in that area and Conrad said he will have to submit a conditional use permit so site review will have a chance to review the plan. The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 a.m.