02-24-09 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, February 24, 2009; 7:30 a.m., I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 ls' Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Russ Skelton; Bill Goodman; Mark Norley (Acting Chair); Janet Clark OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff—PJ Sorensen Guests — Corey Johnson, Frannie Quiram, and Dave Koel (CTA/911) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Janet moved to approve the February 10 minutes; Russ seconded. Approved 4-0. Old Business: None New Business: E911 Center — Timberwolf Parkway; new 911 call center. Corey recused himself from the meeting because this project is through CTA. There will be a tall chainlink fence, maybe with barbed wire on the top (no razor wire). Much of the design is for security — block design, bullet proof. They will be shifting some trees closer to the building due to the pump house. Lighting is with poles (full -cut-off, bollards, wall packs, and a flag spot light. The fixtures are dark bronze. There is an 80 to 100 ft tall tower, solely for use by 911. The building elevation has long sloping roofs to the tower. There is gray block and the tower portion is burnished. There are dark bronze metals with some wood trim. Should it be more contrasting? Tried out colors on the computer — the limited amount of trim seems forced. There is a sat. dish. Discussed possible future additions. One story facility with mezzanine. Window glazing — tinted/color TBA. Dark bronze on garage doors. Strong, but simple design. Carol moved to approve; Janet seconded. Approved 4-0. Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned at 8:20