04-14-09 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, April 14, 2009; 7:30 a.m., I" Avenue East Cafe, 128 ls' Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Goodman; Mark Norley; Janet Clark; John Hinchey; Carol Nelson; Corey Johnson (Chairman); Russ Skelton OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff—PJ Sorensen; Tom Jentz Guests — Sean Fitzpatrick (CTA/Windward Way); Doug Plummer (Larry Craighead/Walmart) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Janet moved to approve the March 24 minutes; Mark seconded. Approved 7-0. Old Business: Windward Way Professional Center — 245 Windward Way; Corey recused, Mark served as chair. Follow-up on discussion from last meeting, changes were e-mailed after the last meeting. Added a planter, tree, and some landscaping. No beams or columns. Carol moved to approve; Russ seconded. Approved 6-0. New Business: 227 S Main — replacing exterior siding and windows. Applicant is not present. Questions include the historic look, awning colors. Bill moved to table, Janet seconded. Tabled 7-0. Red's — 30 2nd St E -- Bill recused; they are planning to expand into the old Bulldog space and add an enclosed deck along the alley by the loading dock. Brown stained. Some exterior lighting. Will use x-mas style lights. Flatter roof looks better. Paint steel beam green. Match brick? Maybe use masonry piers on the corners and incorporate some metal. Carol moved to table, John seconded. Tabled 6-0. Other Discussion: Walmart — update on revised rear elevation; dropping parapet on rear (9 ft) — still shields equipment; center canopy in front is a darker color (committee feels it looks better); changing some front areas from split to smooth block. John moved to approve changes; Mark seconded. Approved 7-0. Re -siding permits — the building dept is requiring permits for residing. At what point would the committee feel that there is a substantial change requiring a review? Just re- siding w/o a color change is not substantial. We should be a bit tighter in the core downtown area, particularly with historic buildings. Meeting Adjourned at 8:40