05-07-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, May 7, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: Johnson said Cascade Business Park is finished but they are still waiting for the record drawings and the engineer's stamp for Lone Pine Trails. Jentz said in mentioning Lone Pine Trails the city received the easement for Lupine Drive from the subdivision to Valley View Drive at final plat however there was an additional condition that it was supposed to be deeded and dedicated to the City of Kalispell and has not been annexed into the city. The city is currently maintaining the road. It was decided a copy of the easement will be given to Public Works who will approach the property owners along the easement to see if they can get the road deeded. Johnson continued the maintenance warranty bond for Cedar Commons expires in June. Johnson said the preliminary plat for Westview Estates Phase 3 will expire in August, 2009. Johnson said the city is taking care of the roads within this portion of the subdivision, which are failing, and the warranty period has been started. Owens talked to Public Works last year and said the final plat was going to be filed however, shortly after that they applied for and received a one year extension for filing the final plat. Further discussion was held and it was decided Public Works will not be starting warranties until the final plat has been approved. Sorensen suggested that the final plat would not be accepted unless there is a letter from Public Works stating the roadways meet the city's standards and Public Works agreed and noted this policy is already in place. Jentz added if the roads are not brought up to city standards by the plat expiration date the developer would lose their preliminary plat approval. Johnson mentioned the same situation could occur with the 2nd part of Phase 1, Silverbrook Estates. Johnson said he understands Lazy Creek Drive is an easement and Conrad added they did file a Certificate of Survey dedicating that road to the city. Jentz said however, he didn't think the city has accepted the street yet but it should be taken care of with the filing of the final plat which is supposed to be submitted soon. Spring Creek Estates: Johnson mentioned to Fincher of Parks & Rec that the Spring Creek Estates letter of credit for trees and parkland expires June 15, 2009. OLD BUSINESS: Northwest Transition (Pre -Release) Center: Sorensen asked if there were any additional issues on the Northwest Transition Center and no issues were brought up. However, D.C. Haas of the Fire Department stated there are still discussions regarding the Fire Code rating but that won't affect approving the project because it doesn't impact the site. The committee approved the project. NEW BUSINESS: Three Rivers Bank — East Idaho and 3"d Ave East: Sorensen reported that Three Rivers Bank on East Idaho is planning a 6200 square foot, 2-story addition. Elkins noted that the bank's representative wasn't sure whether they were going to construct an addition or tear down the old building and construct a new one. Castles said the city would have to retain an easement for their existing sewer line within the alley. In addition the alley access onto Idaho would have to be closed, sidewalks and boulevard would have to be addressed; the approaches would need to be brought up to standards; the 32 foot access on Idaho near the corner of 3"d Avenue East should be changed to a right-in/right-out only; the north access onto 3"d Ave E should be enlarged to 28 feet and the south 20 foot access should be eliminated. Sorensen added eliminating one of those accesses would provide them with additional parking spaces. Other issues included storm water requirements, sewer and water services must be cut-off in the street not the curb stop, they can receive credits toward Impact Fees for the single family houses as long as they build within 18 months and requesting the replacement and upgrading of the fire hydrant @ 3"d & Idaho since the current hydrant does not meet city standards. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad stated the site review memos will be sent out tomorrow for the following projects: A group home on 3"d Street East near the Conrad Mansion is seeking a conditional use permit and a conditional use permit for expansion of a church on 3"d Avenue East and 6th Street East. OTHER REPORTS: Temporary Signs on Sidewalks Downtown: James Freyholtz from MDT stated temporary advertising signs are not allowed on the R/W of MDT maintained roadways. Sorensen asked Freyholtz to provide that information to the city in writing to present to city council. 9-1-1 Center: Sorensen said the city is ready to issue the 9-1-1 Center permit. Burnham said some issues on the center have recently come up. Although this is private property they have been regrading a lot of the ground and there are areas of the building where they are cutting and filling right under the building pad. The geo-technical engineer has raised the concern and Burnham added when they put in the well house the city told them they couldn't do it that way and they needed to excavate and come up with uniform fill. Elkins noted the Building Department will get a special inspection on it and will include that in the next correspondence to CTA. Bloomstone Preliminary Plat: Conrad noted Bloomstone received preliminary plat approval for phases IA & 1B and they want to come in for final plat on only a portion of Phase IA. The parks condition will be prorated for the number of housing units they want to put in and they will still have to include the tot lot. Jentz said the city should request that a new phasing plan be submitted that would indicate each portion submitted as phase 1, 2, etc. instead of IA, 1B, etc. Each phase is required to be stand alone for parkland, utilities, infrastructure, and fire access and in addition, no warranty period will begin until each phase is final platted. Burnham added Public Works will look at the utilities that have gone in already and they may need to put a valve in to prevent a piece of line that is not part of the first phase. Castles said there should be 3 valves at each intersection. Conrad asked Fincher if he had talked to them and Fincher said they called to find out what they would have to do to meet the parkland requirements. Stillwater Bluffs: Fincher reported that Chad Graham, a resident of Stillwater Bluffs has concerns with the road on the east side of Country Way going into Stillwater Bluffs. Fincher told Graham a year ago that road was not a part of the city however it is now indicated as a city street on GIS. Graham claims to have, in writing that the developer, Jeff Langdon is responsible for seeding and irrigation along the east side of this street. Conrad said he would review the file to see if there is a condition that addresses that area. Fincher said Graham had also asked about a monument sign in that location and Fincher told him Parks would not take that area over as a park but if they wanted a monument sign there he would have to talk to Public Works. The zoning ordinance also would apply. Johnson suggested the maintenance issues should be addressed by the homeowners association. D.C. Haas said the developer of 245 Windward Way is asking for the C of O for 2 suites and Elkins noted they are trying to get tenants into those 2 spaces however, the committee discussed this last week and it was decided that no C of O will be issued for that building until the fire issues are resolved. D.C. Haas asked if there are any Federal or State funds for a grant to assist in installing lights such as those on Reserve Loop that would help reduce speed on city streets. Johnson suggested Flathead Electric Co-op's Round Up for Safety program. Burnham asked if there was any work proposed to start in the Willow Creek Subdivision and Jentz said the Turner's focus now is in the acquisition of the R/W along Willow Creek for the bypass. Lone Pine Trails: Burnham said a year ago there was an excavation for a house foundation in Lone Pine Trails which, after a rainfall filled up with water. He added even building a crawlspace will fill in with water in this subdivision and at what point would the developer/contractor be responsible to alert people building on these lots of these problems. Elkins said every foundation detail that is permitted shows foundation drainage but the code doesn't specify inside or outside. The Building Department is now inspecting foundation drainage but the problem is a lot of people put the drainage on the outside which is a good thing for groundwater but it doesn't help with water inside that won't dry up and causes mold. Jentz said today that subdivision would have been approved with a slab on grade only however it wasn't approved that way. Further discussion was held and it was decided no basements are allowed however, all the city can do at this point is recommend slab on grade and if they insist on including a crawl space it would be up to the contractor/developer to provide a plan on handling storm water. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.