Resolution 4431 - Budget Transfer for 1998 Fiscal Year1847 RESOLUTION NO. 4431 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSFER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1998 FISCAL YEAR. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1998 fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures for the various departments of the City have proven inaccurate in the operation of the City for that 1998 fiscal year and, WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said classification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of expenditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1998 fiscal year, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budgeted appropriations in said classification will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1998 fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, under the authority granted the Council by law to make transfers or revisions within a general budgetary classification, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers within the classification set forth in the City budget for the 1998 fiscal year should be made: As set forth in Exhibit "A: attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS Bth DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. Wml.ftha4i . Wm. E. Boharski, Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White Clerk of Council 1000 General Fund 400 General Gov't 410560 Purchasing 410830 Personnel 410900 Records Admin 411300 Central Comm. 460446 Ballfields 510100 Special Assmt 401 City Manager 402 Mayor 403 Finance 404 City Attorney 406 Court 410 Dir Public Works CITY OF KALISPELL Budget Transfers-FY98 EXJHBIT "A" Transfer To: 210 Office Supplies S 320 Printing S 354 Contract Services S 322 Books S 345 Telephone S 354 Contract Services 5 545 County Landfill S 110 Salaries S 320 Printing S 110 Salaries S 229 Other Supplies $ 320 Printing S 110 Salaries S 320 Printing S 373 School & Travel S 110 Salaries S 210 Office Supplies S 312 Postage S 322 Books S 335 Dues $ 351 Legal fees $ 354 Contract Services S 110 Salaries $ 210 Office Supplies S 229 Other Supplies S 351 Legal Fees S 110 Salaries S 121 Overtime $ 210 Office Supplies $ 215 Computer Supplies S 216 Computer Equip. S 320 Printing S 331 Publication S 345 Telephone S 362 Equip Maint. S Page 1 222 1,482 12,000 5 452 9,048 472 1,600 385 1,375 146 171 2,550 438 627 3,000 223 124 2,415 186 3 2,235 1,927 331 173 4,013 2,350 427 267 746 227 240 435 535 80 Transfer From: 1 1 1 1849 I I Transfer To: Transfer From: 410 Traffic Signals 110 Salaries S 1,682 210 Office Supplies $ 14 229 Other Supplies S 37 241 Consumable Toots S 912 243 Traffic Signals S 1,251 345 Telephone S 10 354 Contract Services S 2,574 366 Building Maint S 22 428 Paint S 175 940 Machinery S 505 410 Central Garage 110 Salaries S 2,319 229 Other Supplies S 437 232 Motor Vehicle Parts $ 1,954 241 Consumable Tools S 202 366 Building Maint S 143 412 City Hall 12I Overtime S 319 342 Water S 43 362 Equip Maint. S 220 366 Building Maim $ 1,232 413 Police Dept. 110 Salaries S 12,750 112 Retirement S 23,108 220 Investigative supplies S 133 227 Ammo S 22 228 Patrol Car Supplies S 378 354 Contract Services S 2,680 363 Office Equip Maint. S 139 369 Radio Maint S 243 373 School & Travel S 33 391 Treatment S 200 416 Fire 110 Salaries S 1,800 121 Overtime S 971 241 Consumable tools S 405 314 Hydrant rental S 2,040 362 Equip Maint. S 176 365 Fire Hazard control S 265 369 Radio Maint S 11 421 Street Dept. 110 Salaries $ 3,000 341 Electricity $ 16 345 Telephone S 417 366 Building Maint S 140 369 Radio Maint $ 134 940 Machinery S 1,301 Page 2 11850 Transfer To: Transfer From: 436 Parks 110 Salaries S 3,500 121 Overtime $ 1,718 213 Small Office Equip S 313 229 Other Supplies S 13 241 Consumable Tools S 8 345 Telephone S 345 354 Contract Services S 4,403 361 MV Maint. S 6 452 Gravel S 173 436 Recreation 110 Salaries S 1,300 121 Overtime S 888 229 Other Supplies S 2 333 Subscriptions S 30 354 Contract Services S 283 436 Tennis/Skating 110 Salaries S 5,667 337 Advertising S 78 436 Day Camp 110 Salaries S 192 121 Overtime S 335 436 Basketball 110 Salaries S 2,308 121 Overtime S 1,009 437 Swimming Pool 121 Overtime S 274 210 Office Supplies S 22 229 Other Supplies S 606 344 Nat Gas S 87 360 repair & Maint. S 14 362 Equipt Maint. S 261 366 Build Maint S 719 Total General S 139,877 Gen. Gov't: Transfer From: 510300 Gen Govt 1 10 Merit Reserve S 71,649 331 Publ & filing fees S 289 410930 Personnel 354 Contract Services S 7,860 410600 Elections 354 Contract Services S 1,529 358 Survey & title fees S 1,000 410530 audit 353 Audit S 445 411300 Planning 397 Contract payments S 558 401 Manager's 373 School S 395 402 Mayor 373 School S 1,192 403 Finance 210 Office Supplies S 253 213 sm office equip S 444 312 postage S 368 Page 3 1 1 1 1851 Transfer From: 404 Attorney 1 l0 Salaries $ 4,415 373 School $ 771 406 Court 320 Printing S 114 354 Contract Services S 1,842 394 Jury fees S 3,088 410 Central Garage 231 Gas & oil S 11,444 412 City Hail 341 Electric S 1,814 413 Police Dept. 121 Overtime S 3,782 230 Dare Supplies $ 1,305 416 Fire 112 Retirement S 2,074 388 Medical services S 1,794 421 Street Dept. 229 Other supplies S 2,029 436 Parks 110 Salaries S 6,000 341 Electric S 785 436 Recreation 110 Salaries $ 1,058 312 postage S 145 Tennis/Skating 354 Contract services S _ 5,745 Day Camp 354 Contract services S 2,902 229 Other supplies S 596 312 postage S 196 437 Swimming Pool 110 Salaries S 2,006 Total General S 139,877 Transfer Transfer 2180 Tax Increment To: From: 490700 bonds 630 fiscal agent fees $ 75 430100 Public Works 354 Contract services S 18,715 470230 Redevelopment 840 Redevelopment pro} S 18,790 2360 Comte To: From: 510330 Insurance 516 Fire Ins. S 543 513 liability ins. $ 543 2370 Retirem To: From: 406 Court 155 Retirement $ 120 410 Pub. Works Adm. $ 28 430264 Traffic Signals $ 82 431330 Central Garage S 131 510300 Other Unallocated Page 4 S 361 2394 Buildina DM 420 Building 2420 Gas Tax 421 Street Dept. 2500 Special Street Maint, 421 Stream Dept. 2886 LMA 480 Community Development 331 Publication & filing fees 354 Contract services 110 Salaries 231 gas & oil 533 Equipment Rental 110 Salaries 153 Health 155 Retirement 241 Consumable tools 388 Medical services 940 Snow Plows 354 Contract services 121 Overtime To: From: S 112 S 16,176 S 16,288 To: From: S 1,168 $ 1,168 To: From: S 4,202 S 3,700 S 543 S 14 S 200 S 14,997 S 19,857 $ 3,799 To: From: 153 Health S 661 212 Rehab expense S 60 231 Gas S 21 363 Offuce Equip Maint S 85 790 Affordable housing S 135 354 Contract services $ 962 Page 3