10-24-19 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesCfTYOF
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2019 4:01 — 5:08 P.M.
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Board members
Jeff Zauner (Chair) Z Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) F-1 Justin Ahmann (Secretary)
Sid Daoud [:] Nancy Cunningham Z Brandon Theis
Others Present:
Z Susie Turner Z Terri Loudermilk Z Shawn Koorn, HDR Consultant
Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM
Approval of Minutes: Jeff asked for a motion to approve the City's minutes from September 26, 2019. Brandon
motioned to approve minutes and Jason seconded motion. All voted in favor to approve.
Public Comment: None.
Agenda Items: Shawn Koorn, HDR Consultant presented the draft water and sewer report. Shawn went
through all of the components of how HDR calculated the impact fees, i.e., value of current
infrastructure in place, development of existing and future equivalent residential units (ERUs)
and land use projections, outstanding debt, and capital improvement projects needed to serve
growth. Shawn reviewed the present impact fees and the results of the updated calculated
impact fee for water and sewer. Discussed Evergreen's sewage, how it is transported to the
plant, and how new development in Evergreen pays to the City the treatment only portion of
the impact fee since Evergreen's sewage is transported to the plant by a trunk line owned and
maintained by Evergreen. Reviewed impact fee calculations for wet industrial users, and users
with high sewer strengths, such as breweries and meat processing plants. Staff indicated they
would look to the IFAC to make a recommendation on the 2019 Water and Sewer Final Impact
Report at the November meeting. Mentioned there will be a council work session on the water
and sewer rates and impact fees the same evening of the impact fee meeting in November.
Discussed City Council schedule for adoption of the water and sewer rate and impact fee
report and studies.
Old Business: None
New Business: Next meeting November 25, 2019 at 4 p.m. Discussion and recommendation vote on the
Final Water and Sewer Impact Fee Report.
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 5 :08 P.M.
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