Resolution 4258 - Preliminary Plat - Whitefish Stage Professional Park - Triangle Development1274 W RESOLUTION NO. 4258 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE WHITEFISH STAGE PROFESSIONAL PARK, FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, Golden Development Corporation, the owner of certain real property known as the Whitefish Stage Professional Park and more particularly described as Assessor's Tract 1B located in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana has petitioned for approval of the subdivision plat of said property, and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision plat of said property is subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 (Summary Subdivision Review), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on March 12, 1996, on the proposal and reviewed Subdivision Report #KPP-96-01 issued by the Flathead Regional Development Office, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat of the Whitefish Stage Professional Park, subject to certain conditions and recommendations, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell at its regular Council Meeting of April 15, 1996, held a public hearing, after due and proper notice; reviewed the FRDO Report #KPP-96-01, reviewed the recommendations of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission, and found from the Preliminary Plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest, and WHEREAS, the City Council has based its findings upon the following findings of fact: A. EFFECTS ON HEALTH AND SAFETY: Fire: Once annexed this property will be within the service area of the Kalispell Fire Department. This area appears to be at a low risk of fire because of the generally level terrain of the property, lack of vegetation and good access from Whitefish Stage Road. Flooding and to o ra h The topography of the site is gently level with very little vegetation other than grasses. Panel #1810 of the flood insurance rates maps indicates that this property is located entirely in flood Zone C, not a floodprone area. Access: This property has approximately 850 feet of frontage along Whitefish Stage Road which will provide good access to 1 l 127 the site. Whitefish Stage Road is a two lane paved County road in fair -to good condition. This road is designated as a minor arterial on the Kalispell City -County Master Plan map and is considered a priority for upgrading in the Kalispell Urban Area Transportation Plan. Approach permits for the two driveways coming off of Whitefish Stage Road will be required to be obtained from the County Road Department. Sight distance is good in both directions. The preliminary plat application indicated that sidewalks would be provided along Whitefish Stage Road, but they do not appear on the site plan. Sidewalks would be appropriate in this area because of the property's proximity to Edgerton School to the north and the large residential subdivisions in the area where children will be walking to and from school. Additionally, a crosswalk at the south end of the driveway which aligns with Winchester Street to the east seems appropriate. As a note, the bike path project, Edgerton Bike Path, has been awarded for construction and will run north and south parallel to Whitefish Stage Road. It will run from West Reserve Drive south to the entrance to Hanson's Mobile Home Park, which is located approximately one quarter of a mile south of this property. The path runs along the west side of Whitefish Stage Road to East Evergreen Drive and then crosses Whitefish Stage Road. The bikepath then continues south along the east side of Whitefish Stage to terminate at Hanson's. The bikepath will not impact this property. B. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: Minimal impacts on wildlife and wildlife habitat can be anticipated as a result of this subdivision because this property is on the urban fringes of the City which has experienced significant development. Furthermore, the proximity of this property next to a busy arterial is not well suited for a wildlife habitat. C. EFFECTS ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT; It does not appear there is a potential for significant drainage or erosion problems during or after development of this site. because the property is generally level and not heavily vegetated. Significant landscaping and natural absorption areas are indicated on the site plan to handle excess storm water runoff. There is no surface water in the immediate area which might be impacted by this development. There are no foreseeable impacts to the groundwater in the area because water and sewer services will be provided by a municipal system. 2 1` r6 ♦y 1276 D. EFFECTS ON LOCAL SERVICES: Water: Evergreen Water District has a ten inch water main which runs along the west side of Whitefish Stage Road in front of this property. Only service extensions will need to be made which will require the review and approval of the district. Sewer: North Village Sewer District has a 15 inch sanitary sewer main which also runs along the west side of Whitefish Stage Road in front of this property. A service extension will need to be made to serve the development. Adequate capacity is available to serve this development. Roads: Additional traffic will be generated from the development of this property into offices of approximately 390 average weekday vehicle trips according to the Trip Generation Report prepared by the Institute of Traffic Engineers, (1984). This could result in some significant impacts on Whitefish Stage Road particularly to the south which leads to the core area of Kalispell where sections of the roadway are currently below an acceptable standard. Schools: This property is within the boundaries of School District No. 5, but should not result in an increase in enrollment in those schools because this is a commercial development. Parks: No parkland is required because this is a commercial subdivision. Impacts to recreational services in the city will be limited. Police Protection: The property will be within the service district boundaries of the Kalispell Police Department once the property is annexed. It is not anticipated that this development should create significant impacts on the Department. Fire Protection: The Kalispell Fire Department will provide fire protection services to this site once the property has been annexed. The Department chief has reviewed this project as it is being presented and has found the design and accessibility to be acceptable. Refuse Disposal: Once annexed this property would be eligible for solid waste removal services from the City of Kalispell. Adequate space at the County landfill is available for the solid waste which will be generated by the subdivision. Location of the solid waste receptacles should be approved by the Public Works Department. 3 T277 s Medical Services: Kalispell Regional Hospital is approximately three miles from the site. ALERT helicopter and the ambulance services are available. E. EFFECTS ON AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL WATER USERS FACILITIES: The subdivision is anticipated to have no impacts on agriculture because this is a generally residential area. This parcel is not being used for agricultural purposes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the application of Golden Development Corporation for approval of the preliminary plat of the Whitefish Stage Professional Park, more particularly described as Assessor's Tract 1B located in Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the revised preliminary plat, when filed, comply with the regulations in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance specifically with regard to setbacks, landscaping and parking requirements. 2. That the proposed development obtain review and approval from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for the water and sewer systems. 3. All water lines and sewer mains shall be built according to plans and specifications approved by the City of Kalispell Public Works Department and/or other appropriate water and sewer districts. 4. That the parking lot shall be constructed as indicated on the preliminary plat which includes parking, snow storage, the solid waste removal site and landscaping. This plan will be the subject to final review and approval by the Public Works Department. 5. Handicapped parking spaces and access shall be provided as required under Americans with Disabilities Acts. Handicapped parking spaces shall be marked and signed. 6. Landscaping shall be installed as indicated on the preliminary plat with shade trees planted along the Whitefish Stage Road boulevard. 7. A storm water drainage plan prepared shall be submitted to and approved by the City's Public Works Department. 4 - gnu ,' • '. - - S -, ` ! . i _s. 1278 Is 8. That a common area maintenance agreement shall be provided. 9. The number and placement of fire hydrants shall be approved by the City of Kalispell Fire Department. 10. A common mailbox site shall be provided on -site which has been approved by the United States Postal Service. 11. That a ten foot right-of-way be reserved as indicated on the preliminary plat for the future expansion of Whitefish Stage Road which will not be occupied by any sidewalk, landscaping, parking or structures. 12. Encroachment permits for driveway approaches along Whitefish Stage Road shall be obtained from the Flathead County Road Department. 13. That the units be limited to one story as proposed in the preliminary plat applications. SECTION II. The classification of said premises under the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance shall not be changed by the action. SECTION III. That this preliminary plat should be effective for three (3) years following passage of this Resolution. An extension may be granted for an additional year. SECTION IV. That upon proper review and filing of the final plat of said subdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS f 51"x DAY OF rr 1996. Dougl D. Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: OQ� � C &I Debbie Giff CMC Clerk of Coun i 1