Resolution 4239 - Annexation & Zoning - Marshall Addition1179 RESOLUTION NO. 4239 A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ALTERATION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL BY INCLUDING THEREIN, AS AN ANNEXATION, A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", TO BE KNOWN AS MARSHALL ADDITION N0. 269; TO ZONE SAID PROPERTY LOW DENSITY MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, RA-1, TO AMEND THE CITY ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY AND TO DECLARE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell has received a petition from Jon and Jean Marshall, the owners of the property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and thereby made a part hereof, requesting that the City of Kalispell annex the territory into the City, and WHEREAS, the Flathead Regional Development Office has made a report on Marshall Addition No. 269, City Zone Request, #KA-95-9, dated August 28, 1995, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission recommended that the territory be annexed into the City of Kalispell and be zoned Low Density Multi -Family Residential, RA- 1, and WHEREAS, based upon the report of the Flathead Regional Development Office and the recommendation of the Kalispell City - County Planning Board and Zoning Commission, the City Council of the City of Kalispell finds that the recommended zoning classification for the territory is appropriate based upon the following criterion: Does the ReQuested Zone Comply with the Master Plan? The subject property is within the jurisdiction of the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. According to the map of the master plan, the property is currently designated as "High Density Residential". RA-1 is considered in compliance with the Master Plan. Does the Requested Zone Lessen Congestion in theStreets? Congestion in the streets is caused by an overburden of traffic on the street system. The zone in this case would not cause undue congestion because traffic generation is a function of the number of dwelling units that are allowed within a given area. If the property is redeveloped it would be in a manner that is consistent with the existing City RA-1 zone in the area. In addition, the Master Plan for this area calls for this property to be developed with RA-1 type development. 1 1180 Will the Reguested zone Secu a Safety from Fire Panic and Other Dangers? Development within this zone is subject to development standards including: lot coverage, maximum building height, and the provision of off-street parking. Any development of the property is subject to review by the City, and requires the issuance of building, plumbing, and mechanical permits. These requirements and review processes help ensure that development of the property subsequent to the zone change is done in a safe manner. No significant negative impact is expected. Will the Reguested Change Promote the Health and General Welfare? The purpose of the City's zoning ordinance is to promote the general health and welfare and does so by implementing the City -County Master Plan. The City - County Master Plan would support the requested zone change. Designation of this area as RA-1 would have little or no impact. Any traffic generation that the proposed change allows would be mitigated at the time of redevelopment of the property. Any specific impact to stormwater runoff, sewers, and water would also be addressed at the time of development proposals. The zoning ordinance provides a mechanism for public input and review for all zone change requests. This process offers an opportunity to ensure that any changes to the Official Zoning Map are done in the general public interest. No significant negative impact is expected. Will the Requested Zone Provide for Ade uate Light and Air? The development standards of the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations (i.e.: parking, landscaping, clear vision setback, roadway improvements, etc.) would ensure that light and air are adequately provided. In addition, any development beyond a duplex would require approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Will the Requested Zone Change Prevent the Overcrowdin of Land? overcrowding of land occurs when development out --paces or exceeds the environmental or service limitations of the property. A Special Improvements District is being created to install sewer in 5th Avenue East. This sewer 2 1181 would prevent the degradation of the environment by septic system contamination, thus limit any impacts due to overcrowding of the land. The Subdivision, Zoning and Building regulations control the intensity requirements that a property can be developed with. Adequate infrastructure is in place or can be provided at the time of development to accommodate the land uses allowed in the requested zone. No significant negative impact is expected. Will the Requested Zone Avoid UndueConcentration of People? -- Concentration of people relates to the land use permitted by a particular zone.- The proposed change would have little unexpected impact on residential density in the area. Infrastructure exists or can be provided which supports the proposed change. The zoning ordinance covers the intensity of use that would be permitted in this zone. An undue concentration of people would result if the property is developed at a level which exceeds the environmental or service carrying capacity of the land which would not happen. The proposed zoning and its regulations would ensure that the site is properly developed. No significant negative impact is expected. Will the Requested Zone Facilitate the Adequate Provision of Trans ortation Water Sewer Schoolso Parks and Other Public Re uirements? Additional specific demands for transportation, water, and sewer will be evaluated pursuant to individual development proposals; infrastructure exists, or can be provided, in the vicinity which should be able to serve development/redevelopment of this property. Schools and parks would not be significantly more impacted under the existing County zone than would be under the proposed City zone. The proposal exists close to these services and would impact those services to a lesser degree than if the change in zone were to occur further away. No significant negative impact is expected. Does the Requested Zone Give Consideration to the Particular Suitability of the PrORerty for Particular Uses? The subject property is well suited for uses permitted within the RA-1 zone because of availability of services and access. The property is of adequate size for the type of uses permitted and conditionally allowed in the i 1182 proposed zone. No significant negative impact is expected. Does the Beguested Zoning Give Reasonable Consideration to the Character of this District? The property in question is well suited for the type development anticipated under the requested zone because of the topography, access, regional location, access to schools, access to urban services, and size of the proposal. In addition the Master Plan for the area anticipates this type of zone in this area. No significant negative impact is expected. Would the Pro_ osed Zoning Conserve the Value of the Buildings? . The subject request would not significantly impact buildings. There are no known uses that would be affected by this zone. A change from County R-4 to the City RA-1 zone will not significantly impact, erode, or devalue the neighborhood beyond the type of uses that are currently allowed by existing zoning or that exist in the area as this is a residential zone. No significant negative impact is expected. Will the Requested Zone Change Encourage the Most Appropriate Use of the Land Throughout the Jurisdiction? Appropriateness of a zone is determined by the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. The Plan and the existing zoning classifications in the area identify this area for the uses permitted within the requested zone. Therefore, the change would encourage the most appropriate use of the land. No significant negative impact is expected. WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of April, 1989 the City Council of the City of Kalispell adopted, pursuant to Section 7-2-4610, Montana Code Annotated, an Extension of Services Plan which anticipates development of City services for approximately five years in the future, and WHEREAS, the City has caused to be developed a "mini -extension Of services plan", attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and thereby made a part hereof, for the territory by this Resolution annexed to the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, said "mini -extension of services plan" provides for the extension of municipal services or maintenance of existing services within the area of Marshall Addition No. 269, subject to annexation, including water, sewer, storm drainage, streets, garbage collection, police protection and fire protection, and 4 1188 WHEREAS, said "mini -extension of services plan" provides for financing the extension of municipal services or maintenance of existing services by utilizing funds allocated and expended, pursuant to the annual City' budget without incurring additional bonded indebtedness, and WHEREAS, Marshall Addition No. 269 is included within and conforms to.the Kalispell City -County Master Plan, and WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell desires to annex said property in accordance with Title 7, Chapter 2, Part 46, Montana Code Annotated. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That all the real property as is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and thereby made a part hereof, shall be annexed to the City of Kalispell and the boundary of the City is altered to so provide. SECTION II. Upon the effective date of this Resolution, the City Clerk of Council is directed to make and certify, under the seal of the City a copy of the record of these proceedings as are entered on the minutes of the City Council and file said documents with the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder. From and after the date of filing of said documents as prepared by the City Clerk of Council, or on the effective date hereof, whichever shall occur later, said annexed territory is part of the City of Kalispell and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws and ordinances and regulations in force in the City of Kalispell and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as are other parts of the City. SECTION III. The territory annexed by this Resolution shall be zoned Low Density Multi -Family Residential, RA- 1. SECTION IV. This Resolution shall be effective 30 days from and after its passage by the City Council. 1 ]:184 PASSED AND APPROVgD BY THE CITY UNCIL AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS Z DAY OF a C��e+' . 1995. Dougla D. Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: ~ d �rnc Debbie GiOL CMC Clerk of l 1 I .1185 I ►4.Ii 1 1.13 if A tract of land in the NW1/4 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, described as follows: Commencing at the North Quarter corner of said Section 20; thence along the Fast line of the NW 1/4, South 0°03W" East, a distance of 299.41 feet to the Point of Beginning, which point is on the West line of that parcel shown on Certificate of Survey No. 1717, thence continuing along the East line of the NWl/4, also being the West line of the aforesaid parcel, South 0°03'00" East, a distance of 102.76 feet, thence South 76039'00" West, a distance of 192.48 feet to the Easterly line - of Fifth Avenue East; thence along said Easterly line North 13 021W West, a distance of 100.00 feet, thence North 760394)0" East, a distance of 216.12 feet to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom the West 150 Feet of the property described Herein I I i - r EXHIBIT "B" MARSHALL ADDITION NO. 269 ANNEXATION EXTENSION OF SERVICES PLAN ADDENDUM TO CITY RESOLUTION #3838 PREPARED BY THE FLATHEAD REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE AUGUST 28, 1995 The subject property is within the Service Area Boundary of the City of Kalispell as described by the Extension of Services Plan adopted by the City of Kalispell on April 3, 1989 (Resolution #3838). This broad -based extension of services plan together with this "mini -plan" comprise the Extension of Services Plan for the Marshall Addition No. 269 annexation. EXISTING SE VIC S: ater: The City has a 6 inch water line in 5th Avenue East. This main should have sufficient capacity to serve this site. Sewer: No sewer currently exists to serve this site. Sewerage is handled by onsite disposal methods. Storm Drainage: No storm drain system exists in the area. Streets: 5th Avenue East is developed as a two lane local street with access to 18th Street East and north into Kalispell Garbage Collection: Available by contract from private companies. Police Protection: Currently the Flathead County Sheriff's Department. Fire Protection: South Kalispell Fire Department. ANTICIPATED SERVICE NEEDS: Water: A six inch water main exists in 5th Avenue East to serve the property. If, upon redevelopment of this property, this main is not of sufficient capacity to serve the new development, a water main must be extended to connect with a main of sufficient capacity to serve this property or other alternative be installed. Capacity and any extensions would be evaluated at the review stage of any development permit. FI 1187 Sewer_: Sewer does not exist to this site. Currently, septic systems are used in this area, A Special Improvements District has been formed to install a sewer main in 5th Avenue East. When sewer is installed it would allow the area to develop with more intensive land uses. Storm Drainage: Retention and/or disposal of storm water will'be evaluated during the review phase of any proposed development. Storm drainage would be handled onsite at the time of development. S: 5th Avenue East is a two lane road in a 60 foot ROW and of sufficient size to accommodate any additional traffic loads development of this..site,would produce. Garbage Collection: The City has the capacity and equipment to handle the needs of this site at the time it becomes eligible for municipal service. eQliceffire: City of Kalispell Police Department and Fire Department will be available to serve the tract upon annexation. They will be able to provide'servicx" to this property on substantially the same basis and in the same manner in which this service is currently provided to the rest of the municipality. EXTEbISION AND INANE STRATEGIES: The cost of extending such public services as police and fire protection are expected to be negligible. The general source of money to extend these type of services is from the general tax revenues received from this property and other properties inside the City limits. A Special Improvements District has been formed to bring a sewer main to this area. This sewer main extension would be paid for by the property owners who are a part of the district and those who hook into the main. Individual improvements to the property, including the extension of water lines, sewer lines, and stormwater management improvements, will be the responsibility of the developer/landowner. Any area -wide improvements relative to a comprehensive storm drainage system will be financed in part by the residents of the entire municipality and in part by special assessments for that purpose. F.\...1KA95-9ES.MSH 1 8