09-26-19 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesCfTYOF
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2019 4:06 — 5:12 P.M.
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Board members
Jeff Zauner (Chair) F-1 Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) F-1 Justin Ahmann (Secretary)
F-1 Sid Daoud Z Nancy Cunningham Z Brandon Thies
Others Present:
Z Susie Turner Z Terri Loudermilk Z Shawn Koorn, HDR Consultant
Z Judy Dean, HDR
Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:06 PM
Approval of Minutes: Jeff asked for a motion to approve the City's minutes from November 27, 2018. Nancy
motioned to approve minutes and Brandon seconded motion.
Public Comment: None.
Agenda Items: Susie introduced Shawn Koorn and Judy Dean, HDR consultants for the City hired to develop
water and sewer impact fees. Susie indicated HDR is also completing a water and sewer rate
study for the City. Results of the rate study and the updated Water and Sewer Impact Fee
Reports will be presented to City Council together. Tentative schedule is to bring results of
the rate study and a recommendation on the impact fee updates in front of council by end of
Shawn Koorn presented an overview of impact fees, purpose of fee, state law, and how they
are calculated. Talked about the difference between rates and impact fees. Discussed City's
planning criteria, current system capacity, future infrastructure needs, and future land use
projections. Reviewed how current and future Equivalent Residential Units (ERU's) were
developed and how meter size and high waste strengths relate to an ERU. Talked about the
City's growth related capital projects (next 10 years), 2% growth projection, debt service and
walked thru the City's components used to develop the water and wastewater impact fees.
Presented the exhibits and discussed the draft results of the calculated fee for water and
Old Business: Received email notice of resignation from IFAC member Mike Merchant on 9/10/19
New Business: Next meeting October 24, 2019 to review Draft Water and Sewer Impact Fee Reports
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 5 :12 P.M.
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