09-26-19 Conrad Mansion Board of Directors MinutesConrad Mansion Board of Directors Meeting —Annual Retreat Flathead Electric Community Meeting Room September 26, 2019 4:00-7:00 pm Members Present: Mark Norley, Everit Sliter, Cate Webber, Sue Corrigan, Chris Vick, Mark Schickendantz, Katherine King, Beth Collier, Rita Fitzsimmons, Tia Robbin, Mary Pat Murphy, Carrie Nelson, Interim Director Brit Clark (left after dinner), and guest facilitator Ned Cooney. Special Guest: Nonprofit Consultant: Ned Cooney Ned Cooney is a well -regarded nonprofit consultant who has previous experience as program director for the Nonprofit Development Partnership (NpDP). Ned also served as a board member for the Montana Nonprofit Association. Ned facilitated a discussion focused on: • Events (Mission/Physical Impact vs. prof itability/ROI) • Structure/Staffing • Funding/Revenue options in nonprofit world (time permitting) Ned provided full notes from this discussion and a list of topics to pursue after the meeting. Events (Mission/Physical Impact vs. profitability/ROI) Ned shared a tool to analyze events based on goals, profitability, and mission impact. The strengths and weaknesses of several annual events (4t" of July Ice Cream Social, Ghost Tours, and Death by Chocolate) were discussed and mapped on a "Profitability/Mission Impact" quadrant. (Please see Ned's notes for analysis results.) Death by Chocolate had much discussion. While this event raises funds, it is also a huge undertaking for Mansion staff and DBC volunteers. Concerns regarding wear and tear on the house, and how much the event supports the mission of the museum were raised. It was decided that the Mansion will not hold Death by Chocolate in 2020. Mary Pat, Katherine, and Sue will talk with the actors about this decision. Future variations of this event could be revisited in keeping with the Mansion's mission. Structure/Staffing: Brit provided an overview of current staff structure at Mansion and left after dinner. Discussion continued with Ned sharing insights regarding other executive staffing models. Interim Director/Museum Director Position Mary Pat moved to offer Brit the job as permanent Museum Director with salary to -be -determined by Executive Committee. Mark S. seconded. Vote to offer Museum Director position to Brit was unanimous. The role of House Manager is currently rotating among "Senior Guides" on the weekends and the Board will hear from Brit how these duties will work going forward. Meeting Adjourned.