08-20-19 Conrad Mansion Board AgendaCONRAD MANSION MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Meeting Agenda August 20,, 2019, 4:00 pm City Hall 1. Welcome 2. Presentation by Matt Lautzenheiser, Executive Director of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula, on museum management 4 pm to 5 pm Regular Board Meeting Begins at approximately 5 pm 3. July Board Meeting Minutes 4. Treasurer's Report a. July 2019 Financials to be presented 5. Committee Reports as Needed 6. Manager's Report 7. Other Business 8. Next Meeting: a. Thursday, September 26, 2019, 4 pm to 7 pm, Flathead Electric Cooperative Conference Room —Annual Meeting. Ned Cooney will facilitate the meeting with an agenda to be provided in early September. 9. Adjourn