08-29-19 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tim Falkner, Administrative Captain
Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec. Director Patrick Jentz, Engineer II
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: Mark Rohweder (KLJ); Mark Lalum (CHS); and Margaret Davis (resident)
Owl View —They would like their bond reduced. They had thought their bond was for striping and
was attached to the landscape bond. Their striping has been completed and Fincher stated they only
have another $10,000 to $15,000 of landscaping to complete. Sorensen will check on this.
Delectable Catering — They would like their bond released. They have put in two pots of flowers.
Fincher stated he thought their landscaping would go in with Phase 2. This bond can be released.
Gateway Community Center — 1203 Hwy 2 W; parking lot changes. They are working on their
storm water master plan for the site. They are restriping, tying it in with Glenwood Apartments.
Hopefully something will be coming in on that. This will be on the agenda for next week.
343 1st Ave W — formerly the Ivy Building — Some work has been done outside. Parker stated the
inside of the building is just bones. He was told that their architect is done with their drawings.
They are waiting on some final engineering items from the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical side.
This will be on the agenda for next week.
Frontier Village Apartments — Treeline—Tabler stated they are going through DEQ subdivision
review. Building has not received their plans yet. This will be on the agenda for next week.
The Crossings —Two Mile Drive; new apartment complex. Plans are in. They would like to begin
with the clubhouse and two of the apartment buildings as Phase 1, and possibly include carports.
The Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) has not come in from FEMA yet. Tabler
clarified that the approach off Two Mile Drive will be a driveway. This will be on the agenda for
next week.
Lift Station —152 Timberwolf. This will be going into the common area/utility lot. P. Jentz stated
this will be a public Lift Station that Public Works will maintain. Tabler mentioned that it will have
a "house" on top of it, which will need to be approved by ARC. Will be on the agenda next week.
CHS — Rail Park - They would now like to relocate their fueling station to the northwest corner of
their property. This would include four underground tanks, three of which will be diesel. There will
be no attendants and no store. They plan on putting in 20 feet of asphalt around the concrete. Lalum
stated the farmers want this fuel station for patronage to save them money and for convenience.
Tabler asked about their stormwater. Rohweder explained they will capture all the water from the
canopy and direct it to the nearby inlet. Tabler asked if they will have a sand/oil separator.
Rohweder stated that all that will run off and go to inlets, and in the infiltration pond they have a pre -
sediment chamber before it goes to the actual infiltration pond. Tabler stated they still have
petroleum products, so he will look into the possible requirements for a potential separator.
Sorensen stated that the general City rule requires any type of driving surface to be paved. They
modified that in this PUD because of the large area where trucks will be driving around. Lalum
believes that 90+ percent will be for their farmers. T. Jentz will consider the paving issue.
Meridian & 7tn — A gentleman came in to discuss moving a small, 400 sq. ft. house from
Whalebone Drive to a property on Meridian and 7th Street West. There are two parcels there. He can
either combine them and build on one or build on both of them. He would like to add a couple
hundred square feet onto the house. P. Jentz noted that the Westside Interceptor goes through here,
but they will need to do some special things when they tap into the interceptor. They will need to
cross some other utilities to get to it. He will talk about Building Codes with Shane Cooke.
Lofts at Ashley — A neighbor next to this project mentioned to T. Jentz that this project has turned
out nice, and wanted to thank the City for all their involvement in this project.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 3 0 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds MDOT
Bldg. Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works