Staff Report #KCU-09-04 and CUP ApplicationPREMIER RESTAURANTS, LLC REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT KALISPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT #KCU-09 -O4 MARCH 3, 2009 This is a report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and Kalispell City Council regarding a request for a conditional use permit to operate a casino within the B--2 (General Business) zoning district. A public hearing on this matter has been scheduled before the Planning Board for March 10, 2009 beginning at 7:00 PM, in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The planning board will forward a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council for final action. Owner: Premier Restaurants, LLC P.O. Box 219 Missoula, MT 59506 406-725-0555 Technical Assistance: Jeff Maphis JCM Architecture P.C. Box 3145 Missoula, MT 59807 406-543-9659 A. Summary of Request: This is a request from Premier Restaurants, LLC for a conditional use permit to operate a casino in conjunction with a bar and restaurant in the B-2 (General Business) zoning district. The developers intend to tear down the existing building where Sawbucks restaurant, bar and casino has operated for approximately 14 years. The developers are proposing to construct a new building to also house a restaurant, bar and casino called the Montana Club. Under the B--2 zoning district, bars and restaurants are permitted uses. However, operating a casino requires a conditional use permit. The developers have decided to remove the existing building and with it the existing casino operation. Pursuant to section 27.25.060 of the zoning ordinance, once a building or use is willfully removed, the building and use are then subject to all applicable regulations of the zoning ordinance. This- includes reapplying for a conditional use permit to locate a casino in the B-2 zoning district and any other applicable regulations in the zoning ordinance. Because the casino is within. 300 feet of a residentially zoned neighborhood, additional criteria as found in section 27.35.110 of the zoning ordinance apply to the casino operation. Section 27.35.110 of the zoning ordinance allows for a casino to be located on property within 300 feet of a residential zoning district provided the casino is a minor accessory use and the following parameters are addressed: Y The casino constitutes no more than 10% of the proposed floor space 0 Signs advertising the casino are limited or outright prohibited • The number and location of entrances into the casino are limited ■ The landscaping buffer between the casino and adjacent land uses is increased The above parameters will be addressed in the evaluation section of this staff report. B, size and Location: The property address is 1301 South Main Street and is the current site of Sawbucks. The property can be described as tracts SE, 5ED and 5EDA within, Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Figure 1: Aerial photo of the project site and surrounding uses G. sting Land Use and Zoning* There is a single -story restaurant, bar and casino on the property. The property is zoned B-2, a business district that permits a wide range of businesses from restaurants to automobile repair garages as well as professional offices and a variety of residential hou sing. 2 Figure 2: View of the existing Sawbuck's restaurant, bar and casino from the northeast corner of First Avenue East and 13thStreet East. D. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses Zoning: The property is located along the commercial corridor which leads to downtown Kalispell. Lots to the south, east and west are zoned for commercial uses and are developed with a hotel, gas station, art store and professional offices. To the north, across 13thStreet East, the zoning is divided by an alley with commercial zoning west of the alley and residential zoning east of the alley. A grocery store is located on the commercial property west of the alley. North: Commercial and Residential, B-2 and R--4 zoning East: Commercial, B-2 zoning South: Commercial, B-2 zoning West: commercial, B--2 zoning E. Relation to the Growth Policy: The Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map designates this lot as commercial. The map indicates that within the commercial land use designation appropriate uses include retail, offices, services and a mix of these uses as well as residential development. The Br-2 zoning district is a business district intended to provide areas for those retail sales and services which serve the general needs of the tourist and traveler as well as the general public. The district depends on the proximity to major streets and arterials and should be located in business corridors. F. Utilities / Services. Sewer service: Water service: Solid Waste: Gas: Electric: Phone: Police: Fire: Schools: City of Kalispell City of Kalispell City of Kalispell Northwestern Energy Flathead Electric Cooperative Century Tel City of Kalispell Kalispell Fire Department School District #5, Kalispell 3 EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST Theapplication has been reviewed in accordance with the conditional use review criteria in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. 10 2r Site suitability: a. Ade g _uate Useable Space: ._, The property provides adequate space to accommodate the proposed restaurant, bar and casino including the necessary parking and landscaping. b. Adequate Access: The existing access to the site is adequate to handle the needs of the casino. Vehicular access is provided by lst Avenue East and Highway 93. There is an existing sidewalk along Highway 93. As part of the building permit the developer will need to install sidewalks along the property's frontage on 15t Avenue East and 13thStreet East. C. Environmental Constraints: There are no obvious environmental constraints apparent on the property. Appropriate Design: a. Parking Scheme: The majority of parking wi1.l be located on the north and south sides of the building. The application notes a total of 64 parking spaces are required based on the gross square footage of the building. The plans show 63 parking spaces and bicycle parking to make up the remaining parking space. As part of the building permit process, all on --site parking will need to meet the um standards in the zonin g ordinance. b. Traffic circulation: The casino operation will have good traffic circulation both on --site and on adjacent streets. The site plan shows the internal parking lot constructed to provide for two --way traffic in front of the casino. Vehicle traffic can choose to travel wrest to Highway 93 or east to 15t Avenue East. Both Highway 93 and 1$t Avenue East can accommodate traffic generated by the restaurant, bar and casino. The Kalispell Growth Policy, Chapter 10 (Transportation) identifies Highway 93 as a major arterial road and 1st Avenue East as a collector road. Major arterial and collector roads are constructed to handle traffic associated with commercial development such- as a casino, restaurant and bar. C. en Space: No specific open space is required under the B--2 zoning district for commercial uses other than landscaping associated with the parking lot. d. Pencipy,,ZScreeninglLandsca-pin The site plan proposes perimeter landscaping along all four sides of the property. The casino is proposed on the south side of the building to provide the maximEum amount of separation between the casino and the residential homes north of the site. section 27.3S.110 of the zoning ordinance states the following standard may be placed on the casino: Increasing landscaping requirements in order to create a buffer between the casino and adjacent land uses. 4 With the casino located on the south end facing an existing gas station, planning staff recommends against any additional landscaping requirements. e. Signa�e: Section 27.35.110(4)(a) of the zoning ordinance includes the following limitations or prohibition for on -premise signs for casinos located within 300 feet of a residential zone: Limiting or prohibiting the ors -premise signage or building from using the following: • Any terms such as gaming, gambling, cards, dice, chance, etc. Any reference to any associated activity or any symbols or words commonly associated with gaming. Any words, terms, figures, art work, or features intended or designed to attract attention to the fact that a casino is on site. • Neon lighting. No specific sign package was included in the application. with the close proximity of residential homes north of the site planning staff recommends one sign stating either the name of the casino or just the word "casino" be permitted on the south facing wall of the building only. The restrictions in section 27.35.110(4)(a) cited above are included in the recommended conditions of approval to further downplay the presence of the casino at the site. f. Site_ design: The zoning ordinance provides several site design criteria for casinos within 300 feet of a residential zoning district. These criteria are: Section 27.35.110(3) A casino is considered a minor accessory use to a primary use if the primary use of the building and its associated facilities constitutes at least 80% of the proposed floor space and the* casino constitutes no more than 10% of the proposed use. In addition, the casino is generally shielded or screened from view of the primary use and patrons. Section 27.35.110(4)(b) Limiting the number and location of entrances into the casino The overall site plan for the new building indicates the casino will, take up 10% of the proposed floor space in accordance with the ordinance code. A conceptual floor plan submitted with the application also has the casino with a separate outside entry on the south side of the building and one door entry from inside the restaurant. separating the casino from the majority of restaurant customers is the bar area. Based on the size, location and limited access points into the casino the above sections of the zoning ordinance have been met. 61 3. Availability of Public Services/Facilities: a. Schools: This site is within the boundaries of School District #3. No impact is anticipated with the proposed use. b. Parks and Recreation: There will be no impact on the parks and recreation programs and facilities as a result of this use. C. Police: Police protection will be provided by the Kalispell. Police Department. No unusual impacts or needs are anticipated from the proposed use. Fire Protection: Fire protection will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department. use. No unusual impacts or needs are anticipated from the proposed e. Water: City water lines currently serve the site. No significant impact on water services can be anticipated as a result of this facility. f. sewer: City sewer lines currently serve the site. No significant impacts on sewer services can be anticipated as a result of the proposed use. g. Storm water Drain a e: There are currently storm water drainage facilities along 13thstreet East. The demolition and construction of a new building on this property will require the developer to provide water quality treatment to storm water prior to discharging the storm water into the city's storm water drainage facilities. A storm water plan will be required as part of the building permit process. h. Solid Waste: solid waste pick-up is provided by the city. This project will have no impact on current services. i. Roads: Highway 93 and 1st Avenue Fast will provide the public access to the casino. Highway 93 is in good condition and includes sidewalks along the properties frontage. First Avenue Fast and 13th Street East are city streets but currently lack curbs, gutters, sidewalks and landscaped boulevards. As a condition of approval for the building permit the developer will be required to upgrade those portions of both streets to city standards that front the property. 4. Neighborhood impacts: No neighborhood impacts are anticipated with the approval of the conditional use permit to allow the casino. The property has historically been used as a restaurant and bar with the current Sawbuck's casino operating on the site for about 14 years. The Sawbuck's restaurant, bar and casino is open seven days a week from. 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. The Montana Club restaurant, bar and casino has operating hours of 6 :30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Fridays and Saturdays the business will close at 11 p.m. The reduced late night operating hours would lessen the impact on the surrounding residences as opportunity for late night noise and other disturbances would be eliminated. 5. Consideration of historical use patterns and recent changes: This area has historically included commercial businesses in close proximity to residential homes. The proposed casino would replace the existing casino on the property now. C� 6, Effects on property values: No significant negative impacts on property values are anticipated. As previously mentioned the proposal is compatible with the neighborhood and will not create any adverse impacts with regard to noise or traffic. 1ECOMMENDATION The staff recommends that the planning board adopt the staff report #KCU-09-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Conditional Use Permit be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Development of the site shall substantially comply with the site plan, elevations and floor plan submitted with the application.. 2. Casino advertising shall be restricted to one sign on the south facing gall of the building and subject to the following limitations: 0 No terms such as gaming, gambling, cards, dice, chance, etc. Any reference to any associated activity or any symbols or words commonly associated with gaming, is prohibited. Other than the word casino, no other words, terms, figures, art work, or features intended or designed to attract attention to the fact that a casino is on site. 0 No neon lighting. 3. Commencement of the approved activity must begin within, 18 months from the date of authorization or a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion. rA Planning Department 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, SIT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kal*lspell.com/plann*ing APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED USE: JJSW LUQJ`t, OWNER(S) OF RECORD: / A! i c.v� �kc.o NT.c Name: M % Eiz !Z�� 5T Ar v Z.A•WTS LPL ` zos t�D weu. Mailing Address: Z 19 City/State/Zip: L.A, MT 5`Phone: 7e, 5 ' D 5=� 8 PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT THE OWNER(S) AND TO WHOM ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS TO BE SENT: Name: (A-TTN: JC—F=F- G. Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: �A�SSao LA � PAT 515A0 Phone: Cq 945 51 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Refer to Property Records): Street Sec. Town- Range Address: 301 S . N\At 1 N :ST �£-�-T Na VT ship Z8 fA No. Zr I \A/ Subdivision Name: 1. Tract SO Lot Block No(s). EDA No(s). No. Zoning District and Zoning Classification in which use is proposed: 1E> - z.,5�LIS.Lt-.Ie7ss 2. Attach a plan of the affected lot which identifies the following items: a. Surrounding land uses. b. Dimensions and shape of lot. C. Topographic features of lot. d. Size(s) and location(s) of existing buildings e. Size(s) and location(s) of proposed buildings. f. Existing use(s) of structures and open areas. g. Proposed use(s) of structures and open areas. h. Existing and proposed landscaping and fencing. 3. on a separate sheet of paper, discuss the following topics relative to the proposed use: a. Traffic flog and control. b. Access to and circulation within the property. C. Off-street parking and loading. d. Refuse and service areas. e. Utilities. f. Screening and buffering. g. Sims, yards and other open spaces. h. Height, bulk and location of structures. i. Location of proposed open space uses. j. Hours and manner of operation. k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes and vibration. 4. attach supplemental information for proposed uses that have additional requirements (consult Planner) . I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the erty for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and devel m cess. Applicant Si �0 - Date 2 CERTIFICATION APPLICANT: Montana Club Restaurant/ Bar, Casino FILE NO. KCU-09-04 I, the undersigned certify that I did this date mail aria First Class Mail a copy of the attached notice to the following list of landowners adjoinina the property lines of the property where a conditional use permit has been requested. S-T-R: 17-28-21 Tract J Lot: 5E. 5ED, & 5EDA Property Owners: Premier Restaurants LLC P.D. Box 219 Missoula, MT 59506 JCM Architecture Attn: Jeff C. Map his P.O. Box 5145 Missoula, MT 59807 �isl� j�a Date: AND ATTACHED LIST Premier Restaurants LLC JCM Architecture Lee & Barbara Hel eland Fml Tr Attn: Jeff C. Maph.s � y P.G. Box � 19 P.O. Box 8145 997 Lake of the woods Lane Missoula, MT 59806 Missoula MT 59807 Big -fork, MT 5991 l KS Properties Ltd Partnership Ronald Tone Robin & el cini P.O. Box 23509 y Nigel 1401 industrial Avenue 1685 NIT Highway 209 1776 Columbia Falls Stage Billin s, MT 59104 Bigfork, MT 59911 Columbia Falls, NIT 59912 g D & D, Inc. Cenex Petroleum, Inc. HanZmer uist & ` Casale a Const. Hospitality Associates, LTD P.D. Box 64039 q 1417 1st .Avenue East 1341 1st Avenue East MS 536 Kalispell, MT 59901 St. Paul, MN 55164 Kalispell, MT 59901 Scott Goodnight The Gables, LLC Hammitt corporation 128 13th Street East 1310 South Main Street 1125 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Winona Hagel Life Estate Trevor Kugler Shannon Fralei Michael, Sharon, & F.A. Hagel g � 397 Addison Square 432 East Idaho #C-251 845 3rd Avenue East q Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Lance & Lori Deitrick Robertson Rentals, LLC Maureen & Philip Burden 1236 1st Avenue East P.O. Box 232 1235 lst Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Somers, MT 59932 Kalispell, MT 59901 Timothy & Sandra Schuldb.eiss Ian Miller DJL, LLcADO/o Reran Fairchild 1230 1st Avenue East 1215 1st Avenue East P.O. Box �200 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59904 Paul. & Helen Jones Family Trust James B. Getty Salvation. Army P.G. Box 189 1227 1st Avenue East P.G. Box 9219 Rollins, MT 59931 Kalispell, MT 59901 Seattle, WA 98109 Noreen K. Syth Joshua & Gretchen Stoner Kalispell Hospitality Company, Inc. 74 East Nicklaus Avenue 1246 1st Avenue East 1701 US Highway 93 South Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Joe withe City of Kalispell State of Montana y Attn: city Clerk 2701 Prospect Avenue 1231 South Main Street Kalispell, NIT 59901 P.O.r oBox 1997 Department of Highways Kalispell, MT 59903 Helena, MT 59601 NOW17 .90 i5T" s _2 SCALE 1 loo, Pi T DM 2/6/09 FILE# KCU-09�04 I-L-\gls\slte\kcuO9—U4 MT Club.dwg