Resolution 4069 - Budget Transfers425 (4 E L RESOLUTION a n F 9 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSFER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1992 FISCAL YEAR. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1992 fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures for the various departments of the City have proven inaccurate in the operation of the City for that 1992 fiscal year and, WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said classification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of expenditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1992 fiscal year, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budgeted appropriations in said classification will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1992 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, under the authority granted the Council by law to make transfers or revisions within a general budgetary classification, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers within the classification set forth in the City budget for the 1992 fiscal year should be made: As set forth in Exhibit "A: attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS 10th DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. ATTEST: Am'y H. Robertson, Finance Director Douglaq D. Rauthe, Mayor 426 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION TO: 1000 400 410560 320 Gen. Gov. printing $704 411300 345 tele $1 460452 341 Hockaday electric $30 366 Bldg maint $440 401 410210 110 Manager -salaries $2,118 157 life insurance $565 373 school $55 354 contract sere $288 379 meetings $62 402 410840 110 Council salaries $4,642 345 tele $17 373 school $250 379 meetings $391 403 410550 210 Finance office supp $23 320 printing $6 363 Off Eq Maint $137 404 411110 110 Attorney salary $524 312 postage $3 320 printing $10 322 books $989 345 tele $18 354 contract sere $65 406 420360 210 Court office supp $138 229 other supp $214 320 printing $903 351 legal fees $43 373 school $12 410 430100 320 Dpw office printing $15 335 dues $15 345 telephone $138 430264 110 Traffic -salaries $1,005 210 office supp $54 229 other supp $42 242 street signs $125 243 traff signals $194 366 bldg maint $168 373 school $19 431330 221 central garage safety eq $126 229 other supp $98 427 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION 241 Consum Tools $274 341 electricity $464 342 water $303 344 natural gas $924 354 Contr Serv. $320 412 411230 110 City Hall Salaries $768 341 electricity $1,722 342 water $1,187 345 telephone $89 354 contr. sery $402 366 Bldg Maint $519 413 420140 227 PD Ammo $527 210 off suppl $267 345 telephone $594 369 radio maint $213 363 373 equip maint school & Travel $152 $1,072 430266 341 Parking Electr $19 532 Lease Pay $1,764 416 420400 229 Fire other supp $99 '322 books $41 335 Member. Dues $10 373 school $257 524 fire hydrant $13,267 420 420530 110 Bd of Adj. salaries $3,785 210 Bldg -Off Supp $45 320 printing $1,865 322 books $287 331 Pub & File Fees $184 341 electricity $121 344 nat. gas $13 345 telephone $11 354 contr sery $525 360 repair/maint $332 373 school & travel $205 947 office equip 400 421 430240 110 Streets salaries $239 121 overtime $821 229 other supp $154 341 electricity $696 SM EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION 373 school $8 436 460430 121 Parks overtime $25 224 janitorial $7 362 equip maint $210 369 radio maint $332 380 training $27 393 forest grant $238 420 metal prods $2 440 plastic prods $10 460431 110 Recreation salaries $271 210 off supp $12 312 postage $3 320 printing $154 373 school/travel $7 460448 229 Day Camp other supp $256 337 advertising $27 437 460445 224 Pool -janitorial supp $62 229 other supp $288 341 electricity $274 344 natural gas $1,053 345 telephone $84 362 equip maint $180 TOTAL TO: $53,114 FROM: 1000 400 411030 397 DPW Contract Pay $599 410 430100 110 Salaries $7,230 431330 231 gas & oil $31,414 232 m.v.parts $8,864 412 411230 344 CITY HALL gas $130 421 430240 356 STREETS consultants $4,877 TOTAL FROM: $53,114 TO: 2170 000 430310 210 AIRPORT off supp $3 341 electric $37 510 liability ins $200 M 429 1 FUND EXP. CODE FROM: 2170 000 430310 360 TO: 2180 000 470270 354 421 460240 354 436 460430 934 935 FROM: 2180 000 470230 840 436 460430 364 TO: 2360 000 510330 354 FROM: 2360 000 510331 815 TO: 2370 406 410360 155 410 430100 412 411230 413 430266 421 430240 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS DESCRIPTION TOTAL TO AIRPORT AIRPORT repair/maint TOTAL FROM AIRPORT $240 $240 $240 TAX INCR Contr Sery $490108 contr sere $172 cap impr $48 downtown imp 59 TOTAL TO TAX INCREMENT $49,387 Redevelopment $49,280 Parks landscaping $107 TOTAL FROM TAX INCREMENT $49,387 COMP. INS Contr Sery $369 TOTAL TO COMP INS $369 COMP. INS- unins loss $369 TOTAL FRM COMP INS $369 RETIREMENT Court $180 DPW $299 City Hall $117 Parking $236 Street 526 TOTAL TO RETIREMENT $1,358 FROM: M 430 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION 2370 413 420140 155 RETIREMENT Street $10358 TOTAL FROM RETIREMENT $1,358 TO: 2380 404 411110 153 HEALTH Attorney $67 TOTAL TO HEALTH $67 FROM: 2380 410 430264 153 HEALTH Traffic Sig $67 TOTAL FROM HEALTH $67 TO: 2400 410 430263 360 LT MAINT Rep & Maint $912 TOTAL TO LT. MAINT $912 FROM: 2400 410 430263 341 LT MAINT Electric $912 $912 TO: 2420 421 430240 229 344 FROM: 2420 421 430240 471 TO: 2500 421 430240 110 121 155 354 GAS TAX other supp natural gas TOTAL TO GAS TAX GAS TAX road oil TOTAL FROM GAS TAX STREET MAINT. salaries overtime retiremnt contr ser $5 $725 $730 $730 $730 $3,312 $1,299 $1,144 $7,530 FROM: TOTAL TO STREET MAINT $13,285 431 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION 2500 421 430240 514 STREET NIAINT work comp $2,532 940 mach/equip $10,753 TOTAL FROM STREET MAINT $13,285 2886 480 470210 155 UDAG FUND Salaries $63 210 office supply $400 229 other supplies $152 342 water $18 363 off equip main $190 380 training mater $100 937 cap improv $1,198 TOTAL TO UDAG FUND $2,121 FROM: 2886 480 470210 712 UDAG FUND grants $2,121 TOTAL FROM UDAG FUND $2,121 TO: 2915 413 420140 110 D.A.R.E Salaries $275 155 Retire $67 TOTAL TO D.A.R.E. FUND $342 FROM: 2915 413 420140 229 D.A.R.E. other supp $342 TOTAL FROM D.A.R.E. $342 �7 2916 413 420140 152 DRUG ENF work comp $1,394 155 retirement $231 TOTAL TO DRUG ENF $1,625 FROM: 2916 413 420140 354 DRUG ENF contr sery $1,625 TOTAL FROM DRUG ENF $1,625 432 FUND EXP. CODE TO: 2965 410 430247 950 430246 950 FROM: 2965 410 430240 950 430130 950 430630 950 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/92 BUDGET TRANSFERS DESCRIPTION E.D.A. landscp const const in prog TOTAL TO E.D.A. E.D.A. Const in Prog TOTAL FROM E.D.A. $6,394 $22,426 $28,820 $17,703 $5,807 $5,310 $28,820 1 1