Resolution 4046 - Preliminary Plat - Lot 11 - Buffalo Head Addition #92RESOLUTION NO. 4046 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE AMENDED SUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 11, BUFFALO HEAD ADDITION NO. 92, LOCATED IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, Ernestine B. Anderson, the owner of Lot 11, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, Flathead County, Montana, has petitioned for approval of the Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 11, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, and WHEREAS, the proposed Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 11, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 is subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 (Summary Subdivision Review), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the Flathead Regional Development Office has reviewed the proposed subdivision and made a report to the City Council of the City of Kalispell, said report considering and weighing all public interest criterion set forth in Section 2.2(F)(3), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell has reviewed the report of the Flathead Regional Development Office and has found from the preliminary plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest, and WHEREAS, the City Council has based its public interest findings upon the following findings of fact: A. EFFECTS ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY: The effects and/or impacts of five townhouse lots in the area of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 is expected to be minimal relative to public health and safety. This subdivision is within the jurisdiction of the Kalispell police and fire departments. Emergency medical support is located nearby at Kalispell Regional Hospital. The property does not exhibit any natural hazards. The terrain is relatively flat and the property is not within a designated floodplain. Access is available via the platted road system of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. All roads have been paved and found to be "acceptable' by previous subdivision approvals in the area. B. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: The subject lot and subdivision is within the city limits of Kalispell. The property is zoned for residential development and has been developed accordingly. There is no residual wildlife habitat of significant value. Resolution No. 4046--Page 1 of 4 349 C. EFFECTS ON THE.NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: The property exhibits no unique natural features. The lot is relatively flat and there are no unusual or significant plant communities associated with the property. This lot has already been committed to residential development by previous subdivision approvals. There will be no additional impact on the natural environment. D. EFFECTS ON TAXATION: For taxation purposes, Lot 11 is valued at approximately $12,000. This translates to an annual tax of approximately $200. With development of a townhouse unit on each of the five sublots, annual taxes will likely approach $1,100 per year per unit. This assumes a value of $60,000 to $65,000 per townhouse unit. E. EFFECTS ON LOCAL SERVICES: 1. SCHOOLS Development of five townhouses is likely to contribute no more than two school age children to the Kalispell School District. It is possible that children from this subdivision may have to be bussed to various elementary schools for the purpose of equitably distributing children throughout the elementary school system. 2. PARKS AND RECREATION The subdivision is within the platted subdivision of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. When this subdivision was platted, it dedicated a large area for parkland and for common area. The previous dedication exempts this subdivision from additional parkland dedication requirements. In addition to these on -site and adjoining parkland areas, a developed playground area is also available in the area of Parkview Terrace. No additional recreational facilities are expected to be necessary with the addition of five families in this area of Kalispell. 3. FIRE PROTECTION The subdivision will be served by the Kalispell Fire Department. The department notes no particular concerns with the ability to adequately serve the proposed subdivision. Resolution No. 4046--Page 2 of 4 a 350 4. POLICE PROTECTION The Kalispell Police Department can adequately serve the additional five townhouse units. No additional manpower or equipment will be necessary. 5. ROADS The roads of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 have already been built and no additional roads will be necessary to serve the demands of the five additional units. The private drive that provides access to Lot 11 loops to Ponderosa Street which has primary and secondary access onto Grandview Drive. 6. WATER The subdivision will have five individual service lines connected to a 6" water main that follows along the private drive. The associated infrastructure is adequate to serve the needs of the individual units. 7. SEWER An 6" sanitary sewer main follows along the private drive. A service line has been extended to an area outside of the paved portion of the roadway. Service lines will extend from this existing sewer stub in a manifold type fashion. This design has been approved by the Public Works Department. 8. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Existing medical facilities in Kalispell will be able to accommodate the medical needs and emergencies of the residents of this subdivision. EFFECTS ON AGRICULTURE: The townhouse development is located within an approved residential subdivision and will have no direct or indirect impacts on agricultural activities. EXPRESSED PUBLIC OPINION: The proposed five lot subdivision is reviewed as a minor plat and, therefore, public noticing requirements are not necessary. To date, no one has expressed a comment on the proposed subdivision. Resolution No. 4046---Page 3 of 4 351 NEED FOR SUBDIVISION: The Flathead economy, in general, appears to be on the upturn and there appears a general lack of low to moderate priced housing in and around the Kalispell area. The proposed townhouse development will likely satisfy an unmet demand for this type of housing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA: SECTION I. That the application of Ernestine B. Anderson for approval of the Amended Subdivision of Lot 11 of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, a proposal to create five sublots on Lot 11, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, located in Section 6, T28N, R21W, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the subdivision gain approval to file plat from the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. 2. That the "Common Area" of the subdivision be proportionately distributed to each townhouse lot for taxing purposes. 3. That two off-street parking spaces be provided on -site for each townhouse lot. 4. That the unit density be in compliance with the recorded covenants. SECTION II. That this preliminary plat approval is effective for a period of one year following passage of this Resolution. SECTION III. That upon proper review and filing of the final plat of said subdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorders, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS 6th DAY OF APRIL, 1992. D UG D . RAUTHE -- -MAYOR ATTEST: Fina ce Director Resolution No. 4046---Page 4 of 4 rI 352 AMENDED SUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 11 BUFFALO HEAD ADDITION NO.92 SUBDIVISION REPORT #KPP-92-2 FLATHEAD REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE MARCH 30, 1992 The proposed subdivision is a m4ubdhrtsion at Lot 11 Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 to Kedlapell. The subject lot is shunted on the comer of Grandview Drive and Ponderosa Stred near Fkdh& d Valley Cornrnunity College. The proposed re -subdivision of Loot 11 wltl crea% five townhouse ins. This Is a rnlnor subivieion. APPLIGA QWff Ernestine B. Anderson 1500 Barkley Lane #112 WhItaffsh, MT 59937 406j862-9479 Rob Hetnecke 121 Iowa Avenue Whlteflsh, MT 59937 Marquardt & McAlister Surveying 1031 South Main Kalispell, MT 59901 The proposed ummhouse subdivision will be Wbxded on Lot 11 of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92In KMWWI. Buffalo, Head Addition is generally situated of Grandview Drive in the area of the Flathead Valley Community Cdiege. Lot 11 has an area of apprwdrne sly 0.336 scree. The subject properly Is undeveloped at this time. Adjoining land uses are residential and include other thwnhouse developments whhln the areas of Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 22, 23, 24,14, and 15. Five t w Ruse dwelling units are proposed for the property. This requires re -subdivision of Let 14 into five subkAL 1 i 353 As Indicated Mwlously, .the proposed townhouse developnwa Is similar to, the development of other lots In the area. The adjoining Parkview Tenace is primarily single family, however Is also occupied by duplex and other muM-family dweMV& The subject property and Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 Is zoned Resided1af Apastnerrt RA-1 under the provisions of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance. The proposed towntKupe development would be In subsWnttel c>onfomnanoe with an RA-1 zoning classification. The subject property appears to be subject to covenants that have been recorded as folk"& Book 503, Page 6; Book 666, Page 273; Book 724, Page 962; Book 759, Page 285; Recep&m No 8506711260; Reception No. 8510912300 all Reoxds of Flathead County, MT. The ca+ mnants as &&Abed in Book 724, Page 962, Section 5, indicate that Lot 11 can be re -subdivided to create five (5) residential units. The subdivision Is provided with a full range of public utilises Including municipal water and sewer, as well as telephone end electricity. All roads in the subdivision have been built and are paved. Lot 9, however, fronts along a 24 foal wide private drive. This lot said general road layout of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 was previously approved as a plaited subdivision by the City of Kalispell. The Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 11 Buffalo Head Addition No.92, Is reviewed as a ri*w surbdMslon In aocordenoe to Suction 2.7 of the Kalispell Subdivision Reg Aa ns. The scope d the review, follows the criteria of Section 2.2 (F) (3). ( Section numbers reflect uncodified version of the ordinance.) It shouid be noted at this time that the City of KaNspeN gained ownership of the Buffalo Head Subdivision as a result of delinquent taxes. The ammnt developer pur im eed the properly from the City with the undetstandingthat the subdivision could be developedacconding to pre&us approvals and Resoluaon No. 3500. This would Include the bulk and dimensional requ lmra nts In effect at the time of Resolution No. 3500. EFFECTS ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. The effects and/or Impacts of frve (5) townhouse lots In the area of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 is expected to be minimal relative to public health and safety. This subdivision Is wM*i ft MWdkdbn of ate Kalispell police and fire departments. Emergency medical support Is located nearby at Kalispell Regional E m 354 I-bsphal. The property does not exhibit any natural hazards. The terrain is relatK ely flat and the property is not within a designated fioodpkdn. Access is avallable vla the platted road system of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. AN roads haws been paved and found to be'acoaptable' by previous subdivision approvals In this arse. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: The subject lot and subdivision Is whhln the city limits of Kalispell. The property Is zoned for msidential deveiopmentand has been developed accordingly. There Is no residual Wkfilfe habitat of Wgnftwt value. EFFECTS ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: The, property eA-Mts no unique natural features. The kit Is relatively flat and there are no unusual or significant plant communities associated with the property. This lot has already been con wrrtd to residential development by previous subdivision approvals. There will be no additional impact on the natural envirorsmerd. EFFECTS ON TAXATION: For taxation purposes, lot 11 Is valued at approArnaittely $12,000, This translates to an annual tax of approximately $200. With development of a townhouse unit on each or the five (5) subkft, annual taxes will likely approach $1,100 per year per unit. This assumes a value of $60.000 to $65,000 per townhouse unit. EFFECTS ON LOCAL. SERVICES: Schools: Development of five (5) townhouses is Ikely to contribute no more than two sdad aged children to the Kalispell School District. it is possible that children from this subdvision may haws to be bussed to various elegy schools for the purpose of equth ly distributing children throughout the elementary school system Parks and Roomation: The subdivision Is within the platted subdivision of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. When this subdivision was platted, It dedicated a large arm for parkland and for oonvnon area. This prevbus dedication exempts this subdivision from addtional parkland dedications requirements. In addition to these on -site and adjoining parkland areas, a developed playground area Is also evailable in the area of Parkview Temsce. No additional recreational facilities are expected to be necessary with the addition of five (5) families in this area of Kalispell. 3 n 355 Fire Protection: The subdMsion will be seined by the Kalispell Fire Deparbnem The department notes no particular concerns with the ability to adequately serve the proposed subdivision. Polkas Protection; The Kalispell Police Department can adequately serve the additional 5we (5) townhouse units. No additional manpower or equipment wo be necessary. Roads: The roads of Buffalo Heard Addition Nb.92 have already bean built and no additional roads will be necesrrary b serve the demands of the Ove (5) additional units. The private drive Mat provides access to Lot 19 kaope to Ponderosa Street which has primary and seoondwy access onto Grartdvlew Drive. Waiter: The subdivision will have fire (5) individual service tines omnected to a li waiter main that follows along the private drive. The essoclated inirastructtne Is adequako to serve the needs of the lndividual units. Sewer: An 8' sanitary sewer main follows along the private dive. A service line has been exterxied to an area outs lde of the paved portion of the roadway. Service lines will extend from this existing sewer stub in a manifold type fashkxx This design hmbeen approved by the Public Works DepwUnent Public Health Services: Existng medical facilities In Kalispell wil be able to accommodate the media needs and emergencies of the residents of this subdivision. EFFECTS ON AGRICULTURE: The townhouse development Is located within an approved residential subdilvtston and will have no direct or Indirect Impacts on egricult M adlvities. EXPRESSED PUBLIC QPINIM. The proposed five (5) last sUbdMsion Is reviewed as a minor plat and, therefore, public noticing requfrernerrts are not necessary. To date, no one has expressed a comment on the proposed subdivision. 4 m 355 NEED FOR SUBDIVISION: The Flathead economy, In general. appears to be on the upturn and there appears to a general lads of low to moderate priced housing In and around the Kalispell area. The proposed townhouse development WIN likely satisfy an unmet demand for this type of housing. Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 was platted In 1979. The subdivision Included Lot 11 which is subject to the proposed townhouse development. The covenants recorded witty Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 anticipated the development of tWs lot with live (5) townhouse units. The sjadMsion is being built and designed it substantial confomnanoe to the originally approved plat It is recommended that the Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 11 of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 be approved subject to the following conditions. 1. That the subdivision gain approval to file plat from the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences.. 2. That the •Common Area' of the subdivision be proportionately dlsWbuted to each townhouse lot for taxing purposes. & That two off-street pm*Jng spaces be provided ors -site for each townhouse lot. 4. That the unit density be in compliance with the recorded covenants 5. That this preliminary plat approval Is valid for a period of one year. 5 M 357 RESOLUTION NO. 4047 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE AMENDED SUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 12, BUFFALO HEAD ADDITION NO. 92, LOCATED IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, Ernestine B. Anderson, the owner of Lot 12, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, Flathead County, Montana, has petitioned for approval of the Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 12, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92, and WHEREAS, the proposed Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 12, Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 is subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 (Summary Subdivision Review), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the Flathead Regional Development Office has reviewed the proposed subdivision and made a report to the City Council of the City of Kalispell, said report considering and weighing all public interest criterion set forth in Section 2.2(F)(3), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell has reviewed the report of the Flathead Regional Development Office and has found from the preliminary plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest, and WHEREAS, the City Council has based its public interest findings upon the following findings of fact: A. EFFECTS ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY: The effects and/or impacts of four townhouse lots in the area of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92 is expected to be minimal relative to public health and safety. This subdivision is within the jurisdiction of the Kalispell police and fire departments. Emergency medical support is located nearby at Kalispell Regional Hospital. The property does not exhibit any natural hazards. The terrain is relatively flat and the property is not within a designated floodplain. Access is available via the platted road system of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. All roads have been paved and found to be "acceptable' by previous subdivision approvals in this area. B. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: The subject lot and subdivision is within the city limits of Kalispell. The property is zoned for residential development and has been developed accordingly. There is no residual wildlife habitat of significant value. Resolution No. 4047---Page 1 of 4 358 C. EFFECTS ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: The property exhibits no unique natural features. The lot is relatively flat and there are no unusual or significant plant communities associated with the property. This lot has already been committed to residential development by previous subdivision approvals.. There will be no additional impact on the natural environment. D. EFFECTS ON TAXATION: For taxation purposes, Lot 12 is valued at approximately $12,000. This translates to an annual tax of approximately $200. With development of a townhouse unit on each of the four sublots, annual taxes will likely approach $1,100 per year per unit. This assumes a value of $60,000 to $65,000 per townhouse unit. E. EFFECTS ON LOCAL SERVICES: 1. SCHOOLS Development of four townhouses is likely to contribute no more than two school age children to the Kalispell School District. It is possible that children from this subdivision may have to be bussed to various elementary schools for the purpose of equitably distributing children throughout the elementary school system. 2. PARKS AND RECREATION The subdivision is within the platted subdivision of Buffalo Head Addition No. 92. When this subdivision was platted, it dedicated a large area for parkland and for common area. The previous dedication exempts this subdivision from additional parkland dedication requirements. In addition to these on -site and adjoining parkland areas, a developed playground area is also available in the area of Parkview Terrace. No additional recreational facilities are expected to be necessary with the addition of four families in this area of Kalispell. 3. FIRE PROTECTION The subdivision will be served by the Kalispell Fire Department. The department notes no particular concerns with the ability to adequately serve the proposed subdivision. 4 Resolution No. 4047--Page 2 of 4 M