House of Representatives/Prerelease CommentF MONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HELENAADDREBB: CAPITOL BUILDING PO BOX 288400 Aptil. "'5 2009 HELENA, MONTANA 59620-8488 PHONE, (4413) 444-4888 Mayor Kennedy and Council Members, Tonight before your council, you will be making a' decision n the future 1.oca ion of the Pre Release Center at 2282 US, 1-fighway 93 S. As many of you know, the Flathead delegation worked hard on gaining the, fuudin.g for this Center ,ix,), 2007 and do support having this Pre l el ws Center come to Northwest Montana. With that being said, the undersipvd Legislators have cones as to the location that has been chosen - We ask you to reconsider your actions and uake into conso"deration the concerns of businesses that have invested millions of dollars in their business pv-rcbasong city property and developing it in a very attractive and Qcon.omically beneficial. 1. way. 'We also ask you to tale into c ii,,�ideration the concQrn. of the surrounding housing Communities that h.,,ave al,so voice d concizms against this proposed. locatiom 'P1 asc take our thou lits into consideration when you cast your vote tonight and, take a moment to listen to the long timealispell, hu.siness and, citizen's conce � that hae heiced. Thanks .fog+ your service to the City of Kalispell and we hope tliat you will reconsider your actions. Sincerely, YYiY•R'T Rep, Mark Blasdel House Dist,, #1 Rep. Bill Beck JAY - 1r• - 4 Rep. Jon Sonja' Hue Dist. Rep. Scott ReichnQx House Dist. #6 House Dist. # r " W�SLNT Sen. v rdell Ja son Senate Dist, ## ..-.YJLST•� Rep, Cb.ejyl Steenson House .fist, # Senate Ili sT.